March 25, 2023 Updates on Lakeway’s ELECTION for Mayor and Council (with a new Q&A for the candidates), plus upcoming spring events and city meeting results, as well as space news, grim updates on women’s rights, new deer photos, and Covid updates, stats and recent articles.

May Ukraine Have Peaceful Skies Again

Here is what is happening in Lakeway…. 

Debris Collection after Winter Storm Mara  

Credit: City of Lakeway  

Wow—that’s A LOT of pink!  The above map shows huge progress, with cleared streets traced in pink.  

As of March 22, the city reported that crews have collected nearly 1,100 large truck loads of debris from 266 streets, and crews have ground those limbs down to large chipped piles at Public Works.  (In April, free mulch will be available to residents.)  Equipment was brought in to assist in collection under a low tree canopy.  Completion of city-wide collection is expected around the end of March.

The city’s updated map page, where you can search by street and zoom in, is here:

Go here to see a March 22 1-minute video showing Public Works activity:

Mayor Tom’s FB Live

On March 16, Lakeway’s Mayor Tom Kilgore gave a 10-minute update on storm debris collection, upcoming events, and more.  Watch here:

Shred Day

LT Senior Services’ spring Shred Day is Tuesday, March 28, 9-11AM in the Lakeway Aquatic Physical Therapy parking lot (900 Ranch Road 620 S, Suite A103). Help will be available to unload papers into locked bins for shredding.  FREE event, but donations are accepted.

Eggstravaganza at the Park

On Saturday, April 1, 2-4PM, bring your basket to Lakeway City Park for a FUN and FREE Easter event.  There will be photo ops with the Easter Bunny, a petting zoo, giant bubbles, face painting, snacks and more.  For the age-structured egg hunt schedule and info on the event, go here:

A Night with the Austin Symphony Orchestra

LAST CALL!  On Saturday, April 1, 2023, 7PM, members of the Austin Symphony Orchestra and students at Lake Travis High School will present a 3rd annual performance at the Lake Travis Performing Arts Center.  Go here for details and tickets:

Sunday Concert Series 

On Sunday, April 16, 4PM, Metamorphosis Dance will perform The Coppelia Suite at LAC (105 Cross Creek)  This FREE event is presented by Lakeway Arts Committee.

Enchanted Forest Walk  

April 17-30, dawn to dark,behind City Hall.Lakeway and other Lake Travis organizations are working together to bring the Enchanted Forest Walk to life. Want to create a whimsical miniature scene for display on the trail?  Contact the Parks Department at 512-314-7530.  More info is here:

Spring Sing Along

Come On, Get Happy!  Choose from 2 performances: Friday, April 28 and Saturday, April 29, starting at 6PM both nights.  Ticket sales started March 20 for LAC members and begin March 27 for non-members.  More info and tickets are here:

Council Met on March 20

All 7 members attended at the start of the meeting, with Council Member Kumar on video.  He exited the meeting at the end of Item 14 (and that exit left 6 members present, which turned out to figure into how Item 15/Daycare was decided). 


ITEM 12: Financial Report. REVENUE was $848K over budget projections (due to permit fees).  EXPENDITURES were $321K under budget projections (due to salary savings on unfilled positions).  STORM DAMAGE COSTS were at $965K, most of which is expected to be covered by federal relief funds.

ITEM 13: Citizens Participation.  ONE COMMENT.

ITEM 14: Update from Central Texas Water Coalition.

REPORT by President Jo Karr Tedder.   NO ACTION TAKEN.

ITEM 15: Special Use Permit for Home Occupation/Daycare, as the owner of 702 Vanguard has made another request after denial in January. This is a review to see if the new request is significantly and relevantly different from the previous request; if so, the owner will be allowed to go through the zoning process again.  The new request seems to limit the number of children to 5 (plus applicant’s own 2 children), with a part-time worker. 

After lengthy discussion, VOTE WAS TIED 3:3 (Kilgore, Mastrangelo and Szimanski FOR; Vance, Trecker and Brynteson AGAINST).  The tie vote meant the applicant’s request to apply again for a permit FAILED. 

ITEM 16: Update on the Sailmaster Pickleball Courts and Parking, with more options and pricing.  NOTE: See the Meeting Packet (link below) for details on the options now presented. 

After numerous public comments and lengthy discussion on the dais, Council favored the recommendation of Parks and Rec Director Andra Bennett to go with OPTION 4:

–City Park’s basketball court would be left as is, with 6 new pickleball courts built next to it.  Estimated time is 5 months; cost is still being calculated but well within the savings realized by cancelling the Sailmaster parking lot;

–A temporary basketball area at City Park is needed since the existing court will be closed during construction;

–The pickleball courts on Sailmaster will remain open in the interim, provided the parking crisis there is calmed; and

–Once the new pickleball courts are open, the Sailmaster courts will be repurposed as a pocket park for residents (estimated cost of $45K).

Staff was directed to proceed on the path outlined above (including looking into a NO PARKING zone on Sailmaster and the city providing a shuttle service for pickleball players parking at City Hall or the old Justice Center), reporting back at the next Council meeting.  [Mayor Tom’s Pickleball Racket Gavel was awesome!]

ITEM 17: Special Use Permit for Short Term Rental at 1404 Lakeway Drive.  APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY

ADDENDUM ITEM A.1: Regional Lift Station on Main Street.  APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY


View the Agenda, Meeting Packet, and/or Presentation (scrolling down to City Council documents) here:  Go here to watch the Council meeting online:

As I noted on Facebook afterward: This really was a good meeting! I haven’t seen that many smiles up on the dais in a long time. Lots of opinions, but things stayed good-natured even with a rare tie vote. Best of all, important work got done–nothing glamorous, but a lot of residents were heavily invested in both the daycare and the pickleball agenda items. On the latter, staff clearly did BIG work in the 2 weeks since the last meeting to get Council the options and data needed. Kudos all around!


The local election is on May 6, with Early Voting starting April 24.  (If you aren’t registered to vote, the deadline is April 6.)  

Polling Places

For EARLY VOTING, residents can vote at any polling place in Travis County, but the only local polling place is the Lakeway Activity Center

On ELECTION DAY, Lakeway Activity Center is our main polling place, but Lake Travis ISD Educational Development Center will also be open at 607 Ranch Road 620 North, Lakeway, TX 78734 (off 620 to the right just before Kollmeyer).  This location is NEVER crowded. 

Note that Bee Cave had no contested races, so City Hall in The Galleria is NOT a polling place this time.

Candidate Forums

–Tuscan Village will host a Meet the Candidates event at the TV clubhouse on Thursday, March 30, 6:30-8:00 PMThis event is for Tuscan Village residents only (due to the small venue)

UPDATE as of March 26 –We the People City of Lakeway Candidate Forum is on Monday, April 10, 7-9PM, at River in the Hills Church (1310 Ranch Road 620 S, Unit C10—near The League).  All candidates have been invited, and the event is open to the public.

–The Lakeway Civic Corp will present a candidate forum at the Lakeway Activity Center (105 Cross Creek) on Thursday, April 13 at 7-9PM.  Candidates for Mayor and Council will answer questions in a non-partisan format. Open to all Lakeway residents.

–Lake Travis Democrats club on Tuesday, April 18 at 6:30PM, has invited all 7 active candidates to introduce themselves and speak briefly, followed by a group Q&A.  This is part of LT Dems’ monthly meeting, at the Lakeway Activity Center (105 Cross Creek).

–Rough Hollow Candidate Forum on Tuesday, April 25 at 7PM at Rough Hollow Welcome Center Pavilion. It is open to all.

SCROLL DOWN to see how the candidates answered the question I sent them all.

Independent?  Or PAC?

The candidates are in 2 groups—independent or PAC-backed.  Three of the 7 candidates are endorsed and funded by a Political Action Committee.  The BAD thing about PACs is they conceal the identity of those contributing to political campaigns.  I think Lakeway residents deserve to know exactly who is funding these campaigns, and to what extent. $50 is no big deal, but $500 may well come with strings. And, this PAC gave $20,000 to ONE candidate for Council last year. Wonder what they got for their money?  And who exactly is trying to BUY THIS ELECTION?  The PAC in question is The Committee to Protect Lakeway (CtPL), also known as the Lakeway Renewal Project, and (going by the list of its 2022 contributors) it seems to be funded by people in several groups, including those in power during past administrations (often stained with scandal), those orchestrating recent ugly episodes involving our police force and our airpark, and developer-types intent on making even more money on Lakeway deals. I have asked the PAC founders, Kimberly and Erik Mulloy, to disclose their 2023 contributors so that Lakeway residents can be informed before voting, but they have refused.

Mayor’s Race

The *2 candidates remaining in the race for Mayor are:

–Incumbent Tom Kilgore was elected Mayor in 2021.  In a very busy 2 years, he helped the city recover from the pandemic’s economic effects, guided us through extensive and much-needed city ordinance updates, made possible the completion of Main Street, oversaw practical assistance to residents during the recent ice storm as well as collection of debris afterward, and much more.  Mayor Tom managed all this while keeping Lakeway’s share of our property tax bills low.

 –Ron Cooper is a Rough Hollow resident and close associate/business patner of Legend Communities CEO Haythem Dawlett.  An insurance adjuster, Cooper has lived in Texas and in Lakeway for just 3 years; his only city service to date is a brief stint on the Ethics Committee.  He is endorsed and supported by the CTPL PAC (see above about the PAC)

* Roy Paar withdrew from the race AFTER the county’s deadline to take his name off the ballot. Please don’t waste your vote there.

Council Race

These 5 candidates are running for 3 seats (you can vote for up to 3 of them):

–Incumbent Gretchen Vance was originally elected to Council in 2019 and currently serves as Mayor Pro Tem. She is an entrepreneur who has lived in Lakeway for 13 years.

–Dan Vardell is a multi-disciplinary technology manager who has lived in Lakeway for 8 years.  He served on the Parks and Recreation Committee, was a member of the Comprehensive Plan Committee during recent updates, and he now serves on the city’s Zoning and Planning Commission.

–Kevin Bernzott is a financial CEO and has lived in Lakeway for 3 years.  He is a member of the City Building Commission. ttps://

–Chris Forton works in life insurance and has lived in Lakeway for 8 years.  He serves on the city’s Zoning and Planning Commission. He is endorsed and supported by the CTPL PAC (see above about the PAC)

–Kent O’Brien is an engineer who has lived in Lakeway for 14 years.  He served on the Parks and Recreation Committee from 2010-12.  He is endorsed and supported by the CTPL PAC (see above about the PAC).


I emailed ONE question to ALL the candidates back on March 16 (with a reminder on March 23).  Candidate Ron Cooper did not respond.  Here are the responses I received, organized by office sought and in the order they arrived:

QUESTION–Recently, there seems to be a growing split, with Old Lakeway on one side and the newer neighborhoods (notably Rough Hollow) on the other.  For instance, some Rough Hollow residents complain about the city’s primary amenities being inconvenient for them to access; others characterized last spring’s workforce housing proposal on Bee Creek Road as Old Lakeway distancing an undesirable development.  On the other hand, some Old Lakeway residents feel that those living in the newer areas don’t appreciate Lakeway’s history or value its peaceful charm.  What part of Lakeway do you live in, and, if elected, how would you represent the ENTIRE city?


TOM KILGORE: Thank you for this question. I live in “Old Lakeway” on Electra. For the last several years I’ve been the Mayor of Lakeway, all of Lakeway. I campaigned on making city hall more transparent, and treating everyone equally. It doesn’t matter if you have been here for 30 years or 30 days – you will get the same treatment from the Council and City Staff.

Rough Hollow residents correctly point out that our city facilities are far away from their neighborhoods. That will change with the city annexing Butler Park and significant areas of the greenbelts. Moving these green spaces to the city is long overdue; thankfully the prior council enforced the timeline. Now we will be able to develop the park for our residents. 

The issue of the proposed and rejected workforce housing project wasn’t really a neighborhood problem. Occasionally, residents suggest solutions that move a problem from their neighborhood to another location. However, the council is focused on solving the underlying problem, not a location preference. The proposed workforce housing projects failed as they were incompatible with the underlying zoning and the city’s plans for commercial space.  

The way you represent the entire city, is to represent the entire city – as I have done since my election in May 2021.



DAN VARDELL: One beauty of living in a small town is we are all in this together.  There is simply no upside in trying to invest in one area at the cost of another or ignoring one group of residents to benefit another.  When residents bring issues to ZAPCO or Council, we ask for their address to get a bit closer to the neighbor we are talking to.  This is never to identify a neighborhood to determine whether this resident’s opinion is to be valued more or less than another’s.  It is the responsibility of city leaders to ensure all areas are represented, investments and impacts are balanced, and residents in each neighborhood have a full and equal voice.  When I finally had the opportunity to buy a home in Lakeway, I intentionally targeted one of the more historic homes in Old Lakeway because I respect the history of this town and that neighborhood.  But that respect extends to the entire town and all our residents.  And, if elected, I will surely act to support them all because that is the only way Lakeway thrives.

CHRIS FORTON: I live in Lakeway! I don’t see the need to divide people into ever smaller categories. We are all fortunate to live in this great city, regardless whether your house was built last year or 30 years ago.  

I don’t agree with the assessment that there is a growing split between what you call “old” and “new” Lakeway. I actually feel it is opposite. Most people don’t seem to care where people live in the city. I have friends and supporters in all areas around Lakeway and I’ve only been asked where in Lakeway I live once, twice if you include query.  

