Here is what is happening in Lakeway.
Freaky Friday:The Musical

From Jan. 30 through Feb. 3, at 7PM, Lake Travis Fine Arts presents Disney’s Freaky Friday: The Musical. Location is Lake Travis Performing Arts Center (3324 RR 620 South). Go here for info and tickets:
Council Meets on Monday, Feb. 3 for a Special Meeting, 6:30PM at City Hall.

Lakeway City Council will take action on 2 items teed up at last week’s meeting (limiting sidewalks use and banning heavy trucks), review wildfire prevention, consider how to use $1,400,000 in FEMA funds, discuss making interim improvements on 620, make a FINAL decision on putting up to 6 Charter amendments on the May ballot, and more.
Consequential Agenda items include:
ITEM 6 (within Consent Agenda): Adopting ordinance limiting sidewalk use to pedestrians, bicycles, electric bicycles, and electric personal assistive mobility devices.
ITEM 7 (within Consent Agenda): Adopting ordinance making it an offense to operate heavy trucks on Flint Rock Road, Serene Hills Drive, Bee Creek Road and Highlands Boulevard, with some exceptions and a fine of $500.
ITEM 8: Presentation on Tri-City Emergency Management Wildfire Preparedness and Mitigation
ITEM 9: Discussion of Interim Projects to Improve 620 (at an estimated cost of $250,000, and happening BEFORE the TXDOT expansion).
ITEM 10: Discussion and Possible Action Regarding FEMA Funds (total of $1,418,299), with at least 4 possibilities: leaving the money in the General Fund; spending the funds on emergency response vehicles and equipment or on wildfire mitigation; establishing a new Emergency Response Fund; and establishing a new Capital Improvement Plan.
ITEM 11: Calling a Special Election on May 3 for up to 6 Charter Amendments (in this NEW order):
–Prop A Revising the Residency Requirement for City Manager Shall Section 4.01(a) be amended to require the City Manager reside within the boundaries of the Lake Travis Independent School District, instead of within the City limits?
–Prop B Eliminating the Office of City Treasurer Shall Section 4.06 be deleted, thereby eliminating the volunteer office of City Treasurer, and other Charter provisions be amended as necessary to remove references to the City Treasurer?
–Prop C Changing the Approval Process for Police Department Policies and Procedures Shall Section 4.07 be amended so that the policies and procedures adopted or changed by the Chief of Police for the Police Department shall be approved by the City Manager and reported to the Council at least annually, instead of having the City Council approve them when adopted by the Chief of Police?
–Prop D Changing the Process for Appointing Members of City Boards and Commissions and Changing the Terms of Office of Each Member of a Board or Commission [NOTE: This ONLY applies to ZAPCO, since the other standing Boards and Commissions are being eliminated-see Prop E and Prop F below.] Shall Section 7.01 be amended to change the process for appointing members of City Boards and Commissions so that the Mayor and each Council member shall nominate a person for a one-year appointment to each Board or Commission, subject to Council approval?
–Prop E Eliminating the Board of Ethics Shall Section 7.05 be deleted in its entirety, thereby eliminating the Board of Ethics?
–Prop F Eliminating the City Building Commission Shall Section 7.06 be deleted in its entirety, thereby eliminating the City Building Commission, which is responsible under the City’s development ordinances for determining whether to grant certain variances and waivers; and to transfer those functions to other City Boards or Commissions, or to City staff, as determined by Council?
ITEM 12: Executive Session on legal issues relating to City Center.
View the Agenda, Meeting Packet, and/or Presentation (scrolling down to City Council documents) here: Go here to watch the Council meeting online (live or later):—Meetings-Events
Friends of the Park Annual Meeting/Dinner—OPEN TO ALL
On Thursday, Feb. 6, anyone interested is invited to attend the annual meeting of Friends of the Park, at Lakeway Activity Center. Doors open at 6PM, with dinner at 6:30, and speaker at 7PM. Meeting is FREE; if you want the Rudy’s BBQ dinner, charge is $10/plate for members, $15/plate for non-members. Please RSVP to Speaker is Ginny Lindzey, of Wild Birds Unlimited. Plus, the next Friends of the Park WORKDAY is on Saturday, Feb. 8. Go here for info on this group’s activities:
School Voucher Forum

