Be brave like Ukraine.
Here is what’s happening in Lakeway….
Lakeway still feels like hell’s front porch.
This heat is deadly. Stay hydrated.
Please, put water out for wildlife and wandering pets. An old ceramic pot or planter base will do; put it in the shade and rinse/refill it daily. (Thanks to Angels Among Us Animal Rescue for the water bowl image.)
DO NOT LEAVE PETS IN THE CAR—not even for a minute. Be careful walking dogs; sidewalks and pavements will burn paws. Even in your yard–make sure there is always shade and fresh water.
Lakeway Arts District August Calendar.
Check out all the local arts and cultural events during the month of August on this handy calendar:
Beauty and the Beast.
Magnolia Musical Theater presents FREE outdoor performances of the Disney classic, Beauty and the Beast, Wednesday-Sunday, 8PM, running through Aug. 13. Location is the Central Plaza Lawn at the Hill Country Galleria.
Lake Travis Democrats Club—August Fun.
Monthly meetings resume in September, but until then:
Aug. 3–Happy Hour 5:30PM at Tulum Restaurant, 3519 RR 620 N.
Aug 22–Banned Book Club 6:30PM at Lake Travis Community Library. The book is Small Mercies, by Dennis Lehane.
Go here for more info, including membership, plus date and details on the August Movie Night:
Sunday Afternoon Concert Series.
Austin Brassworks presents a FREE concert on Sunday, Aug. 6 at 4PM, at the Lakeway Activity Center. The brass quintet formed in 2018 and offers jazz, big band, polka and orchestral music to delight the whole family. The five members of the core quintet are: Robert Laguna, trumpet; Jose Yznaga, trumpet; Chris Willuhn, French horn; Danny Schmidt, trombone; and Mark Cain, tuba. Go here for more info on the performers and on the program:
Big Band Bash.
On Monday, Aug. 14, enjoy big band music at Lakeway Activity Center. Doors open at 6:30PM, with the show running 7-9PM. The 17-piece Republic of Texas Big Band features David Cummings and Lisa Clark on vocals. FREE event!
TexArts—9 to 5, the Musical—and more.
—9 to 5, the Musical, runs Aug. 4-27. Tickets:
—2023-2024 season subscriptions are on sale. Call 512-852-9079 ext.101 or email
Spikeball Tournament.
Lakeway Parks & Recreation will host a special Spikeball Tournament on Saturday, Aug. 19. The event is FREE. ALL AGES are welcome. It starts at 8:30AM, at the new Bee Creek Sports Complex (4440 Bee Creek Rd.). Go here for info and to sign up:
Taste Lake Travis Food Festival.
On Sept. 16, noon to 4PM, the LT Chamber of Commerce presents Taste Lake Travis–“a new food festival with a Texas twist.” The location is The Meadows at Safe Harbor Marina at Emerald Point on Lake Travis. TICKETS REQUIRED. Go here for more info and to buy tickets:
Brush Recycling Offered 1st Thursday of Every Month.
City of Lakeway offers free yard waste drop off for Lakeway residents the first Thursday of every month, at the Public Works Department (3303 Serene Hills Drive) 7AM-3:30PM. Limit is one pickup truck load of yard waste or up to one 8’X5′ pile. Go here for details, including what is accepted:
Oak Trimming Season.
Trimming Oaks is allowed July-January. But, when trimming, pruning seal must be applied within 10 minutes to all cuts on all Oak trees. Oak pruning is a violation of Lakeway ordinance February through June, due to higher likelihood then of spreading Oak Wilt. More info here:
School’s Back in Session.
First day back at LTISD, for most kids, is Wednesday, Aug 16. Revise your commute accordingly….
City Garage Sale.
The next Lakeway Garage Sale is on Saturday, Sept. 9, 8AM-noon at the Activity Center. Booth Sales for Members ($30) begin Aug. 1. Booth Sales for the general public ($35) begin Aug. 7. Call 512-261-1010 to reserve a booth, space permitting.
Admission is FREE, but in the LAC lobby you can drop off non-perishable or canned food items, to be donated to local food banks and charities. You can also donate new or gently used children’s books, for the Free Little Books bin at the entrance.
SkyHawks Sports THIS FALL.
The popular SkyHawks Sports summer camps will continue this fall, as after school classes and holiday camps. Options are flag football, basketball/soccer, cheerleading, golf, tennis, and more. Go here for info and to sign up:
Auto thefts/break-ins in Lakeway.