The workforce housing wasn’t an “old” or “new” Lakeway issue. It was a Lakeway issue. The housing was denied on 620 the same as on 71. It wasn’t what the people wanted. The council was unanimous on that decision after considerable community feedback at both locations. Additionally, there were inconsistencies in the traffic impact analysis.  

The members of ZAPCO including myself voted for it because there was some merit for it once they included the restaurant to make it into a mixed use development. However, we vote based on the comprehensive plan. City council is the voice of the people.  

I will represent the citizens of Lakeway the same way I have been as chairman of ZAPCO. Listening to their concerns and utilizing the comprehensive plan. There are countless instances where we have listened to community concerns, worked together, and compromised to come up with what was best for the city. I feel that is the best approach !

KEVIN BERNZOTT: Lakeway has a total area of about 13 square miles, some 5% of which is water, and a population of around 20,000 folks. The statement that “some Rough Hollow residents complain about the city’s primary amenities being inconvenient to access” does not resonate with me. Everything in Lakeway is easy to access and the Rough Hollow residents allegedly complaining are closer to Lake Travis and the marinas. As a City Building Commissioner, I think an undesirable development is one that does not conform to our planning, zoning and building standards or does not adequately mitigate its traffic impacts. We live in Rough Hollow, and Lakeway’s peaceful charm is among the chief reasons we moved here. Given Lakeway’s size, I envision no conflicts representing all of it – all of us. I think the challenge is going to be insulating Lakeway from the anarchy overtaking Austin. Criminals don’t care about city limits. They can keep Austin weird – I’ll focus on keeping Lakeway… Lakeway.

GRETCHEN VANCE: Lakeway is a growing and diverse community. As a resident of neither Old Lakeway or Rough Hollow, our street is a microcosm of everything Lakeway is. Young families, working couples, retirees, business owners and a multitude of other residents that live on our street. Sometimes referred to as “Lakeway Proper” the area that spans Duck Lake, Clubhouse, Rolling Green, Lakeway Boulevard from 620 to Lohmans is a mix of “old” and “new” and a perfect example of how people from all walks of life make this city special. 

 In regard to any new development in Lakeway, either parks & recreation, residential or commercial, the city’s “FLUM” or “future land use map” is a guiding document of zoning that helps the council place developments across the city that have the proper infrastructure and surrounding zoning to create a cohesive neighborhood. 

KENT O’BRIEN: You are absolutely correct in that there is a peace and charm to this community that is unique.  Why would anyone want to change that?  We must hold tight to these treasures.  As your City Councilor, my focus will always be attentive to assure the specialness of Lakeway is maintained and pursued, and anything/anyone who wants to change this will be a non-starter.  We need to continue to build upon this specialness as the City continues to grow with new neighborhoods and developments and as older parts of Lakeway are reconstructed and rehabilitated.  Each and every resident and business must own its part in this effort.  I live in what I believe you characterize as “Old Lakeway”.  

 In all of my discussions with residents during my 15 years living in Lakeway and during my campaign, I have not heard much concern about a growing split between “Old Lakeway” and newer neighborhoods.  While I know there are different areas within the community, this is not uncommon or atypical of any community.  I do not perceive there are divisive splits in this community, but as humans, we sometimes allow divisive splits to generate, especially if one feels their voice is not being heard.

 My response is that as a City Council member, I will represent all of Lakeway no matter the neighborhood, focused on serving all.  I will always look for the good of the community, listening to all parties to assure all voices are heard.  When I sat on the Lakeway Parks And Recreation Board in 2010 to 2012, we looked at the entire community to assess opportunities to enhance park amenities including new parks, existing park rehabilitation and improvements.  We heard from many members of this community.  We used this input to identify several opportunities and began to develop a plan and strategy to implement.  It was this plan and strategy that was part of the beginning of our current Parks Master Plan.  I commit to you to continue to implement this plan.  I also, have other ideas that I want to bring to Council to make the plan better and more comprehensive for all of Lakeway.

Unfortunately, I had to step off of this Committee due to City policies on conflict of interest as O’Brien Engineering Services began business and our desire was to serve Lakeway.  And, we were blessed with the opportunity to provide multiple improvement projects for the City including the parking lot and restroom improvements at Hamilton Greenbelt and other projects.

Daring Mighty Things

Credit: Axiom Space

Black with orange and blue accents plus an attached backpack–instead of strutting down the runway, this fashion ensemble will walk on the moon.  NASA recently unveiled the privately sourced suits that Artemis astronauts will wear.  Axiom Space noted that when astronauts are on the moon’s surface, the top layer of the suit will be WHITE, to reflect sunlight and keep the wearer cooler.  Spacesuit for NASA’s Artemis III Moon Surface Mission Debuts 3/15/23

On March 17, astronauts on SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket recorded a gorgeous video showing Earth (above left) in much the same way that Apollo 17 did in its iconic Blue Marble photograph back in 1972 (above right).   Spectacular SpaceX video shows Earth as beautiful blue marble in blackness of space 3/22/23

Twice in 1 week, the ISS was forced to lurch out of the way as space waste hurtled by. These near-misses are becoming more frequent due to an escalation in the number of space vehicles and resulting debris. International Space Station fires thrusters to dodge space junk 3/14/23

With liberty and justice for all … except women. 

Republican legislators in South Carolina are considering enacting a law punishing women who get abortions with the death penalty. There is no exception for abortions after incest or rape. South Carolina GOP lawmakers propose death penalty for women who have abortions  3/13/23

On March 17, abortion pills were banned in Wyoming, the first state to pass legislation of this type.  Going into effect in July, the law punishes doctors, pharmacists and anyone else prescribing, providing or selling drugs to induce abortion with 6 months in jail and a $9,000 fine.  On March 20, a law went into effect making it a felony to provide surgical and medication abortions in Wyoming.  Wyoming Becomes First State to Outlaw Abortion Pills 3/17/23

Now, women nationwide are under threat from a “zombie law.”  An absurd Texas lawsuit remains pending, but now we know what is going on behind the scenes and causing the delay.  Conservative Christian plaintiffs are contesting the FDA’s approval over 20 years ago of the abortion drug mifepristone, in an Amarillo federal court, before a Trump-appointed judge who has previously issued rulings hostile to abortion rights.  A ruling was expected in February, but it turns out U.S. District Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk set hearings in early March but refused to publish the schedule, for fear of protests.  The hearings were closed, but reportedly plaintiffs urged the judge to use the Comstock Act of 1873 to ban mailing anything related to contraception or abortion. The Comstock Act is an anti-obscenity law considered dormant for decades.  A ruling in favor of the plaintiffs would stop medication abortions nationwide, pending appeal that would likely end up in the US Supreme Court. How an old law found new life in lawsuit seeking to revoke approval of abortion pill 3/20/23

Back to me….  

Happy 3rd Anniversary to my blog!  Hard to believe, but I started this project in March of 2023. 

Still not adjusted to the time change.  For me, the bright evenings do not make up for the dark mornings.

Remember the odd situation back in 2021, when resident complaints revealed that Haythem Dawlett’s Legend Communities and the Rough Hollow HOA had installed surveillance cameras/license plate readers along Highlands Boulevard?  It was done without the City of Lakeway’s knowledge or approval, even though the cameras were placed in the right of way owned by the city.  Well, we now know a lot more about that bizarre chain of events, and also about former Police Chief Radford’s subsequent resignation. Read all about it here:

Mr. and Mrs. Pickles recently welcomed triplets, named Dill, Gherkin and Jalapeño.  They are tortoises, and have lived together at the Houston Zoo since 1996.  He is 90 years old, and she is 53; their species (known as radiated tortoise, living up to 150 years) doesn’t reproduce easily or often.  So, WELL DONE!  [Credit Jackelin Reyna/Houston Zoo.]

Our deer are still in a decidedly anti-social mood. Small groups of does are camping out in wooded areas, concentrating on growing baby deer, and the bucks are completely AWOL (after a job well done, I guess).  But, we have FAWN SEASON to look forward to, starting mid-April.  Here are a couple photos I was able to get recently.

Whitetail deer in Lakeway, TX.

The Coronavirus 

In the US, in the last 2 weeks, the official stats show new cases fell 29% and hospitalizations dropped 10%.  Also, deaths decreased 2% to an average of 294 Americans per day.  See the chart below for current stats. The national testing positivity rate dropped to 6.9%.

Covid-19 drove up the maternal death rate in the US by 40% in 2021.  The National Center for Health Statistics reports that 1,205 pregnant women died in 2021, a 40% increase in maternal deaths compared with 2020 (861 deaths) and a 60% increase compared with 2019 (754 deaths). Pregnancy is a serious risk factor for severe Covid, resulting in ICU stays or death, due to the stress being pregnant puts on the body.  The virus also makes it more likely that a woman will give birth prematurely and that the baby will require neonatal intensive care.

Paxlovid, used to treat Covid-19 in the last year under emergency authorization, has been endorsed by a panel of FDA expert advisors for treating adults with Covid who are at high risk for progression to severe illness.  This step is expected to lead to full approval of the drug soon.  The FDA found that Paxlovid reduced hospitalizations and deaths among both unvaccinated and vaccinated people.  Paxlovid could save 1,500 lives and avert 12.000 hospitalizations EACH WEEK in the US.

In Texas, in the last 2 weeks, infections decreased 59%, and hospitalizations dropped 10%.  Deaths fell 64%, with an average of 11 Texans dying each day.  See the chart below for current stats. The positivity test rate dropped to 8.2%.

Recent Covid Articles I Recommend

Should You Get Another Covid Booster? 3/24/23

The Times Switches to C.D.C. Covid Data, Ending Daily Collection 3/22/23

America Has Decided It Went Overboard on Covid-19 3/17/23

F.D.A. Advisers Endorse Paxlovid’s Benefits as a Covid Treatment 3/16/23

Covid Worsened a Health Crisis Among Pregnant Women  3/16/23

What to Know about the Covid Lab Leak Theory  20-minute podcast 3/15/23

March 11, 2023 Lakeway is BUSY as spring pops early, plus CITY ELECTION news (with another candidate withdrawing from the race) including an exclusive Q&A and candidate forum dates, as well as lots of women’s rights updates, space news, deer photos, and more.

May Ukraine Have Peaceful Skies Again

What is going on in Lakeway? 

Debris Collection after Winter Storm Mara

Credit: City of Lakeway  

The above map shows a lot of progress, with cleared streets traced in pink. 

The city’s updated map page, where you can search by street and zoom in, is here:

Per the March 8 update from City of Lakeway, crews have faced several issues delaying pick-up, including mechanical break-downs.  Also, they are having problems collecting debris under low hanging trees or other obstructions.  Where possible, homeowners are asked to move debris piles from under low-hanging limbs.  At this time, the city expects debris collection to be completed by the end of March.

Public Works remains CLOSED until curbside pick-up is complete.

The Sailmaster/Hurst Creek Greenbelt will remain closed until March 18. All other area parks and trails are currently open.  

Here is a March 1 video from the city showing Public Works activity—

FRAUD ADVISORY Issued by City of Lakeway on March 10

Beware phone calls that appear to come from Lakeway Police Department, asking for sensitive information.  Lakeway Police will never call and ask for information like bank account numbers or social security numbers.  Per the city, a resident reported that someone called from a number appearing to originate from LPD and impersonated the chief of police, telling the resident that Homeland Security was investigating them for suspicious activity. If you get this type of call: HANG UP and call the police department directly at (512) 261-2800 to report the incident.

New Assistant City Manager

City of Lakeway

On March 6, Council approved the hiring of Ashby Grundman as Assistant City Manager.  His first day at City Hall will be March 20.  He previously worked for the cities of West Lake Hills, Hutto and Pasadena, after  getting his degrees in Public Administration and Urban Planning at University of Texas and Texas A&M.  He will oversee the building and development services department, IT and grants program, along with guiding Lakeway’s economic development and assisting the city manager with strategic planning. Complete info is here:

“Women in Art”at Lake Travis Community Library

Through March,  the Lakeway Arts District presents “Women in Art,” a special art exhibition celebrating Women’s History Month. This exhibit includes paintings, drawings, digital AI art, and mixed media sculptures by local women artists, inspired by women’s history, health, beauty, motherhood and equality.  Art events at the library in March are listed here:

Save  Lives—GIVE BLOOD

The next Lakeway Community Blood Drive will be on Saturday, March 18, 8AM-noon, at the Lakeway Activity Center (105 Cross Creek).  The event is always well organized, clean and friendly.  You will be done and out the door in under 30 minutes. It is an important cause and helps countless people. Plus—FREE JUICE AND COOKIES!

While walk-ins are welcome, those with appointments have priority. You can see upcoming dates and make an appointment to donate by entering your zip code here–

Garage Sale at Lakeway Activity Center

The next community garage sale is Saturday, March 25, 8AM to noon.  Admission is FREE, but in the LAC lobby you can drop off non-perishable or canned food items, to be donated to local food banks and charities.  You can also donate new or gently used children’s books, for the Free Little Books bin at the entrance.

Want to sell stuff?  Booths measure 10X10. LAC members: $30; non-members: $35. Call 512-261-1010 to reserve a booth, space permitting. Click here to reserve a booth online/check availability:

Airpark Movie Night

The Spring Airpark Movie Night is Saturday, March 25 at 7PM.  “Flying the Feathered Edge: The Bob Hoover Project” will be presented at 115 Flying Scot, with the movie starting at 7:15PM.  Hanger B2 will serve Craig’O’s pizza plus popcorn, refreshments and a gift for the kiddos.  ALL FREE.  Bring chairs or blankets.  Kids can play in the grassy area.