On Sunday, Feb. 9, 2:30PM, there will be a Panel Discussion on School Vouchers with several area stake-holders, including Rep. Vikki Goodwin (Texas House District #47). The FREE event is sponsored by Indivisible 1431, a group of concerned citizens along the FM 1431 corridor. Location is Live Oak Unitarian Universalist Church (3315 El Salido Pkwy., Cedar Park, TX 78613). More info here:
Art at the Library
During February, local artist Villa Shurielle will be on display in the meeting room of Lake Travis Community Library (1938 Lohmans Crossing). Artist Reception will be on Saturday, February 8, 1-3PM.
Black History Month Story Walk
During February, take a walk along City Hall Trail (1102 Lohmans Crossing Rd.) and read about the significant contributions African Americans have made to America, celebrating Black History Month. Exhibit officially opens on Jan. 31.
Art at City Hall
During February, the City Hall Art Gallery (1102 Lohmans Crossing, open 8AM-5PM weekdays) features local artist Guy Burchak. Go here for info on the display and about how to apply to present your own art at this venue:
Garage Sale at LAC—non-member registration opens Feb. 4.

REGISTER early to get a booth at the first Lakeway indoor garage sale of 2025, happening on Sat., March 15, 8AM-noon, at Lakeway Activity Center. LAC members can register now; cost is $30. Non-members can register starting Feb. 4; cost is $35. For info and registration, go here and click on the Garage Sale tab:
Lake Travis Community Library is HIRING.
The library is seeking a part-time Administrative Assistant/Bookkeeper. Deadline to apply is February 9th. Go here for full info and to apply:
Brown Bag Concert Lunch

On Thursday, Feb. 13, from noon-1PM, bring your lunch and drop by the Lakeway Activity Center (105 Cross Creek) to enjoy A Capella Texas, offering up world-class harmonies. FREE event!
Council and Mayor applications now accepted

City of Lakeway is now accepting applications from residents to run for Mayor and for Council (3 seats available). These are volunteer/non-salaried positions with a 2-year term. Deadline to file is Feb. 14. Our local election is on May 3. Go here to review the Candidate Packet, including the application needed to apply:
Austin Symphony tickets make a great VALENTINES Day gift…

TICKETS NOW ON SALE for “A Night with the Austin Symphony Orchestra.” This will be Lakeway’s 5th annual collaborative concert experience featuring members of the Austin Symphony Orchestra and talented musicians with the Lake Travis High School Band and Orchestra. Concert is on Sunday, April 6, 2025, at 4PM, at the Lake Travis Performing Arts Center (3324 Ranch Rd 620 South). Info and tickets here:
TexArts Productions

TexArts has 2025 productions scheduled, presented at its NEW theater located in the heart of Lakeway at 1110 Ranch Road 620 South. Go here for details and to buy tickets:
- Feb. 14-March 2: Tick, Tick … Boom!
- July 11-Aug. 10: Bye Bye Birdie
Lake Travis Democrats

Check for club activities each month.
- Monthly Meeting—Tuesday, Feb. 18, 6:30PM, at Lake Travis Community Library (1938 Lohmans Crossing Rd.). The speaker is Mara Richards Bim, discussing how evangelicals are infiltrating politics into Christian Churches throughout Texas.
- Banned Book Club—Tuesday, Feb 25, 6:30PM, at Lake Travis Community Library (1938 Lohmans Crossing Rd.). Our book is Stamped: Racism, Antiracism and You written by Jason Reynolds with research by Ibram X. Kendi, author and historian at American University.
Highlands Boulevard Safety TOWN HALL Meeting
On Monday, Feb. 24 6-7:30PM, City of Lakeway hosts a Town Hall discussing pedestrian and vehicle safety for Highlands Boulevard. The location is Rough Hollow Welcome Center (903 Highlands Blvd.). Info here:
The Odd Couple

The Lakeway Players present their “female version” of Neil Simon’s classic play The Odd Couple, running Feb. 27-Mar. 1, at Lakeway Activity Center (105 Cross Creek). Tickets on sale now to LAC members, Feb. 3 for non-members. Bring your own dinner; doors open 6:30PM, with the curtain rising at 7:30PM. Go here for info and tickets:
Sunday Concert Series–SungEun Park on Piano
On Sunday, March 2, 4PM, pianist SungEun Park performs at Lakeway Activity Center (105 Cross Creek). She has extensively performed as a solo pianist and chamber musician throughout Korea, Italy and the United States. FREE event!
Spring Shred & Recycle Event Coming Up
Plenty of time to organize and declutter, before this FREE opportunity to drop off papers for shredding, plus hard-to-recycle items. On Tuesday, March 18, 9-11 AM, LT Senior Services will sponsor a shredding and recycle station in the parking lot of Lakeway Aquatic Physical Therapy Parking Lot, (by Reid’s Cleaners and the Brazilian Steak House, in Lakeway Commons, 900 RR 620 S, corner of 620 and Lakeway Blvd.). Recycling items which will be accepted include plastic bags/wrap, batteries, empty ink cartridges, styrofoam, paint and household chemicals (limit 5 gallons/person).
Heritage Trail Bus Tours—register NOW to ride in March