City of Lakeway recently reported a rash of car break-ins and thefts, at least 16 incidents in July. Particularly troubling is that in several cases, guns were left in cars and stolen. That puts our entire community at risk. So sad that this all needs to be said to adults, but:
—LOCK YOUR CAR, always.
–NEVER LEAVE THE KEYS or FOB in your car.
House Watch.
If you are traveling this summer or only occupy your home here part-time, Lakeway Police Department provides a House Watch program, at no charge. Just let them know, and officers will perform close patrols of the address and contact you if anything appears suspicious. Call 512-261-2800 for info and go here to sign up:
BIKES on paths.
Lakeway recently updated its ordinance on what types of vehicles are allowed vs. NOT ALLOWED on city paths, in an effort to keep everyone safe. Keep in mind that the new fully motorized “bikes” are both VERY heavy and VERY fast, meaning they cannot safely share narrow and twisty paths in our parks, trails and greenbelts with pedestrians, strollers, dogs on leashes, etc.
The above image (credit: City of Lakeway) shows what is allowed and what is prohibited. The shorthand explanation is that bikes with FUNCTIONAL PEDALS are allowed; bikes with no pedals or with pedals that do not propel the device are prohibited.
APPROVED: Bicycles, pedal-assisted electric bicycles and electronic personal assistive mobility devices.
PROHIBITED: Electric motor bikes, electric scooters, gas/electric motorcycles, pocket bikes, mini motorcycles, neighborhood electric vehicles, off-highway vehicles and of course motor vehicles and trailers.
Report use of an unauthorized device to Lakeway Police Department at (512) 261-2800. Go here for more info:
City of Lakeway Budget Update and Property Tax Rate Info.
The city’s July 21 newsletter had this notice, related to the recent Council meeting:
City Manager Joseph Molis explained that due to inflation, growth of the city and expenditures from clean-up costs associated with the February ice storm, City Council may need to raise the tax rate, while staying below the estimated voter approval rate. The City clean-up costs from the February 2023 ice storm, when broken down per property amounted to approximately $189 per Lakeway homeowner if costs spread across the community. But, this service was provided free for our residents. Even if the tax rate was raised to near the estimated voter approval rate, the annual cost increase would not exceed that amount. No decisions were made Monday night. City Council will continue the budget discussion at another workshop on August 7, and take a vote on the budget and tax rate the end of September. (See my Council meeting report below, with my prediction that a property tax rate hike will be needed.)
Council Met TWICE on Monday, July 17, at 2PM and at 6:30PM.
1–Lakeway Special/BUDGET Council Meeting on Monday, July 17, 2pm, at City Hall.
Five members attended the meeting, all in person, with Councilmembers Mastrangelo and Forton being absent.
Council heard detailed information on options for increasing employee compensation, as well as on options for helping employees with the high cost to insure dependents. Staff was instructed to explore the favored options.
Committees made funding requests for the coming year. These included: Arts ($58,500); Economic Development ($25,000); Heritage (amount unclear); and Wildlife ($22,900). No action was taken, with funding to be decided later in the budget process.
The FY2024 Budget Session included department funding requests, suggested Capital Outlays, status of ARPA fund purchases, review of several Special Funds, and more. Again, no decisions were made.
MY IMPRESSION: It is early in the process, and things could turn around. But, the repeated theme at Budget meetings has been the sharp rise in costs (everything from employee salaries and benefits to the most basic supplies). So far, the numbers don’t add up, unless Council raises the tax rate. That isn’t the end of the world, considering Lakeway’s share of our property tax bill is ONLY about 7%. If the city needs to raise the tax rate in order to take care of our employees and meet residents’ high expectations as to city services, it won’t increase our tax bills painfully. THAT falls to the big winners of the property tax sweepstakes—LTISD and Travis County.
2–Lakeway Regular Council Meeting on Monday, July 17, 6:30pm, at City Hall.
All members attended the meeting, all in person.
ITEM 3: Staff Honors and Recognition. Mayor Kilgore detailed the several recent honors awarded to Lakeway’s Communications Department, Finance Department, Parks and Rec Department, and Police Department. Plaques, applause, handshakes and grins—sorry, it is hard to describe but really was quite special. I suggest everyone take a few minutes and watch the video, just to see proof the City is in good hands. It happened at the very start of the meeting, right after the Pledge of Allegiance.
ITEM 11 (within the Consent Agenda): Decreasing the speed limit on all of Serene Hills Drive from 35 to 30 miles per hour. PASSED UNANIMOUSLY, as part of the Consent Agenda.
