What is going on in Lakeway?
Big Freeze Clean Up

Debris Collection after Winter Storm Mara

Storm debris is being collected by the city, at no charge to residents, thanks to Mayor Kilgore. BIG PROGRESS has been made! Per the city’s last update, over 100 streets have been cleared and over 330 huge truckloads of debris hauled to Public Works for disposal. The task is immense, and work is expected to continue another week or so.
The REVISED map above shows 5 colored collection zones. NEW—the streets already cleared are shown with pink lines. Each zone has a giant claw collection truck and a team of workers going street by street to clear storm debris from the curbs.
Here is the city’s updated map page where you can search by street and zoom in: https://www.lakeway-tx.gov/2053/30408/Brush-Tree-Limb-Curbside-Pick-Up-Map
Check here for the latest info: https://www.lakeway-tx.gov/CivicAlerts.aspx?AID=1723 Email info@lakeway-tx.gov or contact Public Works at (512) 608-9000 with any questions.
Here is a quick (45 seconds) but illuminating video from Feb. 14, showing one of the giant claw trucks collecting storm debris curbside, as well as views of the Public Works destination facility: https://www.facebook.com/cityoflakeway/videos/950666122959895/
Oak Wilt
Concerned about oak wilt? Due to storm damage and the disaster declaration, oak trimming is allowed if needed, despite February being the start of the no-prune season. Any fresh cuts must be sealed immediately, to guard against the beetles that spread oak wilt. (Use professional tree sealer or latex paint.) Breaks during the storm were sealed by the cold and ice; also, it is ineffective to seal wounds after a day has passed. Here are some helpful links:
–Painting oak wounds: https://www.lakeway-tx.gov/354/Paint-All-Wounds
–Preventing oak wilt: https://www.lakeway-tx.gov/217/Oak-Wilt-Prevention
Insurance/Damage Claims
The city’s Disaster Declaration will facilitate insurance claims. Take pictures of damage to your property from the storm, including spoiled food, roof damage, broken windows, fallen trees, etc. Keep receipts for costs incurred. IN ADDITION TO MAKING CLAIMS ON YOUR OWN INSURANCE, report damage to the state here: https://damage.tdem.texas.gov/
Plane Crash on Live Oak Golf Course.
On Feb. 12, a small private plane traveling from San Antonio to Tennessee experienced engine trouble and detoured to the Lakeway Airpark for an emergency landing. Instead, it crashed behind the driving range of the nearby golf course, taking out fencing and equipment belonging to Lakeway MUD. The pilot was alone in the plane and sustained no serious injury. Happily, no one was hurt on the ground. NTSB is investigating. Go here for several photos of the incident: https://www.facebook.com/lakewaypolice/posts/pfbid03txYUfHJjFmVBcbJterg3E298mNSuBF3iwtPkZm74d2iP17Kj8Z48Xd3McYk241Nl
LOTS going on at Lake Travis Community Library

Fraud/ID Theft Prevention Class
On Tuesday, Feb. 28 at 10:30AM, Lakeway Police Sgt. Jason Brown will conduct a fraud and ID theft prevention class. FREE and open to the public, this is an opportunity for residents to learn about deterring criminals from getting access to personal information and bank accounts.
“Women in Art” during month of March
March 1-31, the Lakeway Arts District presents “Women in Art,” a special art exhibition celebrating Women’s History Month. This exhibit includes paintings, drawings, digital AI art, and mixed media sculptures by local women artists, inspired by women’s history, health, beauty, motherhood and equality.
Check out the Artist Reception on March 4, 1:30-3PM AND the Art Demo on March 11, 1:30-3PM. MORE art events at the library in March are listed here: https://lakewayartsdistrict.com/women-in-art/
Lakeway is HIRING–including SUMMER JOBS
Open positions include summer jobs (lifeguard, swim instructor, concessions attendant) plus administrative assistant, events coordinator, facility attendant, accounting specialist, code compliance manager, permit technician, juvenile case manager, court supervisor, 911 operator, and police officer. Go here for info and to apply: https://tx-lakeway.civicplushrms.com/CareerPortal/Jobs.aspx