Registration is OPEN for the next FREE historical bus tours taking place Friday, March 28 at 10 AM, noon, and 2 PM. Tours begin and end at Lakeway City Hall. Start with a tour of the historic Liebelt Cabin, before boarding a bus (featuring restrooms). Tours covering around 20 historical locations are narrated by a member of the Lakeway Heritage Committee, in about an hour. More info here:
Library Teen Service Scholarship
Teen volunteers at Lake Travis Community Library can apply for Friends of the Library scholarships. Eligible applicants must be graduating high school seniors who have volunteered a minimum of 75 hours at the library and are planning to continue their education. Application deadline is April 1. Go here for info and to apply:
Waste Connections Scholarship
Waste Connections continues its annual scholarship program in 2025. 12th graders (private, public or home-schooled) planning to attend a university, college, junior college, technical, or trade school for an undergraduate level degree or trade certification are eligible, as long as a parent or legal guardian is signed up for trash and recycling services with the City of Lakeway (account must be in good financial standing). Application deadline is April 12. Info and application are here:
Lakeway Singalong (performing and entertaining audiences since 1999) is now Lakeway Sings! And, the group is always on the lookout for new voices. Rehearsals are generally Thursdays from 3-5PM, at Lakeway Activity Center. Lakeway Sings! is now busy preparing for the spring show, “Getting to Know You,” April 25-26; tickets go on sale March 18. The group also presents a Christmas show each year. More info here:
Council Met on Jan. 27 (delayed from Jan 21 due to weather).

