Jan. 4, 2025 Lakeway starts a whole new year, plus cool space news and images, new deer photos, Covid update, and more.

During the month of January, local artist Lynn Zwern’s contemporary impressionistic watercolors will be on display in the meeting room of Lake Travis Community Library (1938 Lohmans Crossing).  Plus, meet the artist at a reception on Saturday, Jan. 11, 1:00-2:30PM.

Lakeway’s Public Works Department will accept holiday trees from residents through Jan. 10, 7AM-3:30PM.  Drop off is at 3303 Serene Hills Drive. Remove all decorations from the tree prior to recycling.  Full info here: https://www.lakeway-tx.gov/62/Public-Works

OR, Waste Connections will pick up live Christmas trees with regular garbage collection, through January 10.  BUT, trees must be cut into 3 feet sections, with all decorations removed.

Austin Animal Center and Greater Good Charities have teamed up to offer a spay/neuter clinic for cats and dogs in Travis County.  Location: Travis County Exposition Center (7311 Decker Lane, Austin, TX 78724).  FREE; first come/first served.  Running from Jan. 8 through Jan. 12, registration and drop-off begin at 7:30AM daily, continuing until 10AM or until that day’s schedule is full.  Must be a resident of Travis County; bring PROOF of residency (ID or piece of mail).  Pets must be at least 2 LBS and 2 months old.  Full rules and info here: https://www.austintexas.gov/event/free-community-spayneuter-clinic-clinica-comunitaria-gratuita-de-esterilizacion

And, they still need VOLUNTEERS to help organize and supervise the animals, as well as assist the medical team.  Go here for full info and to sign up: https://tinyurl.com/2zbk2dmt

On Saturday, Jan. 11, 10:30-11:30AM, drop by Lake Travis Community Library (1938 Lohmans Crossing) and swap out your jigsaw puzzles with ones that will be new to you.  (Puzzles must be in good condition, well-packaged and include all pieces.)

The next blood drive at LAC is on Saturday, ­­­Jan. 11, 8am-noon.  The event is always well organized, clean and friendly.  You will be done and out the door in under 30 minutes. It is an important cause and helps countless people. Plus—FREE JUICE AND COOKIES!

The November blood drive had VERY few donors.  I was shocked, as Lakeway generally leads the way for giving and volunteerism.  What could be more important than giving blood to save lives?  Plan to donate on Jan. 11.  Plus—talk this up to family, friends, neighbors, co-workers.  Let’s start 2025 right and get the LAC Ballroom filled with blood donors.

While walk-ins are welcome (until 11AM), those with appointments have priority. You can see upcoming dates and make an appointment to donate by entering your zip code here– https://weareblood.org/donor/schedule/

On Thurs., Jan. 16, 10:30—11:30AM, adults can stop by Lake Travis Community Library (1938 Lohmans Crossing) to learn how to make your own craft jewelry.  Staff member Beth Yoder will provide all needed supplies.

The meeting is the 3rd Tuesday because that Monday is a holiday.  About a week in advance, check here (scrolling down to City Council items) for the Agenda: https://www.lakeway-tx.gov/archive.aspx

Monthly Meeting: Tuesday, Jan. 21, 6:30PM at Lakeway Activity Center (105 Cross Creek).  Speakers will be Brian Pena (President of the UT Democrats) and Robert Norris (President of Grandparents for Public Schools).

 Banned Book Club: Tuesday, Jan. 28, 6:30PM at Lake Travis Community Library (1938 Lohmans Crossing). The book is I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou.

Check https://www.laketravisdemocrats.com/ for club activities each month.

On Thursday, Jan. 23, from noon-1PM, bring your lunch and drop by the Lakeway Activity Center (105 Cross Creek) to enjoy the Lake Travis Fiddlers.   FREE event!

From Jan. 30 through Feb. 3, at 7PM, Lake Travis Fine Arts presents Disney’s Freaky Friday: The Musical.  Location is Lake Travis Performing Arts Center (3324 RR 620 South).  Go here for info and tickets: https://www.ltisdschools.org/departments/fine-arts-academic-enrichment

A commemorative tile in the Lakeway Activity Center courtyard is a great way to honor a loved one, a special occasion or a valued group, even advertise a business.  Deadline to order ‘Pave The Way’ tiles this winter is January 31, 2025.  Call for info: 512-261-1010.