ITEM 15: Financial Report. REVENUE was over projections, by $800,297. EXPENDITURES were also over projections, by $422,956.
ITEM 16: Citizens Participation for Items NOT on the Agenda. NONE.
ITEM 17: Lake Travis Chamber of Commerce request for $18,500 in Hotel Occupancy Tax Funds, for its Taste Lake Travis event in September, 2023. PASSED UNANIMOUSLY.
ITEM 19: Special Use Permit for an auto and boat detail business at 1542 Cavalier Canyon (just off 620). DEFERRED (due to applicant’s absence) until the Aug. 21 meeting.
ITEM 20: Special Use Permit for an automobile service station (no gas sales, minor service/repairs only) at 16728 Hwy. 71 West (at Serene Hills). PASSED UNANIMOUSLY.
ITEM 21: Amending the ordinances to require a special events permit for private social gatherings when participants exceed 500. After considerable discussion, staff was asked to gather more information and draft a suggested notification/application, to be reviewed at a later meeting.
ITEM 24: Amending the ordinances to prohibit use of motorized bikes, off-road vehicles, etc. in our parks and greenbelts, except motorized bicycles and mobility vehicles as defined in the Texas Transportation Code. PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. (See above item on exactly what is allowed/NOT allowed. Basically, bikes with FUNCTIONAL PEDALS are allowed.)
ITEM 25: Discussion of creation and timing of Comprehensive Planning Steering Committee and Charter Review Committee. After considerable discussion, staff was asked to draft an ordinance detailing the agreed method for staffing the next Comprehensive Plan Committee (7 people–2 being ZAPCO members–appointed individually by the Mayor and Council members, with the Mayor naming the Chair and with 2 Council members serving as liaisons), to be reviewed at the next meeting (and with committee members chosen by October). Note that Charter Review was tentatively set to begin in January of 2024, with Lakeway residents voting on suggested changes likely in May of 2025.
ITEM 26: Discussion of xeriscaping. DEFERRED until Aug, 21 meeting.
ITEM 27: Discussion of City of Lakeway assuming control of traffic signal operation on 620. DEFERRED until September meeting.
ITEM 29: Executive Session—Police Department. NO ACTION TAKEN.
View the Agenda, Meeting Packet, and/or Presentation (scrolling down to City Council documents) here:
Go here to watch the SPECIAL/BUDGET meeting online:
Go here to watch the REGULAR Council meeting online:
Upcoming Council Meetings.
Council has a SPECIAL meeting set for Aug. 7, in addition to the REGULAR meeting on Aug. 21 (when the tax rate will be proposed).
Daring Mighty Things
America won the Space Race after President Kennedy challenged NASA to land humans on the moon during the 1960’s. Turns out, we have to do it again, in order to preserve a myriad of resources on the moon and beyond. Return to the moon: The race we have to win (again) 7/20/23
WHAT IS THIS? Space junk? Marine debris? Time-traveling machine? A hoax? It recently washed up on a beach 150 miles out of Perth. Australia prides itself on being different, but this 7’ tall cylinder of decorated metal is a real oddity. Australian Space Agency investigating possible rocket debris found on beach 7/17/23
Before Barbie hit the big screen, she flew in space and spent time on the ISS. (Image credit: Smithsonian.) Now, Space Barbie is on display at The Smithsonian. 1st Barbie dolls to fly into space make their debut at Smithsonian Air and Space Museum 7/20/23
This might lure me back into the theater…. In October, “Deep Sky” will run in IMAX theaters nationwide. Narrated by actress Michelle Williams, the 40-minute film celebrates one year of images beamed back to Earth from the James Webb Space Telescope. James Webb Space Telescope stars in breathtaking new IMAX documentary 7/23/23
The above gorgeous image (credit: Miguel Claro) was taken in the desert of Iran. It shows the glowing arch of our own Milky Way galaxy; Mars and Jupiter shine near the horizon, and neighboring Andromeda galaxy is off to the lower left. More info here:
NASA lost communications with the International Space Station on July 25. The cause of that problem remains under investigation, but the back-up system was successfully activated, with comms re-established to the astronauts on board within 90 minutes. (NASA was communicating with the Russian cosmonauts on ISS within 20 minutes.) NASA briefly lost contact with International Space Station after power drop 7/26/23
Humans have been sketching the moon and otherwise creating detailed images of it for over 400 years, since the first primitive telescope was invented. This article includes fascinating details as well as many gorgeous mapping images through history. The above image was created by German astronomer Johann Friedrich Julius Schmidt in 1878; image credit–Library of Congress. Celebrate 400 years of moon maps for Apollo 11’s anniversary (gallery) 7/19/23
With liberty and justice for all … except women.