The next Lakeway Community Blood Drive will be on Saturday, March 18, 8AM-noon, at the Lakeway Activity Center (105 Cross Creek). The event is always well organized, clean and friendly. You will be done and out the door in under 30 minutes. It is an important cause and helps countless people. Plus—FREE JUICE AND COOKIES!
While walk-ins are welcome, those with appointments have priority. You can see upcoming dates and make an appointment to donate by entering your zip code here– https://weareblood.org/donor/schedule/
Garage Sale at Lakeway Activity Center
The next community garage sale is Saturday, March 25, 8AM to noon. Admission is FREE, but in the LAC lobby you can drop off non-perishable or canned food items, to be donated to local food banks and charities. You can also donate new or gently used children’s books, for the Free Little Books bin at the entrance.
Want to sell stuff? Booths measure 10X10. LAC members: $30 (starting Feb. 20); non-members: $35 (starting Feb. 27). Call 512-261-1010 to reserve a booth, space permitting. Click here to reserve a booth online/check availability: https://secure.rec1.com/TX/lakeway-tx/catalog/index/6e27b884045052f2756fa61c687caf87?filter=c2VhcmNoPWdhcmFnZQ==
Scholarships for 12th Grade Level Students

Submissions are being accepted through April 22 for the annual City of Lakeway/Waste Connections $1,000 scholarships for 12th grade level students. This scholarship is only available to students whose parents are signed up for solid waste services with the City of Lakeway. Go here for details and to apply: https://www.lakeway-tx.gov/1993/Waste-Connections-Scholarship
Mayor Kilgore’s Facebook Update
Our fabulous mayor gave a live update on city matters on Feb. 16. Go here to watch: https://www.facebook.com/cityoflakeway/videos/1452969672107772
Heritage Bus Tours in May

Register now for this popular and FREE event! Explore the history of Lakeway through one of three available bus tours taking place on Friday, May 5. Times are 9:15AM, 11:15AM, and 1:15PM. Depart from Lakeway City Hall (1102 Lohmans Crossing Rd.). This is a great way to celebrate the 60th anniversary of Lakeway’s founding.
Go here for more info and to register: https://secure.rec1.com/TX/lakeway-tx/catalog/index?filter=c2VhcmNoPWhlcml0YWdlK2J1cyZyZW50YWwlNUJmcm9tJTVEPSZyZW50YWwlNUJ0byU1RD0
Council had a SPECIAL Meeting on Feb. 13.

This was a follow up to the Feb. 6 Council meeting, with the ONLY Agenda item being final review of a streamlined Development Agreement for accelerated construction of LTISD’s Elementary School #8 on 25 acres of land on Bee Creek Road, in time to open in August of 2024.
RESULT: All members were present.
They voted unanimously to DENY the Development Agreement (largely due to traffic issues as well as loss of commercial space/sales tax income, with the consensus being this school should be located in Sweetwater since it will primarily serve those families, rather than burden Lakeway). LTISD is free to bring a new proposal if things change, but as of now there will not be a new elementary school built on Bee Creek Road.
View the Agenda, Meeting Packet, and/or Presentation (scrolling down to City Council documents) here: https://www.lakeway-tx.gov/archive.aspx
Go here to watch the Council meeting online: https://lakewaytx.new.swagit.com/videos/208190
Council Met on Feb. 21.

All 7 members attended in person. RESULTS:
ITEM 17: Financial Report. Revenue was $197K below projections; however, this situation is improving, along with the flow of property tax payments from Travis County. Expenditures were $583K below projections, due to employee vacancies.
ITEM 18: Citizens Participation. NONE.
ITEM 19: Request for a total of $57,820 from the city’s Hotel Occupancy Tax Fund for promotion of the 2023 Lake Travis Film Festival. UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED.
ITEM 20: Replat of 8.985 acres, being Lot 1 Lake Travis Church of Christ at 1808 Lohman’s Crossing, into 2 lots, both with access and frontage onto Lohman’s Crossing. UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED.
ITEM 21: Special Use Permit Amendment for Garages of Texas, at 1009 RR 620 North, to allow limited commercial uses. UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED.
ADDENDUM ITEM A. 2: City Manager reported on his decision, as per Mayor Kilgore’s suggestion, to award $80,000 in merit bonuses among 35 city employees, due to excellent performance during the recent Winter Storm Mara. NO ACTION NEEDED (as funds within budget).
ADDENDUM ITEM A. 3: Executive Session RE: Bianca King’s lawsuit against the city over denial of a permit for her daycare center on Vanguard. NO ACTION TAKEN.
View the Agenda, Meeting Packet, and/or Presentation (scrolling down to City Council documents) here: https://www.lakeway-tx.gov/archive.aspx
Go here to watch the Council meeting online: https://lakewaytx.new.swagit.com/videos/208793
Zoning and Planning Meets on March 1
ZAPCO’s monthly meeting is on Wed., March 1, 9AM at City Hall. View the Agenda, Meeting Packet, and/or Presentation (scrolling down to Zoning and Planning documents) here: https://www.lakeway-tx.gov/archive.aspx
Lakeway ELECTIONS—Coming Soon