Eggstravaganza at the Park

On Saturday, April 1, 2-4PM, bring your basket to Lakeway City Park for a FUN and FREE Easter event.  There will be photo ops with the Easter Bunny, a petting zoo, giant bubbles, face painting, snacks and more.  For the age-structured egg hunt schedule and info on the event, go here:

A Night with the Austin Symphony Orchestra

On Saturday, April 1, 2023, 7PM, members of the Austin Symphony Orchestra and students at Lake Travis High School will present a 3rd annual performance at the Lake Travis Performing Arts Center.  Go here for details and tickets:

Sunday Concert Series 

On Sunday, April 16, 4PM, Metamorphosis Dance will perform The Coppelia Suite at LAC (105 Cross Creek)  This FREE event is presented by Lakeway Arts Committee.

Enchanted Forest Walk 

April 17-30, dawn to dark, behind City Hall. Lakeway and other Lake Travis organizations are working together to bring the Enchanted Forest Walk to life. Want to create a whimsical miniature scene for display on the trail?  Contact the Parks Department at 512-314-7530.  More info is here:

Earth Day

Celebrate Earth Day!  On Saturday, April 22, 11AM-1PM, volunteers will pick up trash along our local roadways and in our parks.  City of Lakeway will supply trash pickers, safety vests, trash bags and a map for volunteers, who will team up and head to their designated areas.  Afterward, everyone returns to City Hall for a certificate, snacks and more.  You’ll need a vehicle plus comfy clothing and sturdy shoes.  Go there to sign up:

Spring Sing Along

Come On, Get Happy!  Choose from 2 performances: Friday, April 28 and Saturday, April 29, starting at 6PM both nights.  Ticket sales start March 20 for LAC members, March 27 for non-members.  More info and tickets are here:

Council Met on March 6.

Aside from the 2 incumbents (Mayor Kilgore and Councilmember Vance) sitting on the dais, of the 8 candidates for Mayor and Council, ONLY Dan Vardell (who is running for Council) attended the meeting.  Personally, I am at a loss to understand how the other 5 candidates for Mayor and Council could be so uninterested in city matters as to miss the meeting and the opportunity to listen to and meet the packed room of residents attending and participating in our process on a matter very important to them.


ITEM 3: Approving the appointment of Ashby Grundman as Assistant City Manager. PASSED UNANIMOUSLY.

ITEM 4: Considering parking and other options for the pickleball courts on Sailmaster.

After lengthy Citizens Participation and extensive discussion by Council, they PASSED UNANIMOUSLY a motion to reprioritize the Parks Master Plan and amend the budget as recommended by the City Manager (to cancel the Sailmaster parking lot and use the previously budgeted funds as agreed for repurposing–as quickly as possible–the existing City Park basketball court for pickleball use, then adding more pickleball courts and a new basketball court at City Park, with staff reporting back to Council on this at the March and April regular meetings).

NOTE: The City on March 8 announced that in the interim the Sailmaster pickleball courts will be open daily from 9AM-8PM and suggested players park at City Hall (1102 Lohmans Crossing Road).  


View the Agenda, Meeting Packet, and/or Presentation (scrolling down to City Council documents) here:   Go here to watch the Council meeting online:

Council Next Meets on March 20. 

Council’s regular monthly meeting is on March 20 at City Hall.  A few days beforehand, view the Agenda, Meeting Packet, and/or Presentation (scrolling down to Council documents) here:


Local elections will be on May 6, with Early Voting starting April 24.  (If you aren’t registered to vote, the deadline is April 6.)  

EIGHT CANDIDATES will be on Lakeway’s ballot. As of today, however, Roy Paar says he is withdrawing from the race for Mayor; unfortunately, the deadline has passed to remove his name from the ballot (so any votes he gets will be wasted).

March 13 UPDATE: I do not pretend to understand it, but here is the message Roy Paar emailed me today:

Hello, residents of Lakeway. My name is Roy Paar. In the process of campaigning for mayor, I have come to doubt whether I am the best fit for the job. The other two candidates here seem like they are more deserving of your vote, so I have decided to withdraw from the race, however City Hall has informed me that the deadline has passed so my name will still appear on the ballot. I have posted a video on my website ( and you can judge for yourself whether you want someone like me as your mayor. If not, you have other great options. Best of luck to the other candidates and have a great day!

Even worse, at least 3 of the candidates are endorsed and funded by a certain Lakeway PAC.  The BAD thing about PACs is they conceal the identity of those contributing to political campaigns.  I think Lakeway residents deserve to know exactly who is funding these campaigns, and to what extent. $50 is no big deal, but $500 may well come with strings. And, this PAC gave $20,000 to ONE candidate for Council last year. Wonder what they got for their money? The PAC in question is The Committee to Protect Lakeway (CTPL), also known as the Lakeway Renewal Project, and it is funded by people in several groups, including those in power during past administrations (often stained with scandal), those orchestrating recent ugly episodes involving our police force and our airpark, and developer-types intent on making even more money on Lakeway deals. 

Some of the candidates have little to no experience with Lakeway government–not serving on committees, volunteering or even attending meetings. Yet, they expect to be elected….

The 2 candidates remaining in the race for Mayor are:

Incumbent Tom Kilgore was elected Mayor in 2021.  In a very busy 2 years, he helped the city recover from the pandemic’s economic effects, guided us through extensive and much-needed city ordinance updates, made possible the completion of Main Street, oversaw practical assistance to residents during the recent ice storm as well as collection of debris afterward, and much more.  Mayor Tom managed all this while keeping Lakeway’s share of our property tax bills low.

Ron Cooper is a Rough Hollow resident and close associate of Legend Communities CEO Haythem Dawlett.  An insurance adjuster, Cooper has lived in Texas and in Lakeway for just 3 years; his only city service to date seems to be a brief stint on the Ethics Committee.  He is endorsed and supported by the CTPL PAC (see above)

The 5 candidates for Council are:

Incumbent Gretchen Vance was originally elected to Council in 2019 and currently serves as Mayor Pro Tem. She is an entrepreneur who has lived in Lakeway for 13 years.

Dan Vardell is a multi-disciplinary technology manager who has lived in Lakeway for 8 years.  He served on the Parks and Rec Committee, was a member of the Comprehensive Plan Committee during recent updates, and he now serves on the city’s Zoning and Planning Commission.

Kevin Bernzott is a financial CEO and has lived in Lakeway for 3 years.  He is a member of the City Building Commission.

Chris Forton works in life insurance and has lived in Lakeway for 8 years.  He ran for Council back in 2019 and now serves on the city’s Zoning and Planning Commission.  He is endorsed and supported by the CTPL PAC (see above)

Kent O’Brien is an engineer who has lived in Lakeway for 14 years. He served on the Parks and Recreation Committee from 2010-12.  He is endorsed and supported by the CTPL PAC (see above).


–Tuscan Village will host a Meet the Candidates event at the TV clubhouse on March 30, 6:30-8:00 PMThis event is for Tuscan Village residents only (due to the small venue)

–The Lakeway Civic Corp will present a candidate forum at the Lakeway Activity Center (105 Cross Creek) on Thursday, April 13 at 7-9PM.  Candidates for Mayor and Council will answer questions in a non-partisan format. Open to all Lakeway residents.

 –Rough Hollow Candidate Forum is set for the evening of April 25.  I’m checking on details, including confirmation this is open to all (like it was last year).  More info to come.


I emailed ONE question to all the candidates back on March 2 (with a reminder on March 8).  Candidate Ron Cooper did not respond.  Here are the responses I received, organized by office sought and in the order they arrived:

QUESTION–What is your solution to the severe shortage of workers available to staff our schools, restaurants, hotels, hospital, emergency services, offices and all other Lakeway businesses?


–TOM KILGORE: The Mayor and City Council cannot “solve” a labor shortage across multiple industries. We owe our commercial properties, and business owners: clear regulations, uniform inspections, timely responses and a minimum of red tape. The council has updated our zoning ordinances, creating equal opportunities for property owners. The council is continuing to explore alternative transportation options. We meet with business owners on a regular basis to review alternatives, and continue to see if pilot programs in other municipalities might be solutions for us.

ROY PAAR: He responded early on but has now withdrawn from the race.


–DAN VARDELL: The labor shortages facing Lakeway businesses are a long-term problem that directly impacts quality of life for business owners and residents.  When local businesses struggle, or even fail, residents must deal with limited availability of services, poor service experiences, or being forced to drive longer distances to meet even basic needs.  When completing Lakeway’s 2020 Comprehensive Plan, we noted this as a high priority issue and recommended multiple steps be taken including: update the Future Land Use Map (FLUM) to identify appropriate areas for higher density, lower cost housing options (done), establish an economic development committee (done), work with developers to reserve a portion of built capacity for reduced cost housing (in progress), and collaborate with Lake Travis Chamber of Commerce as well as surrounding municipalities to build support for regional solutions (in progress).  Even though a couple of these are marked ‘done’, they all require ongoing attention to ensure we understand current needs and are making real progress.  In the past two years, several developments have been approved in the area that are planned to offer market rate housing options.  Similarly, when the new town center was approved, we requested developers reserve 10% capacity for worker-friendly housing options.  While I support all these actions, as a council member my focus will be on collaborating with surrounding municipalities to develop regional solutions.  If you take 20 minutes as a reasonable commute, this means Lakeway’s labor pool extends from 2222 (North) to Vista Oaks (West) to Oak Hill (Southeast).  This highlights that labor is fundamentally a regional issue and no one town can solve it alone.  The progress we’ve made the past two years indicates these are the right steps if we continue to maintain focus on this issue as the area grows.

–KEVIN BERNZOTT: I don’t think there’s a shortage of workers in Lakeway any greater than in many other places – that’s driven by economics. The Thundercloud Subs store on Lohman’s Spur recently closed after several years, citing the unavailability of employees. More concerning to me is that we are protected by 35 sworn police officers and I understand none of them live in Lakeway. Few communities can accommodate everyone, and workforce housing is clearly an issue, but when our cops are commuting from Marble Falls, for example, that’s an issue.   

–CHRIS FORTON: The problem of a worker shortage isn’t unique to Lakeway. A common theme has developed everywhere that there aren’t enough workers to go around. There are many causes and to try and pinpoint a solution in a short couple paragraph response would be reckless at best and negligent at worst. 

As a member of ZAPCO I have voted in accordance with our comprehensive plan to allow a variety of housing densities. While maintaining our single family residential we have also voted to allow townhomes, condos and an apartment. With the apartment the additional density was considered because the developer was going to give the city a park in exchange for the difference in density. All of which aligns with the comprehensive plan for increased park space, and density along 620/71. 

All options should be considered, but ultimately the taxpayers shouldn’t be on the hook for subsidizing a businesses workforce. I’m not insensitive to people having to commute long distances, I have a one hour commute each way, everyday. 

As a council member I will evaluate all proposed solutions and decide what action if any would best support and be accepted by the citizens of Lakeway. I will gladly welcome community feedback and utilize the comprehensive plan in my decision making process. 

–GRETCHEN VANCE: One solution that I feel is very viable is that we begin a program with LTHS where required service hours can be met by students who choose to work. Many students who are required to meet the 100 service hour requirement to meet specific graduation requirements simply don’t have time to have a job. By allowing students who work in lieu of providing service hours, we can tap into a workforce that is not currently available. 

KENT O’BRIEN: Although, I do not know all of the details, I was not in favor of the Work Force housing development as it was proposed that you note in your question.  I am very much in favor of creating opportunities to enhance the work force in our community and the region.  I know that our businesses and employers struggle to fill staffing needs and also to find the right staff.  When elected, I want to have a robust and comprehensive discussion with residents and businesses to identify concepts and alternatives that will enhance work force opportunities.  I will bring ideas to the discussion table that I have observed in other communities, as well as different ideas that I have been considering and formulating as I have watched this debate over the years.  Further, when I ran O’Brien Engineering Services which was located in Lakeway, I helped form and led a new LT Chamber of Commerce Mobility Advocacy Group that included representatives from all cities in this region, Travis County, Police Departments, LTFR, and others business representatives.  Our purpose sought to identify and advocate improvements to mobility in the area and also included discussions surrounding work force enhancement.  There were many ideas that were discussed and came from the very smart and experienced members of the Committee.   Unfortunately, this group has been dormant for the past several years, and as your City Councilor, I want to re-engage these same regional partners to bring those ideas, as well as new ideas into this robust discussion.

While I know these discussions have been going on for sometime, we MUST continue the discussion to find effective solutions that help businesses, and at the same time fit within the fabric of Lakeway and the South Shore region of Lake Travis.

Daring Mighty Things

NASA/Josh Cassada

NASA astronaut Josh Cassada took the stunning shot above, on Feb. 28 as he was stationed on the International Space Station, orbiting 250 miles above Earth.  Recently, auroras (caused by interaction of the sun’s charged particles with Earth’s atmosphere) have been supercharged by strong sun activity, resulting in brilliant displays.


It worked!  An uncrewed Soyuz successfully docked with ISS late on Feb. 25, replacing the Soyuz whose coolant leak rendered it unable to return crew members to Earth.  Russia’s replacement Soyuz spacecraft arrives at space station 2/26/23

President Biden’s recent budget proposal would send over $27 billion to NASA in 2024.  That includes $8 billion for the Artemis moon exploration program.  NASA gets $27.2 billion in White House’s 2024 budget request 3/9/23

With liberty and justice for all … except women. 