Council looked at a housing development allowing 82 homes on 13 acres on Kollmeyer Drive, putting 6 Charter amendments on the ballot, limiting sidewalk use, banning heavy trucks from Flint Rock Road and Serene Hills Drive, calling the City Elections for May 3, and more. All members attended the meeting, all in person. RESULTS:
ITEM 13: Financial Report
–3 months into the fiscal year, as far as projected revenues and expenditures, the city is running $660,000 to the good. Plus, FEMA reimbursed the city for $1,300,000 incurred due to 2023’s winter storm Mara.
ITEM 14: Citizens Participation for Items NOT on the Agenda
—2 people spoke.
ITEM 15: Update/Discussion as to the Economic Development Committee’s BUY LOCAL Campaign
—Chair Larry Harlan discusses the Buy Local campaign, hopes to soon have more project ideas, and needs more committee members representing area businesses. NO COUNCIL ACTION.
ITEM 16: Request to change zoning of 13.36 acres located at 15115 Kollmeyer Drive from Agricultural and R-6/SF Residential to Planned Unit Development/PUD, in order to build 82 single family homes. [NOTE: Last October, ZAPCO reviewed the developer’s initial plan of 130 homes and voted unanimously to recommend denial of approval. ZAPCO reviewed this second plan for 82 homes on Jan. 5 and voted 4:3 to recommend approval.]
—APPROVED 5/2 (Sherman and Brynteson against), with 2 conditions: the minimum home square footage is 1,700sf, and the developer must complete a sidewalk to the school (likely on Kollmeyer).
ITEM 17: FIRST READING of ordinance change limiting sidewalk use to pedestrians, bicycles, electric bicycles, and electric personal assistive mobility devices.
–After short discussion with favorable consensus, the item was SCHEDULED for action on the Consent Agenda at the Special Meeting in February.
ITEM 18: FIRST READING of ordinance making it an offense to operate heavy trucks on Flint Rock Road and Serene Hills Drive, with some exceptions and a fine of $500.
— After short discussion with favorable consensus, the item was SCHEDULED for action on the Consent Agenda at the Special Meeting in February, PLUS a motion to add Highlands Blvd. and Bee Creek Road to the ordinance PASSED UNANIMOUSLY.
ITEM 23: Discussion and possible action as to 6 proposed City Charter amendments, with new language and some alternate options provided by the City Attorney. As discussed at recent Council meetings, the 6 changes Council may place on the May ballot for residents to approve or disapprove are:
*Prop A Eliminating City Treasurer–UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED.
*Prop B Eliminating City Building Commission–UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED.
*Prop C Eliminating Board of Ethics—PASSED 4/3 (Kilgore, Vance, Sherman against).
*Prop D Changing how members are appointed to ZAPCO (the only standing Commission/Board left if Prop B and C eliminate CBC and Ethics), as well as how long members serve and how they can be removed, with the primary change being giving each Council Member the power to appoint a ZAPCO member instead of the Mayor appointing all of them subject to Council approval as is now the case. [NOTE: This one has 3 alternate versions, so the City Attorney’s Prop D chart is above.]
–First, Council voted on which of the 3 versions to use; they opted for Version 1, on a 4/3 vote (Kilgore, Vance, Sherman against). In summary, Version 1 says the Mayor and each Council Member nominates a person for a one-year appointment. Then, Council voted on whether to put this Prop D on the ballot; that also passed 4/3 (Kilgore, Vance, Sherman against).
NOTE: This is really Prop KNOZ—Kick Nina Off ZAPCO. That is the point and has been the point since Council Member O’Brien started carping about this at his VERY FIRST COUNCIL MEETING after being elected in May of 2023. To quote Mayor Kilgore on Jan. 27 (and, frankly, he was being kind to broaden the field a bit): “There are at least 2 or 3 people on ZAPCO who some in the community and some members of this Council don’t like for personal or political reasons—things they’ve said, things they’ve written online. People would like this changed because they would like a couple people removed. We should have the intestinal fortitude to admit that. We are not solving a problem; we are settling a score.” (3:50 in the video.) Speaking of scores: Council Member O’Brien and Council Member Forton are up for re-election on May 3. Vote accordingly!
*Prop E Having the City Manager review Police Department policy and procedure changes instead of Council as is now the case—Council was working with new language supplied by City Attorney, so the result is not completely clear. They seemed to vote on having the City Manager review and approve police department policy/process changes and promptly inform Council, BUT also giving the City Manager the option of sending police matters to Council for input. That PASSED 5/2 (Kilgore and Sherman against).
*Prop F Allowing the City Manager to live anywhere within Lake Travis Independent School District boundaries, instead of within City of Lakeway as is now the case—Passed 6/1 (Sherman against).
ITEM 24: Ordering a General Election on May 3, to elect the Mayor and 3 Council Members.
ITEM 25: Ordering a Special Election on May 3, to reauthorize a local sales and use tax in the City of Lakeway at the rate of one fourth of one percent (1/4%) to provide revenue for maintenance and repair of municipal streets.
ITEM 26: Ordering a Special Election on May 3, to revise the City Charter.
—POSTPONED until the Feb. 3 Special Council meeting, with staff instructed to draft specific language for Prop D and Prop E as passed at tonight’s meeting, organizing the 6 Props in order of Charter appearance.
ITEMS 28/29: Executive Sessions on legal intervention as to West Austin Business Park and on legal issues related to City Center.
–NO ACTION taken.
ADJOURNED at 11:47PM. View the Agenda, Meeting Packet, and/or Presentation (scrolling down to City Council documents) here: Go here to watch the Council meeting online:
Daring Mighty Things

The above image shows Earth in all its glory, as captured by an orbiting unmanned craft. (Image credit: Firefly Aerospace.) Firefly Aerospace’s Blue Ghost moon lander launched on Jan. 15 and since then has orbited Earth. Soon, it will perform an engine burn that will take it on a 4-day ride to the moon. Once there, Blue Ghost should orbit the moon for a couple weeks, before dropping down to land on the moon. Blue Ghost moon lander sees Earth as a ‘blue marble’ from orbit 1/24/25

Relax, the above image is an artist’s illustration of a rogue asteroid approaching Earth. (Image credit: Robert Lea, via Canva.) But, that is exactly what NASA recently announced is happening soon. A newly discovered asteroid, called 2024 YR4, is no small rock; it is 196 feet wide, currently 27 million miles out, and heading our way. It will make a VERY close approach to Earth in December of 2032. In fact, NASA says the asteroid has a 1-in-83 chance of striking Earth. One chance in 83. Sure, those would be good odds if you were talking about losing your keys or getting fired. But, when the stakes are sending humanity the way of the dinosaurs 7 years from now, I would prefer more of a cushion. Astronomers discover 196-foot asteroid with 1-in-83 chance of hitting Earth in 2032 1/29/25
With liberty and justice for all … except women.