Local elections will be on May 6, with Early Voting starting April 24. (If you aren’t registered to vote, the deadline is April 6.)
EIGHT CANDIDATES will be on Lakeway’s ballot.
Unfortunately, at least 3 of the 8 candidates are endorsed and funded by a certain Lakeway PAC. The bad thing about PACs is they conceal the identity of those contributing to political campaigns. I think Lakeway residents deserve to know exactly who is funding these campaigns, and to what extent. $50 is no big deal, but $500 likely comes with strings. And, this PAC gave $20,000 to ONE candidate for Council last year. Wonder what they got for their money? The PAC in question is The Committee to Protect Lakeway (CTPL), and it is funded by several groups, including those in power during past administrations (often stained with scandal), people orchestrating recent ugly episodes involving our police force and our airpark, and developers intent on making even more money on Lakeway deals. Since the PAC’s website endorses 3 candidates it is currently supporting, I will note them below.
Also, every election we get a mystery candidate who no one knows—someone who has skipped all the wonderful opportunities to participate in city functions, volunteer to help with events or serve on committees, or just attend Council meetings and provide constructive comments. They just deemed themselves ready run our city, without knowing the issues or the players—or even the way to City Hall…. This year, we are blessed with TWO of these charmers. I will note the “Who is THAT?” candidates below, as well.
The 3 candidates* for Mayor are:
–Incumbent Tom Kilgore was elected Mayor in 2021. In a very busy 2 years, he helped the city recover from the pandemic’s economic effects, guided us through extensive and much-needed city ordinance updates, made possible the completion of Main Street, oversaw practical assistance to residents during the recent ice storm as well as collection of debris afterward, and much more. Mayor Tom managed all this while keeping Lakeway’s share of our property tax bills low. His campaign site is here (this is the 2021 site which I assume will soon be updated for the current campaign): https://kilgoreforlakeway.com/
–Ron Cooper is a Rough Hollow resident and close associate of Legend Communities CEO Haythem Dawlett. An insurance adjuster, Cooper has lived in Texas and in Lakeway for just 3 years; his only city service to date seems to be a brief stint on the Ethics Committee. He is endorsed and funded by the CTPL PAC. His campaign site is here: https://www.roncooperformayor.com/
–Roy Paar has lived in Lakeway only 10 months (but seemingly will meet the 1-year residency requirement as of Election Day, just barely). From Portland, Oregon, he lists his occupation as “consultant.” Prior to filing to run for mayor, he has not volunteered for any city service or even attended meetings, as far as I can tell. His campaign site is here: https://roypaar.com/
*There were 4 candidates, but Shiloh Newman withdrew from the Mayor’s race on Feb. 24.
The 5 candidates for Council are:
–Incumbent Gretchen Vance was originally elected to Council in 2019 and currently serves as Mayor Pro Tem. She is an entrepreneur who has lived in Lakeway for 13 years. Her campaign site is here: https://www.vote-vance.com/
–Dan Vardell is a multi-disciplinary technology manager who has lived in Lakeway for 8 years. He was a member of the Comprehensive Plan Committee during recent updates, and he now serves on the city’s Zoning and Planning Commission. His campaign site is here: https://www.vote-vardell.com/
–Kevin Bernzott is a financial CEO and has lived in Lakeway for 3 years. He is a member of the City Building Commission. His campaign Facebook page is here: https://www.facebook.com/kevinbernzott
–Chris Forton works in life insurance and has lived in Lakeway for 8 years. He ran for Council back in 2018 and now serves on the city’s Zoning and Planning Commission. He is endorsed and funded by the CTPL PAC. His campaign site is here: https://www.chrisforton4lakeway.com/
–Kent O’Brien is an engineer who has lived in Lakeway for 14 years. Prior to filing to run for Council, he has not volunteered for city service recently or even attended meetings, as far as I can tell. He is endorsed and funded by the CTPL PAC. His campaign site is here: https://www.kentforlakeway.com/
Upcoming blogs will include more info on the candidates and their positions on the issues, as well as details on upcoming forums, media questionnaires, etc., so we can all get to know them and assess how well their visions of Lakeway match ours. Vote accordingly!
Daring Mighty Things