The hits just keep coming for women’s rights….

A Galveston man is suing 3 women for helping his ex-wife obtain pills for a medication abortion in 2022.  The suit demands $1MIL in damages.  Three Texas women are sued for wrongful death after allegedly helping friend obtain abortion medication 3/10/23

Last week, 5 Texas women sued the state, saying they were denied medically necessary abortions.  They are joined by 2 OB-GYNs alleging confusion in the medical community resulting in inability to perform their jobs.  Parties seek clarification as to when abortion is allowed under current Texas law.  Women denied abortions sue Texas to clarify exceptions to the laws 3/7/23

Walgreens has caved to intimidation from conservatives and announced it will not sell abortion pills in Alaska, Iowa, Kansas or Montana—DESPITE abortion being legal in those states.  Overall, it sounds like the national drugstore chain won’t sell the medication anywhere in the US.  Walgreens won’t distribute abortion pills in some states where they remain legal 3/2/23

There is STILL no ruling in the absurd Texas lawsuit contesting the FDA’s approval over 20 years ago of the abortion drug mifepristone.  The case remains pending in an Amarillo federal court, before a Trump-appointed judge who has previously issued rulings hostile to abortion rights.  A result is expected any day, and a ruling in favor of the conservative Christian plaintiffs would stop medication abortions nationwide, pending appeal that would likely end up in the US Supreme Court. What to know about Texas ruling that could see abortion drug taken off the market 2/8/23

In a related case, the attorneys general of 12 Democratic-controlled states recently sued the FDA in Washington state, asking a judge to remove special restrictions that the federal agency has long applied to mifepristone, the primary drug used in medication abortions.  This suit seeks an order that would effectively contravene steps expected to be imposed by a Texas judge in another case (see above).  The Washington suit seeks a declaration that the FDA’s approval of mifepristone is valid and enjoining the FDA from removing mifepristone from the market or reducing availability.  12 States Sue F.D.A., Seeking Removal of Special Restrictions on Abortion Pill 2/24/23

Nationwide, 40% of abortion clinics ONLY offer medication abortion, generally using a combination of 2 drugs (mifepristone and misoprostol).  Clinics that offer both surgical and medication abortion use the latter method about 60% of the time.  So, overall, over half the abortions in 2020 used the medication that is now under attack by conservatives.  That percentage grew considerably since Roe was abruptly overturned last summer, allowing states to immediately outlaw abortions.  Even if access to mifepristone were limited, abortion providers say they could rely solely on misoprostol; however, the result would be a less effective procedure. Where Restrictions on Abortion Pills Could Matter Most in the U.S. 3/2/22

Back to me….  

March 11–Happy Birthday, Mom.

Deanna Davis Turner

Having my neighborhood’s storm debris hauled out by the city last week was SUCH a blessing!  We have mature trees on every lot in St. Andrews, so there was a huge amount of damage, and our curbs were loaded with debris.  It is lovely to be back to normal.

Bluebonnets March 10, 2023 on Champion Drive in Lakeway, TX.

What is NOT normal is how early spring arrived this year.  Bluebonnets are in bloom!   Plus, the trees are all budding out, hummingbirds have arrived, and my cats are definitely shedding.

The deer are very sedentary and reclusive this time of year.  I’m lucky if I spot a few does napping in the trees, on my morning walks these days.  Here are some recent photos I took of our deer herd.

Whitetail deer in Lakeway, TX.

The Coronavirus   

Hong Kong, a Chinese territory, has lifted its mask mandate, in place since mid-2020 (with fines up to $600 for refusing to mask).  As of March 1, people in Hong Kong are no longer required to wear masks indoors, outdoors or on public transportation.  However, facilities like hospitals and nursing homes can still require them.  Macau, the nearby island known as a gambling mecca and another Chinese territory, ended its mask mandate on Feb. 27. 

The Covid origins argument flared up recently, when the US Energy Department announced that an accidental laboratory leak in China most likely caused the coronavirus pandemic.  However, the agency immediately undermined its own conclusion by stating it was made with “low confidence.”  Other US agencies and groups worldwide champion competing theories, the most prevalent being that Covid-19 originated at a wet market (selling live and often exotic animals for food) in Wuhan, China.

Good news on preventing Long Covid!  A recent trial indicates the drug metformin, when given twice daily for 2 weeks, resulted in a significant reduction of subsequent Long Covid.  Since the side effects of metformin were near-zero and the cost of the drug is minimal, some experts are pushing for routine use.

Experts (mostly) agree we have finally entered an endemic phase with Covid-19. No new variants have appeared to edge out XBB.1.5, now dominant world-wide.  Even better, XBB.1.5 failed to cause a surge of hospitalizations or deaths in the US or in the rest of the world.

However, the baseline of hospitalizations and deaths in the US is high–double what it was back in summer of 2021 before the Delta variant hit.  With no official restrictions and people abandoning masks as well as low booster uptake, vulnerable people are getting Covid.

In the US, in the last 2 weeks, the official stats show new cases fell 15% and hospitalizations dropped 11%.  (At under 25,000 patients, hospitalization figures are the lowest in nearly a year.)  But, deaths INCREASED 20% to an average of 393 Americans per day.  See the chart below for current stats. The national testing positivity rate fell to 7.9%.

In Texas, in the last 2 weeks, infections decreased 22%, and hospitalizations dropped 6%.  BUT, deaths rose 122%, with an average of 30 Texans dying each day.  See the chart below for current stats. The positivity test rate dropped slightly to 10%.

Recent Covid Articles I Recommend

Early Metformin Cuts Long COVID Risk 3/8/23

Long Covid Patients More Likely to Have Gastrointestinal Problems, Study Finds 3/7/23

What We Know and Don’t Know About the Origins of Covid 2/27/23

Hong Kong, One of World’s Last Holdouts, Ends Its Mask Mandate 2/27/23

Feb. 25, 2023 Upcoming Lakeway events you won’t want to miss, as well as storm recovery efforts, Council meeting results, and early scoop on our upcoming ELECTION for MAYOR and 3 COUNCIL SEATS.  Plus—women’s rights updates, space news, recent deer photos, Covid news/stats/articles, and more.

What is going on in Lakeway? 

Big Freeze Clean Up

Debris Collection after Winter Storm Mara

City of Lakeway–PINK lines indicate CLEARED streets.

Storm debris is being collected by the city, at no charge to residents, thanks to Mayor Kilgore.  BIG PROGRESS has been made!  Per the city’s last update, over 100 streets have been cleared and over 330 huge truckloads of debris hauled to Public Works for disposal. The task is immense, and work is expected to continue another week or so.

The REVISED map above shows 5 colored collection zones. NEW—the streets already cleared are shown with pink lines. Each zone has a giant claw collection truck and a team of workers going street by street to clear storm debris from the curbs.  

Here is the city’s updated map page where you can search by street and zoom in:

Check here for the latest info:  Email  or contact Public Works at (512) 608-9000 with any questions. 

Here is a quick (45 seconds) but illuminating video from Feb. 14, showing one of the giant claw trucks collecting storm debris curbside, as well as views of the Public Works destination facility:

Oak Wilt

Concerned about oak wilt?  Due to storm damage and the disaster declaration, oak trimming is allowed if needed, despite February being the start of the no-prune season.  Any fresh cuts must be sealed immediately, to guard against the beetles that spread oak wilt.  (Use professional tree sealer or latex paint.)  Breaks during the storm were sealed by the cold and ice; also, it is ineffective to seal wounds after a day has passed. Here are some helpful links: 

–Painting oak wounds:

–Preventing oak wilt:

Insurance/Damage Claims 

The city’s Disaster Declaration will facilitate insurance claims.  Take pictures of damage to your property from the storm, including spoiled food, roof damage, broken windows, fallen trees, etc. Keep receipts for costs incurred.  IN ADDITION TO MAKING CLAIMS ON YOUR OWN INSURANCE, report damage to the state here:

Plane Crash on Live Oak Golf Course.

On Feb. 12, a small private plane traveling from San Antonio to Tennessee experienced engine trouble and detoured to the Lakeway Airpark for an emergency landing.  Instead, it crashed behind the driving range of the nearby golf course, taking out fencing and equipment belonging to Lakeway MUD.  The pilot was alone in the plane and sustained no serious injury.  Happily, no one was hurt on the ground.  NTSB is investigating. Go here for several photos of the incident:

LOTS going on at Lake Travis Community Library

Fraud/ID Theft Prevention Class  

On Tuesday, Feb. 28 at 10:30AM, Lakeway Police Sgt. Jason Brown will conduct a fraud and ID theft prevention class.  FREE and open to the public, this is an opportunity for residents to learn about deterring criminals from getting access to personal information and bank accounts.

“Women in Art” during month of March 

March 1-31, the Lakeway Arts District presents “Women in Art,” a special art exhibition celebrating Women’s History Month. This exhibit includes paintings, drawings, digital AI art, and mixed media sculptures by local women artists, inspired by women’s history, health, beauty, motherhood and equality. 

Check out the Artist Reception on March 4, 1:30-3PM AND the Art Demo on March 11, 1:30-3PM. MORE art events at the library in March are listed here:

Lakeway is HIRING–including SUMMER JOBS

Open positions include summer jobs (lifeguard, swim instructor, concessions attendant) plus administrative assistant, events coordinator, facility attendant, accounting specialist, code compliance manager, permit technician, juvenile case manager, court supervisor, 911 operator, and police officer. Go here for info and to apply:

Save  Lives—GIVE BLOOD

The next Lakeway Community Blood Drive will be on Saturday, March 18, 8AM-noon, at the Lakeway Activity Center (105 Cross Creek).  The event is always well organized, clean and friendly.  You will be done and out the door in under 30 minutes. It is an important cause and helps countless people. Plus—FREE JUICE AND COOKIES!

While walk-ins are welcome, those with appointments have priority. You can see upcoming dates and make an appointment to donate by entering your zip code here–

Garage Sale at Lakeway Activity Center

The next community garage sale is Saturday, March 25, 8AM to noon.  Admission is FREE, but in the LAC lobby you can drop off non-perishable or canned food items, to be donated to local food banks and charities.  You can also donate new or gently used children’s books, for the Free Little Books bin at the entrance.

Want to sell stuff?  Booths measure 10X10. LAC members: $30 (starting Feb. 20); non-members: $35 (starting Feb. 27).  Call 512-261-1010 to reserve a booth, space permitting. Click here to reserve a booth online/check availability:

Scholarships for 12th Grade Level Students

Submissions are being accepted through April 22 for the annual City of Lakeway/Waste Connections $1,000 scholarships for 12th grade level students. This scholarship is only available to students whose parents are signed up for solid waste services with the City of Lakeway.  Go here for details and to apply:

Mayor Kilgore’s Facebook Update

Our fabulous mayor gave a live update on city matters on Feb. 16.  Go here to watch:

Heritage Bus Tours in May

Register now for this popular and FREE event!  Explore the history of Lakeway through one of three available bus tours taking place on Friday, May 5.  Times are 9:15AM, 11:15AM, and 1:15PM.  Depart from Lakeway City Hall (1102 Lohmans Crossing Rd.). This is a great way to celebrate the 60th anniversary of Lakeway’s founding.  

Go here for more info and to register:

Council had a SPECIAL Meeting on Feb. 13.

This was a follow up to the Feb. 6 Council meeting, with the ONLY Agenda item being final review of a streamlined Development Agreement for accelerated construction of LTISD’s Elementary School #8 on 25 acres of land on Bee Creek Road, in time to open in August of 2024.

RESULT: All members were present. 

They voted unanimously to DENY the Development Agreement (largely due to traffic issues as well as loss of commercial space/sales tax income, with the consensus being this school should be located in Sweetwater since it will primarily serve those families, rather than burden Lakeway).  LTISD is free to bring a new proposal if things change, but as of now there will not be a new elementary school built on Bee Creek Road


View the Agenda, Meeting Packet, and/or Presentation (scrolling down to City Council documents) here: 

Go here to watch the Council meeting online:

Council Met on Feb. 21.

All 7 members attended in person.  RESULTS:

ITEM 17: Financial Report.  Revenue was $197K below projections; however, this situation is improving, along with the flow of property tax payments from Travis County.  Expenditures were $583K below projections, due to employee vacancies.  

ITEM 18: Citizens Participation.  NONE. 

ITEM 19: Request for a total of $57,820 from the city’s Hotel Occupancy Tax Fund for promotion of the 2023 Lake Travis Film Festival.  UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED. 

ITEM 20: Replat of 8.985 acres, being Lot 1 Lake Travis Church of Christ at 1808 Lohman’s Crossing, into 2 lots, both with access and frontage onto Lohman’s Crossing.  UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED. 

ITEM 21: Special Use Permit Amendment for Garages of Texas, at 1009 RR 620 North, to allow limited commercial uses.  UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED. 

ADDENDUM ITEM A. 2: City Manager reported on his decision, as per Mayor Kilgore’s suggestion, to award $80,000 in merit bonuses among 35 city employees, due to excellent performance during the recent Winter Storm Mara.  NO ACTION NEEDED (as funds within budget).

ADDENDUM ITEM A. 3: Executive Session RE: Bianca King’s lawsuit against the city over denial of a permit for her daycare center on Vanguard. NO ACTION TAKEN.