“An extremely personal choice.” Exactly. Two women, two very different journeys, but both reached the decision to seek medication abortion via telehealth. This is an important read. (Image credit: Austin American Statesman.) ‘An extremely personal choice’: How two women reached their abortion decisions 1/22/25

Forget leaving abortion to the states—Trump clearly has forgotten he promised that during the election. Now safely ensconced in the Oval Office as a lame duck, Trump is free to return to his full-on anti-abortion stance to appease far-right MAGA. Already, his federal government has executed several pro-life moves. The US is re-joining The The Geneva Consensus Declaration, an international anti-abortion pact alongside countries such as Uganda, Saudi Arabia and Belarus; the group seeks to curtail abortion access for millions of women and girls worldwide. Further, Trump reinstated the so-called Mexico City Policy, restricting foreign organizations receiving U.S. global health funding from providing and promoting abortion with other sources of financing. (Federal law already prohibits funds paying for abortion, but this rule bans non-US funds being used for abortion.) The result will deny federal funds to groups that distribute contraception and help combat HIV and other sexually transmitted infections. Also, Trump voided Biden administration policies promoting safe reproductive care world-wide. As V-P Vance promised the crowd at the 2/24 March for Life: “Trump will be the most pro-family, most pro-life American president of our lifetimes.” (Image credit: Jose Luis Magana/AP.) Trump signs anti-abortion policies after speaking to March for Life 1/24/25
Plus—Trump pardoned 23 anti-abortion activists involved in the 2020 invasion and violent blockade of a Washington clinic. Trump pardons anti-abortion activists who blockaded clinic entrances 1/23/25
And—Trump’s executive order declaring there are only two genders and they are established at conception did more than completely misstate the scientific facts of gender. It managed to sneak in “life begins at conception” terminology, which opens to door to fetal personhood and the end of abortion at any time and for any reason. Trump’s executive order on gender uses language pointing to ‘fetal personhood’ 1/23/25
Also–Trump’s misbegotten nominee for Secretary of Human Health and Human Services has obligingly adopted a pro-life stance. Despite being a life-long Democrat who supported bodily autonomy, at recent confirmation hearings Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. sang a different tune: “I agree with President Trump that every abortion is a tragedy. I agree with him we cannot be a moral nation if we have 1.2 million abortions a year. … I serve at the pleasure of the president. I’m gonna implement his policies.” ‘Every abortion is a tragedy,’ RFK Jr. says 1/29/25

When SCOTUS in the Dobbs decision struck down Roe’s 50 years of abortion as a Constitutional right, other personal freedoms were clearly also at risk. That includes the right to marry the person you want. In 2015, SCOTUS held same-sex marriage was a Constitutional right, in Obergefell v. Hodges. Ever since, the far-right has attacked that right. Now, one front of that attack is happening in Utah, where a new bill is pending to demand SCOTUS overrule Obergefell and allow each state to make its own law on who can and cannot marry. In Utah, Republicans control the House and Senate, so passage of the bill is likely. Then, SCOTUS could hear the request and—just like it did to abortion in Dobbs—strike down a personal right that Americans have relied on—built their lives on—for decades. Up next—interracial marriage and any number of anti-segregation laws. Memorial targeting same-sex marriage in Idaho heads to House floor after passing committee 1/22/25
Back to me….
Change is hard. I’m trying to figure out what to hold onto, what to blow up, and what to keep on ice for consideration later. Happily, none of this involves flying anyplace, any time soon…. I, for one, am thrilled to be done with January. It began with a mass killing in New Orleans, ended with 2 horrific plane crashes, and featured deadly wildfires ripping through LA mid-month. Not to mention all the political mayhem…. February has to be better, right?
Our deer herd isn’t into change, though they cycle through the seasons. Right now, they are playing hard to get, as happens every winter. I didn’t spot many deer on my recent walks, but here are a few photos.

Coronavirus Update

Covid-19 activity seems to be falling. On data updated as of Jan. 25, the 3 factors of testing, ER visits and deaths all showed a decided drop. (Hospitalizations have not been updated since Jan. 4, when all stats were rising.)

As of Jan. 25, national wastewater viral activity remained at HIGH levels. Texas as a state increased from LOW to MODERATE now.