Moonwalkers—I want these! Why walk when you can run, with the same effort? These devices strap onto regular shoes and convert your walking stride into a glide that effortlessly increases speed to 7MPH, a normal running pace. It looks like they will be available soon, retailing at $1,400. “One small step for walking, one giant leap for urban mobility.”

Russia’s replacement ride home from the International Space Station launched on Feb. 23 (and is scheduled to dock at the station late on Feb. 25). Last December, a Soyuz craft managed to dock with ISS and deliver 2 Russian cosmonauts and 1 American astronaut, despite experiencing loss of all coolant during the journey; this problem rendered the ship unable to fly crew members back to Earth. Since then, the station was unable to evacuate all humans on board in the case of emergency. The Russians eventually announced the Soyuz leak was caused by impact with a micro-meteoroid. This was called into question when a Russian freighter that had been docked with ISS for several months suddenly developed a coolant leak a few weeks ago; however, Roscosmos insisted the leaks were a coincidence, with the freighter’s leak caused by “external influences.” Russia launches replacement spacecraft for astronauts stranded by coolant leak 2/23/23 https://www.cnn.com/2023/02/23/world/russia-spacecraft-leak-rescue-soyuz-launch-scn/index.html

On Feb. 14, NASA’s mini chopper, Ingenuity, flew its 43rd mission over Mars, increasing its total flight distance to nearly 6 miles. The Red Planet’s Energizer Bunny weighs in at 4LBS and was created to experiment with flight in micro-gravity; only 5 missions were planned. Its endurance has proven invaluable in scouting out pathways for the rover Perseverance as it searches for evidence of past or present life on Mars. Ingenuity helicopter aces 43rd Mars flight, its longest in 10 months 2/17/23 https://www.space.com/mars-helicopter-ingenuity-43rd-red-planet-flight
With liberty and justice for all … except women.
States across the country are convening their first legislative session post-Dobbs, and abortion bills are running rampant. Almost exclusively anti-abortion, these bills often propose punishing doctors and other medical workers (with fines, imprisonment and loss of license) for performing surgical abortions or prescribing abortion pills. In a few blue states, legislatures are gearing up to protect doctors from out-of-state subpoenas and sanctions. A New Goal for Abortion Bills: Punish or Protect Doctors 2/16/23 https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/16/us/abortion-bills-doctors.html
The absurd Texas lawsuit contesting the FDA’s approval over 20 years ago of the abortion drug mifepristone is STILL PENDING in an Amarillo federal court before a Trump-appointed judge who has previously issued rulings hostile to abortion rights. A result is expected any day, and a ruling in favor of the conservative Christian plaintiffs would stop medication abortions nationwide, pending appeal that would likely end up in the US Supreme Court. What to know about Texas ruling that could see abortion drug taken off the market 2/8/23 https://abcnews.go.com/Health/texas-ruling-abortion-drug-off-market/story?id=96816852
Back to me….

I had the privilege of attending Michigan State University way back when for my undergraduate degree, so the recent mass shooting there really hit hard. SPARTAN STRONG—GO GREEN!