View the Agenda, Meeting Packet, and/or Presentation (scrolling down to City Council documents) here:  

Go here to watch the Council meeting online:

Zoning and Planning Meets on March 1

ZAPCO’s monthly meeting is on Wed., March 1, 9AM at City Hall.  View the Agenda, Meeting Packet, and/or Presentation (scrolling down to Zoning and Planning documents) here:

Lakeway ELECTIONS—Coming Soon

Local elections will be on May 6, with Early Voting starting April 24.  (If you aren’t registered to vote, the deadline is April 6.)  

EIGHT CANDIDATES will be on Lakeway’s ballot. 

Unfortunately, at least 3 of the 8 candidates are endorsed and funded by a certain Lakeway PAC.  The bad thing about PACs is they conceal the identity of those contributing to political campaigns.  I think Lakeway residents deserve to know exactly who is funding these campaigns, and to what extent. $50 is no big deal, but $500 likely comes with strings. And, this PAC gave $20,000 to ONE candidate for Council last year. Wonder what they got for their money? The PAC in question is The Committee to Protect Lakeway (CTPL), and it is funded by several groups, including those in power during past administrations (often stained with scandal), people orchestrating recent ugly episodes involving our police force and our airpark, and developers intent on making even more money on Lakeway deals.  Since the PAC’s website endorses 3 candidates it is currently supporting, I will note them below.

Also, every election we get a mystery candidate who no one knows—someone who has skipped all the wonderful opportunities to participate in city functions, volunteer to help with events or serve on committees, or just attend Council meetings and provide constructive comments.  They just deemed themselves ready run our city, without knowing the issues or the players—or even the way to City Hall….  This year, we are blessed with TWO of these charmers.  I will note the “Who is THAT?” candidates below, as well.

The 3 candidates* for Mayor are:

–Incumbent Tom Kilgore was elected Mayor in 2021.  In a very busy 2 years, he helped the city recover from the pandemic’s economic effects, guided us through extensive and much-needed city ordinance updates, made possible the completion of Main Street, oversaw practical assistance to residents during the recent ice storm as well as collection of debris afterward, and much more.  Mayor Tom managed all this while keeping Lakeway’s share of our property tax bills low.  His campaign site is here (this is the 2021 site which I assume will soon be updated for the current campaign):

–Ron Cooper is a Rough Hollow resident and close associate of Legend Communities CEO Haythem Dawlett.  An insurance adjuster, Cooper has lived in Texas and in Lakeway for just 3 years; his only city service to date seems to be a brief stint on the Ethics Committee.  He is endorsed and funded by the CTPL PAC.  His campaign site is here:  

–Roy Paar has lived in Lakeway only 10 months (but seemingly will meet the 1-year residency requirement as of Election Day, just barely).  From Portland, Oregon, he lists his occupation as “consultant.” Prior to filing to run for mayor, he has not volunteered for any city service or even attended meetings, as far as I can tell.  His campaign site is here:

 *There were 4 candidates, but Shiloh Newman withdrew from the Mayor’s race on Feb. 24.

The 5 candidates for Council are:

–Incumbent Gretchen Vance was originally elected to Council in 2019 and currently serves as Mayor Pro Tem. She is an entrepreneur who has lived in Lakeway for 13 years. Her campaign site is here:

–Dan Vardell is a multi-disciplinary technology manager who has lived in Lakeway for 8 years.  He was a member of the Comprehensive Plan Committee during recent updates, and he now serves on the city’s Zoning and Planning Commission.  His campaign site is here:

–Kevin Bernzott is a financial CEO and has lived in Lakeway for 3 years.  He is a member of the City Building Commission. His campaign Facebook page is here:

–Chris Forton works in life insurance and has lived in Lakeway for 8 years.  He ran for Council back in 2018 and now serves on the city’s Zoning and Planning Commission.  He is endorsed and funded by the CTPL PAC.  His campaign site is here:

–Kent O’Brien is an engineer who has lived in Lakeway for 14 years.  Prior to filing to run for Council, he has not volunteered for city service recently or even attended meetings, as far as I can tell. He is endorsed and funded by the CTPL PAC.  His campaign site is here:

Upcoming blogs will include more info on the candidates and their positions on the issues, as well as details on upcoming forums, media questionnaires, etc., so we can all get to know them and assess how well their visions of Lakeway match ours.  Vote accordingly!

Daring Mighty Things

Shift Robotics

Moonwalkers—I want these!  Why walk when you can run, with the same effort?  These devices strap onto regular shoes and convert your walking stride into a glide that effortlessly increases speed to 7MPH, a normal running pace.  It looks like they will be available soon, retailing at $1,400.  “One small step for walking, one giant leap for urban mobility.”


Russia’s replacement ride home from the International Space Station launched on Feb. 23 (and is scheduled to dock at the station late on Feb. 25).  Last December, a Soyuz craft managed to dock with ISS and deliver 2 Russian cosmonauts and 1 American astronaut, despite experiencing loss of all coolant during the journey; this problem rendered the ship unable to fly crew members back to Earth.  Since then, the station was unable to evacuate all humans on board in the case of emergency.  The Russians eventually announced the Soyuz leak was caused by impact with a micro-meteoroid.  This was called into question when a Russian freighter that had been docked with ISS for several months suddenly developed a coolant leak a few weeks ago; however, Roscosmos insisted the leaks were a coincidence, with the freighter’s leak caused by “external influences.”  Russia launches replacement spacecraft for astronauts stranded by coolant leak 2/23/23


On Feb. 14, NASA’s mini chopper, Ingenuity, flew its 43rd mission over Mars, increasing its total flight distance to nearly 6 miles.  The Red Planet’s Energizer Bunny weighs in at 4LBS and was created to experiment with flight in micro-gravity; only 5 missions were planned.  Its endurance has proven invaluable in scouting out pathways for the rover Perseverance as it searches for evidence of past or present life on Mars. Ingenuity helicopter aces 43rd Mars flight, its longest in 10 months 2/17/23

With liberty and justice for all … except women. 

States across the country are convening their first legislative session post-Dobbs, and abortion bills are running rampant.  Almost exclusively anti-abortion, these bills often propose punishing doctors and other medical workers (with fines, imprisonment and loss of license) for performing surgical abortions or prescribing abortion pills.  In a few blue states, legislatures are gearing up to protect doctors from out-of-state subpoenas and sanctions.  A New Goal for Abortion Bills: Punish or Protect Doctors  2/16/23

The absurd Texas lawsuit contesting the FDA’s approval over 20 years ago of the abortion drug mifepristone is STILL PENDING in an Amarillo federal court before a Trump-appointed judge who has previously issued rulings hostile to abortion rights.  A result is expected any day, and a ruling in favor of the conservative Christian plaintiffs would stop medication abortions nationwide, pending appeal that would likely end up in the US Supreme Court. What to know about Texas ruling that could see abortion drug taken off the market 2/8/23

Back to me….  

I had the privilege of attending Michigan State University way back when for my undergraduate degree, so the recent mass shooting there really hit hard. SPARTAN STRONG—GO GREEN!

Driving along Lohmans Crossing lately, you will have noticed all the land stripped of trees and overrun by noisy machines and clouds of dust.  Starting near the elementary school and across from The Hills’ main gate, then running behind the police station and finally meeting up with Medical Drive behind HEB, construction of a church plus 3 large mixed use developments is all approved and underway. Legend Communities is building Tuscan Village 2 (which currently has no connection to the existing Tuscan Village) and The Square on Lohmans. Stratus Properties is supposed to (finally) finish building The Oaks. All told, there will be hundreds of single-family homes, hundreds more apartments and town homes, plus extensive retail, restaurant, entertainment, office and other commercial sites. The GOOD news is there will be a large park (at the HEB end and on the Rolling Green side).  The BEST news is that Lakeway will finally get Main Street connected to Lohmans Crossing at Wingreen Loop (with a stop light where The Hills’ gate is).  Lohmans Spur will also connect to Main Street at a roundabout (ugh) behind the police station.  Both developers are obligated to complete 4-lane roads on a set timetable.  However, Stratus hasn’t even begun ground work, so expect the CITY OF LAKEWAY to build that segment of Main Street meeting Medical Drive, along with a pricey bridge over an environmentally sensitive area that will drive costs up to $4MIL-5MIL (that amount having very smartly been included in the recently approved transportation bond).

So, if you notice deer, coyotes, foxes, or other wildlife in new areas around Lakeway, it could well be due to their having been displaced from all the acres that are suddenly a massive construction zone.

Here are some recent photos I took of our deer herd.

Whitetail deer in Lakeway, TX.

The Coronavirus   

China’s official estimate of Covid deaths in the months after the government’s abrupt removal of all restrictions is under 100,000.  Experts, however, point out glaring omissions and place deaths between 1 million and 1.5 million people.

The American elderly remain vulnerable to Covid-19, with 90% of those now dying from it being 65 and older.  People with medical conditions including asthma, diabetes and immune deficiencies are also at high-risk.  Yet, in this country precautions like masking and vaccine mandates rankled from the start.  Now, virtually no one takes any precautions, for themselves or others.  Ethical arguments aren’t even being made anymore.  Crucially, this attitude extends far beyond Covid (and clearly did not start with the pandemic).  As the following article sums up: “Americans do not agree about the duty to protect others, whether it’s from a virus or gun violence.”  For Older Americans, the Pandemic Is Not Over 2/11/23

The latest casualty due to lack of Covid funding is tracking data.  Many data trackers are shutting down, making it harder for individuals and even government agencies to gauge illness, hospitalization and deaths as the Covid emergency officially ends but the disease remains prevalent.

On Feb. 24, the FDA authorized emergency use of the first over-the-counter test that detects Covid-19 AND the flu.  Lucira Health’s test delivers results in 30 minutes, from a nasal swab.  Release to the public is not yet scheduled and could be complicated by Lucira Health’s recent bankruptcy filing.

In the US, in the last 2 weeks, the official stats show new cases fell 13% and hospitalizations dropped 5%.  Deaths decreased 27% to an average of 328 Americans per day.  See the chart below for current stats. The national testing positivity rate held steady at 10%.

The US as a whole is trending in the right direction, with the Northeast in particular seeing low case levels now.  However, western states, especially Utah and Nebraska, are seeing rising cases and hospitalizations.  Reporting sources caution that Covid death figures are artificially low now, due to data processing delays from the CDC.

In Texas, in the last 2 weeks, infections decreased 21%, hospitalizations dropped 14%, and deaths fell 55%, with an average of 14 Texans dying each day.  (BUT—see the caveat above on current data processing delays artificially suppressing death figures.)  See the chart below for current stats. The positivity test rate dropped slightly to 11%.

Recent Covid Articles I Recommend

FDA authorizes first at-home combo flu/Covid test 2/24/23

What the end of COVID trackers means for the future of the pandemic 2/23/23

Is the United States Ready for Back-to-Back Pandemics? 2/22/23

As the Pandemic Swept America, Deaths in Prisons Rose Nearly 50 Percent 2/19/23

How Deadly Was China’s Covid Wave?  2/15/23

Feb. 11, 2023 Lakeway’s severe tree damage from the ice storm and resulting clean up including a map showing zones for city debris collection, lots of fun library events and other happenings in the area, multiple Council meetings, a list of local candidates for mayor and council, an update on women’s rights, cool space news, and a Covid update (news, stats, and recent articles).

What is going on in Lakeway? 

Big Freeze Clean Up

Early February’s ice storm ravaged Lakeway, particularly in the older parts of town with mature landscaping.  Many of our gorgeous oaks lost major limbs, and some trees just toppled over completely.  Mayor Kilgore declared Lakeway a disaster zone, facilitating state and federal aid as well as insurance claims for damage. 

Yard Clean Up

REVISED clean up map, as of 2-13-23, City of Lakeway

Storm debris is being collected by the city, at no charge.  Mayor Kilgore spearheaded city assistance for residents’ clean-up efforts, and city trucks started collecting storm debris on Feb. 6.  Five additional crews with large trucks will join the effort starting Feb. 12, to speed up the process. 

Lakeway homeowners have been busy, creating truly impressive mounds of tree limbs and brush lining nearly every curb in town.  ALL city streets will be included in the free pick up, as shown on the map above, with 5 colored zones.

FEB. 13 EDIT: The REVISED map above shows the purple zone expanded to include St. Andrews (Troon and Muirfield Greens).

The 5 zones will be handled simultaneously, with 1 crew per zone.  The goal is to completely cover the city in 2-3 weeks.  So, GET YOUR STORM DEBRIS CURBSIDE BY FEB. 11.  Here is the map page where you can search and zoom in:

The debris will be taken to the city’s Public Works grounds, where an industrial chipper is located. Due to the resulting high traffic of large vehicles, Public Works is now temporarily closed to the public, with no individual drop offs allowed.

Be sure to haul debris to the curb, as crews will NOT enter private property to retrieve limbs.  Also, they cannot hack dangling limbs off of trees.

Check here for the latest info:  Email  or contact Public Works at (512) 608-9000 with any questions. 