In Texas, the 6-week abortion law is being challenged by a group of women whose doomed pregnancies could not be terminated due to the 2022 law, causing them to nearly die before doctors would intervene. They are demanding the state clarify when a medical emergency justifies an abortion. Tearfully testifying against Texas’ abortion ban, three women describe medical care delayed 7/20/23
In Iowa, the new 6-week abortion law only lasted 3 days before a court granted an injunction against it. So, the state reverts to the previous 22-week abortion law, pending resolution of the lawsuit brought by the ACLU, Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers. Iowa Judge Temporarily Suspends New Abortion Ban 7/17/23
Elevated Access describes the group’s mission this way: “Our volunteer pilots transport passengers at no cost to access the healthcare they need.” The non-profit group, established in 2022, flies patients to locations where they can get needed health care that is denied to them locally. The group serves women needing abortions, plus people seeking gender-affirming care.
In red states, officials are going after residents’ medical records when they travel to another state for reproductive care. So much for PRIVATE MEDICAL RECORDS.
—19 GOP Attorneys General Seek Private Medical Records of Patients Who Obtain Out-of-State Abortions 7/25/23
—Rachel Maddow covered this on her July 17 MSNBC show. Here is the 12-miinute segment:
As noted in the last blog, the FDA in July approved, for the first time, a contraceptive pill (known as Opill, taken daily) available over the counter, with no prescription needed, starting in early 2024. Here is a 30-minute podcast describing how this came to be, providing cheap and easy to obtain contraception for all, in these times when reproductive freedom is under fire. How the Birth Control Pill Got Over the Counter 7/19/23
Nope, no update yet on the extreme right’s attempt to ban mifepristone. The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals panel is still mulling whether to invalidate the FDA’s 2020 approval of mifepristone, the first pill in a two-drug abortion regimen. All 3 judges were appointed by Republican presidents. A ruling could come any day now, and either way it will be appealed–first to the entire 5th Circuit and then to the US Supreme Court.At stake is the continued use of the primary drug for medication abortions NATIONWIDE. Appeals Court Seems Skeptical of F.D.A.’s Approval and Regulation of Abortion Pill 5/17/23
Back to me….
Barbenheimer–really? I have ZERO desire to see either film. But, the Justified sequel airing now on FX is excellent…. Lawman Raylan Givens returns in this daring, totally ‘Justified’ reboot 7/17/23
A good neighbor is a blessing! Mine spent a big chunk of this sweltering July repairing, reinforcing and painting our shared fence. I couldn’t resist asking him to do the same for the other length of fence in my backyard. So pretty!
The herd’s fawns are zipping all over Old Lakeway now, at high risk as they cross our roads. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE—SLOW DOWN AND DRIVE CAREFULLY. Dozens of fawns are hit by cars in Lakeway each spring/summer, and every time it is a heart-breaking tragedy for the fawn, the mama doe and the driver. If you see a doe, assume there is a fawn with her; if you see one fawn, watch for ANOTHER fawn AND for their mama doe.
Here are my recent fawn photos.
The Coronavirus
As of July 15, the New York Times correlated the CDC’s statistics for the US. Across the country, a daily average of 2,134 people were being hospitalized, which is 15 people per 100,000 population. This indicated a rise of 4% over 2 weeks.
As of July 15, this NY Times chart showed the same data, with a slight uptick in Covid hospitalization stats.
While no one is saying there is a big summer surge this year, Covid is still around, and there has been a recent uptick in cases. The concentration of Covid-19 in US wastewater has roughly doubled in the past month. (Wastewater surveillance is considered the most accurate measure of Covid activity now, since testing mostly done at home and so is undocumented.) Symptoms may be mild in people with immunities due to past infection and/or vaccination. They may not even realize they have Covid, as opposed to mild flu or allergies. Is it time to be worried about Covid-19 again? 7/28/23
Central Texas remains at the low-spread stage of Covid. Officials report a slight increase in positive testing, likely due to summer traveling and gathering at events. Most cases are not severe enough to require hospitalization. As always, the elderly and people with pre-existing conditions have a harder time with Covid-19. Doctors are reporting that recent cases are more likely to cause eye inflammation (pink eye). Another rise in COVID-19 cases this summer? (NO!) Why this year is different than the last three 7/22 23