Driving along Lohmans Crossing lately, you will have noticed all the land stripped of trees and overrun by noisy machines and clouds of dust. Starting near the elementary school and across from The Hills’ main gate, then running behind the police station and finally meeting up with Medical Drive behind HEB, construction of a church plus 3 large mixed use developments is all approved and underway. Legend Communities is building Tuscan Village 2 (which currently has no connection to the existing Tuscan Village) and The Square on Lohmans. Stratus Properties is supposed to (finally) finish building The Oaks. All told, there will be hundreds of single-family homes, hundreds more apartments and town homes, plus extensive retail, restaurant, entertainment, office and other commercial sites. The GOOD news is there will be a large park (at the HEB end and on the Rolling Green side). The BEST news is that Lakeway will finally get Main Street connected to Lohmans Crossing at Wingreen Loop (with a stop light where The Hills’ gate is). Lohmans Spur will also connect to Main Street at a roundabout (ugh) behind the police station. Both developers are obligated to complete 4-lane roads on a set timetable. However, Stratus hasn’t even begun ground work, so expect the CITY OF LAKEWAY to build that segment of Main Street meeting Medical Drive, along with a pricey bridge over an environmentally sensitive area that will drive costs up to $4MIL-5MIL (that amount having very smartly been included in the recently approved transportation bond).
So, if you notice deer, coyotes, foxes, or other wildlife in new areas around Lakeway, it could well be due to their having been displaced from all the acres that are suddenly a massive construction zone.
Here are some recent photos I took of our deer herd.

The Coronavirus
China’s official estimate of Covid deaths in the months after the government’s abrupt removal of all restrictions is under 100,000. Experts, however, point out glaring omissions and place deaths between 1 million and 1.5 million people.
The American elderly remain vulnerable to Covid-19, with 90% of those now dying from it being 65 and older. People with medical conditions including asthma, diabetes and immune deficiencies are also at high-risk. Yet, in this country precautions like masking and vaccine mandates rankled from the start. Now, virtually no one takes any precautions, for themselves or others. Ethical arguments aren’t even being made anymore. Crucially, this attitude extends far beyond Covid (and clearly did not start with the pandemic). As the following article sums up: “Americans do not agree about the duty to protect others, whether it’s from a virus or gun violence.” For Older Americans, the Pandemic Is Not Over 2/11/23 https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/11/health/covid-pandemic-seniors.html
The latest casualty due to lack of Covid funding is tracking data. Many data trackers are shutting down, making it harder for individuals and even government agencies to gauge illness, hospitalization and deaths as the Covid emergency officially ends but the disease remains prevalent.
On Feb. 24, the FDA authorized emergency use of the first over-the-counter test that detects Covid-19 AND the flu. Lucira Health’s test delivers results in 30 minutes, from a nasal swab. Release to the public is not yet scheduled and could be complicated by Lucira Health’s recent bankruptcy filing.
In the US, in the last 2 weeks, the official stats show new cases fell 13% and hospitalizations dropped 5%. Deaths decreased 27% to an average of 328 Americans per day. See the chart below for current stats. The national testing positivity rate held steady at 10%.

The US as a whole is trending in the right direction, with the Northeast in particular seeing low case levels now. However, western states, especially Utah and Nebraska, are seeing rising cases and hospitalizations. Reporting sources caution that Covid death figures are artificially low now, due to data processing delays from the CDC.
In Texas, in the last 2 weeks, infections decreased 21%, hospitalizations dropped 14%, and deaths fell 55%, with an average of 14 Texans dying each day. (BUT—see the caveat above on current data processing delays artificially suppressing death figures.) See the chart below for current stats. The positivity test rate dropped slightly to 11%.

Recent Covid Articles I Recommend
FDA authorizes first at-home combo flu/Covid test 2/24/23 https://www.politico.com/news/2023/02/24/fda-at-home-flu-covid-test-00084420
What the end of COVID trackers means for the future of the pandemic 2/23/23 https://abcnews.go.com/Health/end-covid-trackers-means-future-pandemic/story?id=97399856
Is the United States Ready for Back-to-Back Pandemics? 2/22/23 https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/22/opinion/bird-flu-pandemic-h5n1.html
As the Pandemic Swept America, Deaths in Prisons Rose Nearly 50 Percent 2/19/23 https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/19/us/covid-prison-deaths.html
How Deadly Was China’s Covid Wave? 2/15/23 https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2023/02/15/world/asia/china-covid-death-estimates.html