Concerned about oak wilt?  Due to storm damage and the disaster declaration, oak trimming is allowed if needed, despite February being the start of the no-prune season.  Any fresh cuts must be sealed immediately, to guard against the beetles that spread oak wilt.  (Use professional tree sealer or latex paint.)  Breaks during the storm were sealed by the cold and ice; also, it is ineffective to seal wounds after a day has passed. Here are some helpful links: 

–Painting oak wounds:

–Preventing oak wilt:

Insurance Claims 

The Disaster Declaration will facilitate insurance claims.  Take pictures of damage to your property from the storm, including spoiled food, roof damage, broken windows, fallen trees, etc. Keep receipts for costs incurred.  Report damage by filing out the State damage survey found here (under the “Active Incidents” section, and then click on “Ice Storm/Winter Weather January 29 – Ongoing” button):

Special Olympics

The Special Olympics Texas Winter Games 2023 will be held the weekend of Feb. 17-19.  Games will showcase over 1,000 participants in floorball, powerlifting, cycling, golf, and volleyball. Locations include Lake Travis Middle School, Bee Cave Middle School, Hill Country Indoor, and Star Hill Ranch.  Schedule and full info here:

LOTS going on at Lake Travis Community Library.


Monday, Feb. 13 marks the 10th anniversary of the library opening in its current location, 1938 Lohmans Crossing Rd.  (Remember—the library used to be in the Chair King shopping center, where Point of Origin is now.) Stop by at 4PM to help one of the gems of Lakeway celebrate the happy occasion with cake and other festivities.

Art Exhibit at the Library

Through February, Vandegrift High School student Shreya Poladia’s paintings will be on display in the library’s Community Room.  She uses pastels, watercolors, coffee, charcoal, pencils, and acrylics to depict nature in many formats. Proceeds from sales during the exhibit will benefit Safe in Austin Rescue Ranch, which rescues animals from severe abuse or neglect.

Fraud/ID Theft Prevention Class  

On Tuesday, Feb. 28 at 10:30AM, Lakeway Police Sgt. Jason Brown will conduct a fraud and ID theft prevention class.  FREE and open to the public, this is an opportunity for residents to learn about deterring criminals from getting access to personal information and bank accounts.

“Women in Art” during month of March 

March 1-31, the Lakeway Arts District presents “Women in Art”, a special art exhibition celebrating Women’s History Month, at the library. This exhibit includes paintings, drawings, digital AI art, and mixed media sculptures by local women artists, inspired by women’s history, health, beauty, motherhood and equality. 

Check out the Artist Reception on March 4, 1:30-3PM AND the Art Demo on March 11, 1:30-3PM. MORE art events at the library in March are listed here:

Scholarships for 12th grade level students

Submissions are being accepted through April 22 for the annual City of Lakeway/Waste Connections $1,000 scholarships for 12th grade level students. This scholarship is only available to students whose parents are signed up for solid waste services with the City of Lakeway.  Go here for details and to apply:

Council Called a SPECIAL Meeting for Feb. 6. 

All members were in attendance.  RESULTS: 

ITEM 8: Declaring Lakeway a disaster area for 90 days, subsequent to the recent severe winter weather and related power outages. PASSED UNANIMOUSLY 

ITEM 9: Second reading of a streamlined Development Agreement for accelerated construction of LTISD’s Elementary School #8 on 25 acres of land on Bee Creek Road, with special attention to traffic issues.

After considerable discussion, mostly as to traffic issues, Council was largely satisfied with changes made to the Development Agreement; Council still wanted a guarantee the county will allow buses to access the SportsPark road and for LTISD to look at using a Park and Ride strategy to move kids between the school and an off-site parking lot.  However, since the revised Development Agreement was submitted by LTISD earlier that day, there was no public notice or review by the City Attorney.  PASSED UNANIMOUSLY to give public notice on the final Development Agreement later this week, and schedule another Special Council Meeting on Monday, Feb. 13 to resolve this matter.  

ITEM 10: Ordering an election on May 6 for Mayor and 3 Council seats (budget of $45,000).  PASSED UNANIMOUSLY 

ITEM 11: Annexation of Bee Creek Road, from the Highlands traffic circle to HWY. 71. PASSED UNANIMOUSLY

ITEM 12: Discussion of the city’s position on various issues being considered by the Texas Legislature.  Issues include: Appraisal Caps and Property Tax Exemptions; Online Sales Tax; Marijuana Decriminalization; Police Reform; Dis-annexation and ETJ Reductions; Decreased Zoning Authority; and Stricter Platting Shot Clock.

After discussion, it was agreed that staff will concentrate on bills gaining traction on issues affecting Lakeway including: property tax assessments; online sales tax changes; limiting authority of home-rule cities, giving cities more access to state agencies; and legalization/criminalization of activities. 


View the Agenda, Meeting Packet, and/or Presentation (scrolling down to City Council documents) here: 

Go here to watch the Council meeting online:

Council set another SPECIAL Meeting for Monday, Feb. 13, 6:30pm, at City Hall.

This is a follow up to the Feb. 6 Council meeting, with the only Agenda item being final review and (it is hoped) approval of a streamlined Development Agreement for accelerated construction of LTISD’s Elementary School #8 on 25 acres of land on Bee Creek Road, in time for opening in August of 2024.

View the Agenda, Meeting Packet, and/or Presentation (scrolling down to City Council documents) here: 

Go here to watch the Council meeting online (live or later):—Meetings-Events

Council Will Meet on Tuesday, Feb. 21, 6:30PM.

Go here for the Agenda, posted a few days beforehand:

Lakeway ELECTIONS—Coming Soon!  

Local elections will be on May 6, with Early Voting starting April 24.  (If you aren’t registered to vote, the deadline is April 6.)  Campaigning will start soon….

Up for election are Mayor Kilgore’s seat and 3 City Council seats—now held by Kumar, Vance, and Trecker.  All 4 incumbents are eligible to run for another term.  So far, Mayor Kilgore and Councilmember Vance have filed to run in the election.  For Council, Kevin Bernzott, Christopher Forton, and Kent O’Brien have filed to run, as of Feb. 11. 

The candidate filing period ends Feb. 17.  The city’s election page, with full info, is here:

Daring Mighty Things

QUICK QUIZ—Which planet orbiting our Sun has the MOST MOONS?  Scroll down to the end of this section for the answer.

On Feb. 4, an American F-22 fighter jet destroyed the Chinese spy balloon with a Sidewinder missile.  The single shot was fired just as the intruder passed the South Carolina coastline, with debris raining harmlessly into the Atlantic. US military shoots down Chinese surveillance balloon 2/5/23

Peter Zay/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

On Jan. 31, former NASA astronauts Douglas Hurley and Robert Behnken were awarded the Congressional Space Medal of Honor.  They were honored for their bravery during NASA’s first commercial crew launch, SpaceX Demonstration Mission-2 to the International Space Station in 2020. VP Awards Former NASA Astronauts Congressional Space Medal of Honor

NASA/Joel Kowsky

As seen in the image below, a comet–called C/2022 E3 (ZTF)–not seen from Earth since our Stone Age has come back around for a visit. Rare green comet’s close approach a once-in-50,000 years feast for astrophotographers 2/3/23


Feb. 1 marked the 20th anniversary of losing space shuttle Columbia, which exploded during re-entry and killed the 7 astronauts on board. 20 years after Columbia shuttle tragedy, NASA pledges ‘acute awareness’ of astronaut safety 2/1/23


QUIZ ANSWER—Jupiter, which has 92 moons.Jupiter now has the most moons in the solar system, beating Saturn thanks to 12 newfound satellites 2/3/23

With liberty and justice for all … except women. 

With Roe obliterated by the extreme Conservative SCOTUS, state constitutions are being examined for protection of women’s bodily autonomy.  Recently, courts in South Carolina found a state right to abortion, while a court in Idaho found none.  Do Abortion Rights Hang On State Constitutions? 1/29/23

In Texas (ugh, if it is egregious, it is ALWAYS Texas), a federal court decision is expected any day in a case brought by a conservative Christian group.  Despite wide use and an impressive safety record for over 20 years, the group is demanding that the FDA’s 2000 approval of the drug mifepristone be revoked, suspending use nationwide.  Currently, medication abortions account for over half of pregnancy terminations.  Plaintiffs forum-shopped, filing the case in Amarillo before a Trump-appointed judge who has previously issued rulings hostile to abortion rights.  What to know about Texas ruling that could see abortion drug taken off the market 2/8/23

Back to me….  

The best thing about cold weather is the dramatic increase in cat snuggles—love that!  Second best is the yummy vat of soup I made. 

Our deer herd seemed spooked by the ice storm and Mother Nature’s brutal rearrangement of Lakeway’s landscaping.  Plus, yard work cut into my daily walks, so I only got one recent deer photo, taken on Vanguard (but, she is adorable).

Whitetail doe in Lakeway, TX

The Coronavirus   

In China, the tsunami of Covid cases after the government abruptly suspended restrictions seems to be ebbing.  Official disclosure is limited and reporting suppressed to some degree, but hospitals and funeral homes appear less overwhelmed in recent weeks. 

In the US, in the last 2 weeks, the official stats show new cases and hospitalizations both fell by 14%.  Coincidentally, deaths also dropped 14% to an average of 449 Americans per day.  See the chart below for current stats. The national testing positivity rate held steady at 11%.

Even with the national decreases, most southern states are showing the opposite.  Alabama and Louisiana have the highest per capita case rates, up by 25% in the last 2 weeks.

Despite 450-500 daily Covid deaths–double those from the flu–emergency health provisions are largely ending in May.  This is in part due to Congress’ refusal to keep funding the cost of Covid testing, treatment and vaccines.  Hospitals and Medicare recipients will see most of the changes.  But, this also draws an official line closing out the pandemic and moving the country into the endemic phase of living with Covid-19; politically, this is a good thing.  Herd immunity will never happen, so to some extent Covid-19 is here to stay.  This 20-minute podcast is helpful in understanding why this is happening now and what changes to expect. The End of the Pandemic in the US  20-minute podcast 2/3/23

new interferon drug shows great promise treating even the latest Covid variants.  A single shot supposedly makes hospitalization half as likely; it also helps the body fight the flu and other viral diseases. But, it hasn’t been tested in in the US or per the FDA’s requirements, so even emergency approval here isn’t likely anytime soon.

In Texas, in the last 2 weeks, infections decreased 22% and hospitalizations dropped 15%.  But, deaths ROSE 29%, with an average of 30 Texans dying each day.  See the chart below for current stats. The positivity test rate dropped to 13%.

Recent Covid Articles I Recommend

Why the Odds Are Stacked Against a Promising New Covid Drug 2/8/23

The End of the Pandemic in the US  20-minute podcast 2/3/23

These benefits will disappear when Biden ends the Covid national and public health emergencies in May 1/31/23

Children lost about 35% of a normal school year’s worth of learning during the pandemic, study suggests 1/30/23

Jan. 28, 2023 Lakeway events and meetings, a city election update, the latest on women’s rights, fun space news, recent deer photos, and Covid updates (stats, news and recent articles).

What is going on in Lakeway? 

Guess Who has a BIG Birthday this Year….

Founded in 1963, the City of Lakeway turns 60 in 2023!  The celebration started with the heritage bus tours earlier this month.  The 4th of July parade theme will be “’63 and Free.”  More fun events are in the works. 

To brush up on Lakeway’s history, visit The Heritage Center (963 Lohmans Crossing).  The Center is open to the public January through November on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 9AM-3:30PM, excluding holidays.

Get a start online by going here:



If you plan to trim oaks, JANUARY IS THE LAST MONTH TO DO IT (until summer). Oak pruning is a violation of Lakeway ordinance February through June, due to higher likelihood then of spreading Oak Wilt. The fine is up to $1,000 per day. Trimming Oaks is allowed July-January.  But, when trimming, pruning seal must be applied within 10 minutes to all cuts on all Oak trees. More info here:

Brush Recycling Offered 1st Thursday of Every Month

City of Lakeway offers free yard waste drop off for Lakeway residents the first Thursday of every month, at the Public Works Department (3303 Serene Hills Drive) 7AM-3:30PM.  Limit is one pickup truck load of yard waste or up to one 8’X5′ pile.  Go here for details, including what is accepted:


Now through Feb. 14, enjoy a Valentine’s Day story while strolling the trail behind City Hall (1102 Lohmans Crossing).

You’ll find pages from the children’s book “If You Were My Valentine” (written by Lynn Plourde and illustrated by Jennifer L. Meyer).  

This FREE event emphasizes the importance of reading, spending time with friends, and connecting with nature.

Community Helper Story Time

On Monday, Jan. 30 at 10:30AM, Lakeway Police Officer Christie Carter will present a special story time at the Lake Travis Community Library (1938 Lohmans Crossing).  Officer Carter will discuss being a police officer and keeping the community safe, as well as reading a story to families attending.

Sock Hop

On Monday, Feb. 6, 7-9PM, the Lakeway Arts Committee presents a FREE and FUN 1940-50s dance event at the Activity Center (105 Cross Creek).  Nostalgic music will be provided by The Highlights, plus musicians from People’s Choice and vocalists Barbara Calderaro, David Cummings and Howard T. Levine.  Wear your favorite Memory Lane apparel and bring snacks and beverages.

Masterpiece Concert

On Sunday, Feb. 12, 4-5PM, the Lakeway Arts Committee presents the next Masterpiece Concert at the Activity Center (105 Cross Creek).  

FREE for residents, the concert will feature music performed by Andrew and Sari Pearce, along with other talented musicians on violin, viola and cello.

Garage Sale at Lakeway Activity Center

The next community garage sale is Saturday, March 25, from 8AM to noon.  Admission is FREE, but in the LAC lobby you can drop off non-perishable or canned food items, to be donated to local food banks and charities.  You can also donate new or gently used children’s books, for the Free Little Books bin at the entrance.