During February, take a walk along City Hall Trail (1102 Lohmans Crossing Rd.) and read about the significant contributions African Americans have made to America, celebrating Black History Month.

Waste Connections continues its annual scholarship program in 2025.  12th graders (private, public or home-schooled) planning to attend a university, college, junior college, technical, or trade school for an undergraduate level degree or trade certification are eligible, as long as a parent or legal guardian is signed up for trash and recycling services with the City of Lakeway (account must be in good financial standing).  Application DEADLINE is April 12, 2025.  Info and application are here: https://www.lakeway-tx.gov/1993/Waste-Connections-Scholarship

Open positions include full-time maintenance job at the Activity Center and police officer. Go here for info and to apply: https://www.lakeway-tx.gov/124/Current-Job-Openings

Mid-afternoon on Dec. 30, a red-hot metallic ring measuring 8 feet in diameter and weighing 1,100 pounds crashed into a village in the southern part of Kenya.  (Image credit: Kenya Space Agency.)  Happily, no one was hurt.  Kenyan authorities retrieved the item, which was soon identified as space debris, likely a rocket’s separation ring.  Identification of the rocket/launching agency is in progress.  So far, authorities have no explanation as to how such a huge piece of equipment could return to Earth intact, instead of disintegrating into harmless bits during re-entry.  Space debris crash in Kenya village believed to be from leftover rocket hardware 1/2/25 https://www.space.com/space-exploration/satellites/space-debris-crashes-into-kenyan-village-believed-to-be-leftover-rocket-hardware

Space will be busy in 2025.  Things to watch for include: moon landing attempts, more test launches of SpaceX’s Starship mega-rocket, human spaceflight adventures, and asteroid sampling missions.  (Jupiter is shown above, in 2024; image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/MSSS.)  Launches, moon landings and more: Here’s the top spaceflight missions to watch in 2025  1/1/25 https://www.space.com/space-exploration/missions/launches-moon-landings-and-more-the-top-spaceflight-events-to-look-forward-to-in-2025

Multiple threats have been made recently about bombs hidden at Starbase, the South Texas SpaceX headquarters, or actually inside rockets located there.  The threats are under investigation by the FBI.   (Image credit: SpaceX.)  Currently, the next launch out of Starbase will be another Starship test flight, which could happen as early as Jan. 10. FBI probes ‘bomb threats’ made against SpaceX rocket at South Texas launch site 1/3/25 https://www.statesman.com/story/news/state/2025/01/03/fbi-spacex-threats-starship-rocket-boca-chica-texas-launch-site/77437123007/

So, 2025 certainly had a lousy start.  But, last year was heinous, and I don’t expect anything better this year.

I’m seeing our bucks starting to group back together, so it looks like rut season is done.  Here are some photos I took in the last couple weeks in Old Lakeway.

Covid-19 activity continued to rise over the last 2 weeks. Indicators (test positivity, ER visits, hospitalizations and deaths) rose as of Dec. 28. As always in winter, the upward trend was bolstered by holiday travel and gatherings.  https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#datatracker-home

As of Dec. 28, national wastewater viral testing INCREASED from moderate to HIGH.  Texas as a state still tested LOW.   https://www.cdc.gov/nwss/index.html

This fall’s edition of the Covid-19 vaccine is available in local pharmacies. 

Have you gotten the UPDATED Covid-19 shot?  I got mine in early October; during 13 days of poll working, several of my co-workers caught Covid, but I did not.  If you want to be protected this winter, start here: https://www.heb.com/pharmacy/vaccinations

This new vaccine was formulated to work against recent variants, so everyone is urged to get vaccinated.  Consider getting it along with your annual flu shot.  Check with your doctor or pharmacist for the best timing, if you recently had Covid or recently got vaccinated.  New COVID, flu vaccines arrive in Austin 8/31/24  https://www.statesman.com/story/news/healthcare/2024/08/28/covid-flu-vaccine-2024-near-me-austin-texas-tips-pharmacy-doctors-office/74965044007/

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