Want to sell stuff?  LAC members-$30 per booth; Non-Members-$35 per booth.   Call 512-261-1010  or go here for info and to reserve a booth (starting Feb. 20 for members, Feb. 27 for non-members):

A Night with the Austin Symphony Orchestra

On Saturday, April 1, 2023, members of the Austin Symphony Orchestra and students at Lake Travis High School will present the 3rd annual performance at the Lake Travis Performing Arts Center. Go here for details and tickets:

Lakeway is HIRING

Open positions include Court Clerk Supervisor, Juvenile Case Manager, Permit Technician, Code Compliance Inspector/Officer, Code Compliance Manager, Facility Attendant, and Police Officer. (As of Feb. 1, the city will start hiring LIFEGUARDS.)  Go here for info and to apply:

Spring Break Camps at Lakeway Activity Center

Plan early to keep the little ones busy during spring break.  Go here for camp info and to register:

Council Met on Tuesday, Jan. 17.

RESULTS: All 7 members attended in person.  

ITEM 10: Kay Andrews received a Lifetime Achievement Award. 

ITEM 11: Tamara Arguello was appointed Chief Court Clerk. 

ITEM 12: Financial Report—At the end of the first quarter of FY 2023, revenue was $235K below projections, due to slow property tax payments.  Expenditures were $430K below projections, due to salary savings from several unfilled positions. 

ITEM 13: Citizens Participation. One person spoke, as to traffic concerns on Flint Rock Road. 

ITEM 14: Special Use Permit for a Home Occupation/DAYCARE CENTER at 702 Vanguard.  The permit was DENIED 4:3 (Kilgore, Kumar and Mastrangello voting in favor of the permit). 

ITEM 15: Special Use Permit for a short-term rental at 811 Sunfish. Permit was APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY. 

ITEM 16: First Reading—LTISD Development Agreement. After a presentation by LTISD officials and considerable discussion on the dais, Council made it clear the proposal for an elementary school to be built on Bee Creek Road would not be approved at the next meeting unless traffic concerns raised tonight were addressed and resolved. 

ITEM 19: Executive Session to obtain legal advice re: Charter Election and Texas Local Government Code chapter 143.  Council debated in private, then returned to the dais, PASSING UNANIMOUSLY a motion to support state legislation in the new session to protect disclosure of personal information and unfounded complaints. 

Adjourned at 9:11pm.  

View the Agenda, Meeting Packet, and/or Presentation (scrolling down to City Council documents) here:  

Go here to watch the Council meeting online

Upcoming City Meetings 

ZAPCO (zoning and planning) meets on Wednesday, Feb. 1, 9AM.  Council meets on Tuesday, Feb. 21, 6:30PM. Go here for Agendas:

Lakeway ELECTIONS—Coming Soon!

Local elections will be on May 6, with Early Voting starting April 24.  (If you aren’t registered to vote, the deadline is April 6.)  Campaigning will start soon….

Local elections include Lakeway’s Mayor Kilgore and 3 City Council seats—Kumar, Vance, and Trecker.  All 4 incumbents are eligible to run for another term.  The candidate filing period started Jan. 18 and ends Feb. 17.  The city’s election page, with full info, is here:

To date, only Mayor Kilgore and Councilmember Vance have filed to run in the election.

Daring Mighty Things

I aim for the full spectrum in this blog, from the ridiculous to the sublime.  So, here you go….

credit: Miss Universe

Competing in the Miss Universe pageant earlier this month, Miss USA R’Bonney Gabriel wore the moon, as an homage to the space program that anchors her hometown of Houston.  The elaborate costume included a scale-sized moon held up over her head by an intricate frame surrounded by gleaming silver stars; her wispy outfit was made of red, white and blue lights.  She carried an American flag–well, of course she did!  The costume weighed 33 pounds. 

credit–Dario Giannobile

A gorgeous comet with a green tail is closing in on Earth.  The image above was taken over Mount Etna and the Italian island of Sicily, on Jan. 23. On clear nights in dark areas, the comet–known as C/2022 E3 (ZTF)–is visible with the naked eye, but binoculars will help. Just after sunset, look to the north for a green glow.  How to See the green comet 1/23/23


Remember Ingenuity—the mini helicopter flying on Mars with the rover Perseverance?  After completing its 5 planned flights to experiment with flying in Mars’ ultra-thin atmosphere, the mighty Ingenuity has amazed NASA handlers by carrying on, and on, and on.  Weighing just 4 pounds, Ingenuity recently completed its 40th flight, sending valuable data home to Earth.  Mars helicopter Ingenuity aces 40th Red Planet flight 1/20/23

With liberty and justice for all … except women.

Jan. 22, 2023 SHOULD have been the 50th anniversary of women’s right to regulate their health care and make their own choices about their families.  Instead, 5 people who were granted black robes for life (at least 3 of them under highly dubious circumstances) decided to substitute their personal preferences for 5 decades of established Constitutional rights.  And, the country is divided—red vs. blue, oppression or freedom.

Now, the next step in protecting women’s rights is the shield law.  The idea is that blue states where abortion is legal pass laws to protect their doctors prescribing and mailing abortion pills to women living in red states where abortion is illegal.  Massachusetts already has a shield law, and New York will likely pass one soon.  With easy access to abortion pills mailed within the US, women in red states can manage their own terminations at home, without the expense and difficulties of inter-state travel, and without waiting the several weeks it takes to receive pills mailed from Europe or India.  The New Cutting Edge of Abortion-Rights Legislation 1/20/23

Back to me….  

Nothing much going on—just trying to stay warm and find things to do OTHER than my taxes….

I spotted a few more deer lately, all sweet does. Here are a few photos I took. 

Whitetail deer in Lakeway, TX

The Coronavirus   

In China, experts estimate that roughly 80% of the population (1.2 billion people) caught Covid 19 since restrictions were suddenly lifted in early December.  In addition, there have been over 1 million deaths.  Also, the government is currently arresting people who dared to protest the harsh rules back in 2022.  Nevertheless, pandemic control workers who abruptly lost jobs when the government abandoned its years-long zero Covid strategy are NOW protesting, demanding wages and new jobs.

In the US, in the last 2 weeks, the official stats show new cases and hospitalizations both fell by about 25%.  Deaths dropped 8% to an average of 521 Americans per day.  See the chart below for current stats. The national testing positivity rate fell to 11%

Experts are now saying the US avoided the usual winter surge this year. Instead, due to largescale immunity from vaccines and previous infections, we had a Covid bump—cases and hospitalizations went up, but not as dramatically as in the past.  States in the south and northwest had a steeper bump than states in the west.  As always, older and immunocompromised people suffer the most.  Currently, hospitalizations are five times higher among Americans 70 and older.  Over 90% of American Covid deaths are people 65 and older. 

Bump or surge, January of 2023 is a harsh opening month, Covid-wise.  Despite vaccines and boosters, as well as universal awareness of the virus and how to minimize it, we just aren’t bothering with any of that.  We traveled and gathered for the holidays and returned to life without pandemic.  The experts call it “collective forgetting.”  We decided to move on; too bad Covid had other ideas. This January, hospitalizations are at the 4th highest rate ever, with hospitals across the country overwhelmed. “Official” new case rates are high but incomplete, since most people now test at home.  But, wastewater analysis shows a severe spike in infection, the largest since that technology became widely used.  Boosters, masking in public spaces, and practicing social distancing all minimize infection.  NOW is the time to take these steps to keep yourself and others safe.

credit: United Airlines Boeing 787 by Getty Images

The CDC has long had a program at several airports, with international arrivals being asked to swab their nostrils for Covid screening, including testing for new variants.  Now, the CDC plans to go further, testing wastewater collected from in-flight lavatories.  Because air travel wasn’t icky enough these days, I guess….

On Jan. 23, the FDA proposed an annual Covid vaccination for Americans, to be administered each fall. This approach, long used for flu, would allow the Covid vaccine to be updated yearly to better fight current variants.

The vaccination rate in the US remains at 68% overall.  For those age 65 and up, the rate is 93%.

The FDA is considering an in-house recommendation that the bivalent booster be used as the starter Covid-19 vaccine, replacing the 2020 formula for people getting their very first shots.  This is in response to studies showing the new booster formula is significantly more robust in preventing severe disease and death. 

GET BOOSTED!  A new CDC study shows that the Covid-19 bivalent booster reduces by 50% the risk of symptomatic infection from the most common subvariant now in the US.  Also, getting the bivalent booster doubles protection from death, compared to just having the regular vaccination.  And, getting the bivalent booster makes dying from Covid 19 times LESS likely, compared to having NO vaccination at all. 

In Texas, in the last 2 weeks, infections decreased 28% and hospitalizations dropped 26%.  But, deaths rose 28%, with an average of 24 Texans dying from Covid each day.  See the chart below for current stats. The positivity test rate fell to 15%.

As of Jan. 20, Austin Public Health reported that  the “Kraken” variant of omicron formally known as XBB.1.5  has been detected in the Austin area.  This variant is responsible for over half the new cases nationwide.  The Austin area is composed of 5 counties, which are split into 2 hospital districts.  New Covid cases rose area-wide after the holidays.  However, the latest numbers show new hospitalizations dropping in Travis, Williamson and Bastrop counties (7.4 new admissions per 100,000 people and 4.2% of hospital beds occupied by someone with COVID-19); hospitalizations are still rising in Hays and Caldwell counties (20.1 new admissions per 100,000 people and 6.1% of the hospital beds occupied by someone with COVID-19)

Recent Covid Articles I Recommend

Covid Vaccines Targeting Omicron Should Be Standard, Panel Says 1/26/23

New booster works against dominant Covid strain 1/25/23

F.D.A. Outlines a Plan for Annual Covid Boosters 1/23/23

‘Kraken’ variant of COVID-19 arrives in Austin as cases rise. What you need to know. 1/22/23

The global hunt for new Covid variants reaches airplane bathrooms 1/16/23

‘People aren’t taking this seriously’: experts say US Covid surge is big risk 1/15/23

Jan. 14, 2023 Best guesses on candidates soon to announce for Lakeway’s Mayor and Council races, as well as Lakeway events and entertainment plus Council meetings, space news, updates on women’s rights, new deer photos, Covid update (news, stats, recent articles), and more.

What is going on in Lakeway? 

Art at Lake Travis Community Library

At the library during January, photography by Bill and Rosemary Galloway, a husband and wife team, will be on display in the Community Room.

January is Human Trafficking Prevention Month, Nationally AND in City of Lakeway.

Human Trafficking includes forced labor and sex trafficking.  24.9 million adults and children are subjected to this crime worldwide, which grosses $150 billion a year. Signs someone is a victim of Human Trafficking include physical abuse (bruises, wounds in various stages of healing, and mutilations), a victim being accompanied by another person who is controlling, or a victim that refuses to make eye contact/is afraid to speak in the presence of others. If you think someone is a victim of Human Trafficking, call the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-888-373-2423. The Lakeway Police Department also has a dedicated Victim Assistant Coordinator on staff (call 512- 261-2800). More info here:


If you plan to trim oaks, JANUARY IS THE LAST MONTH TO DO IT (until summer). Oak pruning is a violation of Lakeway ordinance February through June, due to higher likelihood then of spreading Oak Wilt. Trimming Oaks is allowed July-January.  But, when trimming, pruning seal must be applied within 10 minutes to all cuts on all Oak trees. More info here:

History of Lakeway Bus Tours

Usually held in spring, these popular bus tours will be offered on Friday, January 20, 2023.  Choose from 9:15AM, 11:15AM, and 1:15PM.  Register ASAP for this FREE event. More info and the registration link are here:


The next community blood drive at Lakeway Activity Center is on Saturday, ­­­Jan. 21, 8AM-noon.  The event is always well organized, clean and friendly.  You will be done and out the door in under 30 minutes. It is an important cause and helps countless people. Plus—FREE JUICE AND COOKIES! While walk-ins are welcome, those with appointments have priority. You can see upcoming dates and make an appointment to donate by entering your zip code here–


From Jan. 23 through Feb. 14, enjoy a Valentine’s Day story while strolling the trail behind City Hall. You’ll find pages from the children’s book “If You Were My Valentine” (written by Lynn Plourde and illustrated by Jennifer L. Meyer).  This FREE event emphasizes the importance of reading, spending time with friends and connecting with nature.

Community Helper Story Time

On Monday, Jan. 30 at 10:30AM, Lakeway Police Officer Christie Carter will present a special story time at the Lake Travis Community Library (1938 Lohmans Crossing Rd).  Officer Carter will discuss being a police officer and keeping the community safe, as well as reading a story to families attending.

Sock Hop

On Monday, Feb. 6, 7-9PM, the Lakeway Arts Committee presents a FREE and FUN 1940-50s dance event at the Activity Center (105 Cross Creek).  Nostalgic music will be provided by The Highlights, plus musicians from People’s Choice and vocalists Barbara Calderaro, David Cummings and Howard T. Levine.  Wear your favorite Memory Lane apparel and bring snacks and beverages.

Masterpiece Concert

On Sunday, Feb. 12, 4-5PM, the Lakeway Arts Committee presents the next Masterpiece Concert at the Activity Center (105 Cross Creek).  FREE for residents, the concert will feature music performed by Andrew and Sari Pearce, along with other talented musicians on violin, viola and cello.

Mayor Kilgore’s Facebook Update

The mayor gave a live update on Jan. 12.  Go here to watch:

Council Meets on Tuesday, Jan. 17, City Hall at 6:30PM.

Note that the meeting is on TUESDAY, due to the usual Monday being a federal holiday.  Happily, we are back to the usual 6:30PM start time.

Consequential Agenda items include: 

ITEM 10: Lifetime Achievement Award presented to Kay Andrews.

ITEM 11: Appointment of Tamara Arguello as Chief Court Clerk.

ITEM 12: Financial Report.

ITEM 13: Citizens Participation (up to 30 minutes, with the rest—if any–heard at end of meeting).

ITEM 14: Special Use Permit for a Home Occupation/DAYCARE CENTER at 702 Vanguard.

ITEM 15: Special Use Permit for a short-term rental at 811 Sunfish.

ITEM 16: First Reading—LTISD Development Agreement.

ITEM 19: Executive Session to obtain legal advice re: Charter Election and Texas Local Government Code chapter 143 (which, if adopted, would make Lakeway’s police officers civil servants instead of city employees).

View the Agenda, Meeting Packet, and/or Presentation (scrolling down to City Council documents) here: 

Go here to watch the Council meeting online (live or later):—Meetings-Events

Lakeway ELECTIONS—Coming Soon!

Ready or not, it is election season.  Yes–AGAIN.  Local elections will be on May 6, with Early Voting starting April 24.  (If you aren’t registered to vote, the deadline is April 6.)  Campaigning will start soon….

Local elections include Lakeway Mayor and City Council.  (Lake Travis ISD school board members will also be on the ballot.)  The city’s election page, with full info, is here:

Mayor Kilgore was elected in 2021, so he is eligible to run for a second term.  (I still have my yard sign, from last time, so I’m all set.) The same is true for Council Member Trecker (except for the yard sign bit).  Council Members Vance and Kumar were first elected in 2019 and so are eligible to run for a third (and last consecutive) term.  I expect all 4 incumbents will run for re-election this time, but we will know soon.  The filing period starts Jan. 18 and ends Feb. 17.  The City Secretary promptly posts all candidate applications at the above link, so everyone can follow along.

NOW is the time to speculate on who else will run for Mayor and Council, aside from the incumbents….  Of course, if NO ONE challenges the incumbents, no election is needed and the taxpayers save about $40,000.  (It happened in 2020, but that was due to Covid.)  In order to protect the innocent, I’ll just use initials for my speculations. 

For Mayor, there will likely just be 1 challenger, put forward by the rabid right (having spent the last 2 years waging toxic and even violent feuds over the airpark, workforce housing and multiple police matters).  Historically, it could well be a complete unknown, with zero city government involvement to date; let’s hope they don’t repeat that dumb move.  From folks who have at least darkened the doors of City Hall, I see the strongest possibility as either JS (confirming it was the plan all along) or GW (wresting control of City Hall away from Old Lakeway).  TR might agree to be used for all the wrong reasons, and THAT race would be bloody.  Or, we could be in for a blast from Lakeway’s scandal-ridden political past, with RM filing, or even JB (may the good Lord protect us). 

For Council, several people could vie for the 3 seats, which are at large, so the top 3 vote-getters win.  MS pops up everywhere lately so is likely to run, while CL hovers over Lakeway like a sour stench.  Other possibilities include AE, DV and CF. Again, the rabid right likes to shove forward neophytes who have never bothered to volunteer or serve on committees–so tiresome–so who knows who they will come up with this time….

Speaking of elections, the Texas legislature is now in session (so brace yourself).  Not surprisingly, there are a lot of quirks, when it comes to how bills become laws, or fail to do so, in Texas.  This article explains it all.  Texas Legislature 101: Understanding the state government and how it passes laws  1/10/23

Daring Mighty Things


As noted last time, the International Space Station has a problem. The Soyuz spacecraft that delivered 2 Russian cosmonauts and 1 NASA astronaut in December for a 4-month mission on ISS is unsafe for the March trip home due to a severe coolant leak.  Russia has decided to send up an uncrewed Soyuz on Feb. 20, so it can transport the 3 crew members back to Earth on schedule.  In the meantime, any emergency requiring evacuation of the 7 people on duty on the ISS would be problematic, as the only intact craft at the station is a SpaceX Dragon with just 4 seats.  Russia to launch new Soyuz capsule to replace leaky spacecraft on space station 1/11/23


NASA will, in the next 2 years, begin construction of Gateway Station, orbiting the moon.  The facility will support the planned series of moon missions, including those with long-term stays by astronauts on the moon’s surface.  Unlike the fairly roomy International Space Station, Gateway is subject to strict weight limits, constricting its size. Plans currently call for a few segments, each just 6X6 feet, much of which space will be taken by equipment, leaving the 4-person crew very little space and zero privacy. NASA’s moon-orbiting space station will be claustrophobic, architect says  1/7/23

With liberty and justice for all … except women.

Two segments of the Biden administration’s plan to shore up women’s rights recently dropped into place. 

First, a federal legal opinion was issued, protecting individuals and entities mailing abortion pills into red states that prohibit abortion.  Justice Department clears Postal Service to carry abortion drugs into red states 1/3/23

Second, the FDA announced that abortion pills can be sold at LOCAL PHARMACIES and not just at health clinics.  This makes getting these pills easier, quicker, and cheaper.  FDA allows abortion pills to be sold at retail pharmacies, say two drugmakers 1/3/23

Already, CVS and Walgreens say they will offer abortion pills in states that do not ban them. Other pharmacy chains should follow.  CVS and Walgreens Plan to Offer Abortion Pills Where Abortion Is Legal 1/6/23

But, ugly protests are coming soon to local drug stores.  Next frontier in the abortion wars: Your local CVS 1/11/23

Worse, really, is how Alabama’s Republican Attorney General plans to prosecute women getting abortions.  Like most red states, Alabama’s law banning abortion only allows prosecution of PROVIDERS—not patients. But, the Alabama AG decided to get creative and will use a law intended to protect kids from exposure to meth labs, barring “chemical endangerment of a child.”  Applying that to women getting abortions will jail them as felons. The anti-abortion movement just had a mask-off moment in Alabama 1/13/23

So, two steps forward… and at least two steps back, I guess.

Back to me….  

2023….  I’m still not convinced it can be trusted.

I managed to squeeze January’s daily yoga challenge into my schedule.  And, I’m also trying to walk more, even on cold mornings.  Pretty much, I have finally adjusted to working night shift; I love having my days free and am getting good at sleeping during the day.  Best of all, my sweet kitties are being very supportive; of course, everything I know about power naps I learned from my cats.

Still not seeing many deer (which is usual this time of year).  With rut season done, Lakeway has switched over to roadside banners featuring our sweet does. 


Here are a few recent deer photos.

The Coronavirus   

China’s tragic Covid odyssey continues.  December’s sudden reversal of government policy—from rigid testing and long-term isolation to zero controls—has resulted in widespread infections and resulting stress on the usual service providers. Hospitals are not only seriously over-crowded–they lack ventilators and even basic supplies like ibuprofen to bring down fevers in patients with Covid or other diseases.  Funeral operators are so overburdened that services are restricted to 10 minutes instead of allowing mourners the usual several hours of leave-taking.  Other countries experienced these things years ago when Covid first blazed through with little to no restrictions or vaccinations to impede it, but China failed to learn lessons from the rest of the world.  As always, the elderly are the most vulnerable to Covid, and in China that generation has the lowest vaccination rate, in part due to skepticism about China’s home-grown vaccines.  As the virus spreads through China’s cities and out into rural areas that have little to no medical resources, some see the older generation as being sacrificed by a government that over-protected against Covid for years and abruptly pivoted in order to reopen a rebelling society and restart a badly faltering economy.  Experts are concerned that Covid running through China’s immense unprotected population will result in a rise of new variants, which could be more deadly and/or more resistant to existing vaccines than the current variants.  Private enterprise is getting creative; a bank is rewarding wealthy new customers depositing the equivalent of $500,000 with free Covid vaccination shots—using proven safe and effective mRNA vaccines from the West.  In the meantime, the Chinese government is, according to the W.H.O., falsifying records to minimize current cases, hospitalizations and deaths. A reported death toll of 60,000 so far in 2023 is likely incomplete.

In the US, in the last 2 weeks, the official stats show new cases and hospitalizations rose slightly.  However, deaths soared 79% to an average of 566 Americans per day.  See the chart below for current stats. The national testing positivity rate was roughly stable at 14%.

In December, Covid infections in the US doubled over the previous month.  Also, over 10,000 Americans died, which is higher than any month since last summer.  The CDC blames the latest Omicron strain, XBB1.5.  Enabled by holiday travel and gatherings, this variant is more easily transmitted than others, though it does not seem to cause more serious disease.  The elderly are most at risk, but only 38% of those 65 and older have gotten the new booster shot formulated to better protect against the current variants.

Variant XBB.1.5, nicknamed Kraken, is one of the latest descendants of Omicron and a fusion of two different BA.2 variants.  It is the most transmissible variant yet, spreading faster worldwide than any other variant to date. It arose in or around New York state in late October and is now particularly prevalent in the Northeast (responsible for 75% of cases there), as well as causing 35-40% of all Covid infections in the US.  As of the end of December, the number of cases in the US doubled weekly.  BB.1.5 is spreading more than twice as fast as its closest competitor, the BQ.1.1 variant. Experts caution Kraken isn’t the last variant, stressing that the only way we can understand Covid-19’s evolution and prepare for even worse variants is to step up sequencing.  However, funding cut-backs in the US and worldwide have slashed budgets, with sequencing being cut and testing centers closing.

A recent study in Israel of 700,000 people age 65 or older showed that the new bivalent booster reduced hospitalizations by 81% and reduced deaths by 86%.  These results were mirrored in a new CDC report on Covid hospitalizations in the US, along with significant protection for younger people.  GET BOOSTED!

We now lack specialized Covid-19 treatments that can be used for the most vulnerable population.  The monoclonal antibodies that were so successful treating the early variants are useless against the current forms of Covid-19. That leaves antiviral drugs like Paxlovid; they DO work against the current variants.  BUT, they are not safe for immune-compromised people because they interact with drugs they likely take.  With Covid-related government funding largely dried up at this point, there is little impetus for pharmaceutical companies to develop new drugs.

In Texas, in the last 2 weeks, infections rose 10%, hospitalizations increased 26%, and deaths jumped 59%.  See the chart below for current stats. The positivity test rate rose to 21%.

Recent Covid Articles I Recommend

Health Experts Warily Eye XBB.1.5, the Latest Omicron Subvariant 1/7/23

Covid cases, hospitalizations spike as new variant gains foothold 1/6/23

China is burying the stats on its Covid nightmare 1/5/23

Could new Omicron variant XBB.1.5 fuel further Covid infections? 1/3/23

Once-favored Covid drugs ineffective on Omicron may be putting millions at risk 1/1/23

Dec. 31, 2022 ­­­Lakeway enters 2023 with events, fun activities, ordinance changes and Council meetings, plus space news, an important women’s rights update, some New Years resolutions, BEST OF 2022 Deer Photos, Covid updates (stats, news and recent articles) and more.

What is going on in Lakeway? 

Good Time Scavenger Hunt

Celebrate the New Year by walking the lower level of Lakeway City Park (502 Hurst Creek Road), looking for 26 clocks along the trail.  Each clock has a letter and number that corresponds to a hidden answer key.  Solve the secret message and win a prize!  FREE contest runs Dec. 31-Jan. 12.  Go here for more info:

Drivers Beware: In 2023, more golf carts will be puttering along our already crowded and inadequate local streets.

Lakeway’s new golf cart ordinance takes effect on Jan. 1, allowing them on some local public roads having speed limits not exceeding 35 mph. Restrictions include:

–Golf carts must be equipped with safety equipment–headlamps, tail lamps, reflectors, a parking brake and rearview mirrors.

— Golf carts must display a reflective slow-moving emblem on the rear.

–Golf carts must display a state-issued license plate obtained from the Travis County Tax Office.

–NO UNDERAGE DRIVERS.  Drivers must be of legal driving age, with a license.

INSURANCE is required.

Not allowed at night.

–Lap riding, standing passengers, towing equipment and driving on sidewalks/shared use paths are not permitted.

–Some local streets still do NOT allow golf carts, including Lakeway Drive (between Lakeway Boulevard & Cross Creek), Lohmans Spur (between RM 620 & Lohmans Crossing Road), Serene Hills Drive, Bee Creek Road, Flint Rock Road, SH 71 (including the right-of-way), and RM 620 (including the right-of-way).

Violation of golf cart rules is a misdemeanor, with fines up to $500.  Email the city  or go here for more info:

Recycle your Christmas tree

City of Lakeway offers these options:

–Take the tree to Public Works (3303 Serene Hills Drive), weekdays 7AM-3:30PM, through Jan. 6.  This option is ONLY for real trees.  Remove all lights and decorations.   Don’t block the gate or driveway entrance to Public Works. 

–If you have solid waste services through Waste Connections, call (512) 314-7514 to schedule a pick-up time for your real OR artificial tree as part of the bulky waste program.  Tree cannot be over 6’ tall.

Brush Recycling Offered 1st Thursday of Every Month

City of Lakeway offers free yard waste drop off for Lakeway residents the first Thursday of every month, at the Public Works Department (3303 Serene Hills Drive) 7AM-3:30PM.  Limit is one pickup truck load of yard waste or up to one 8’X5′ pile.  Go here for details, including what is accepted:


If you plan to trim oaks, JANUARY IS THE LAST MONTH TO DO IT (until summer). Oak pruning is a violation of Lakeway ordinance February through June, due to higher likelihood then of spreading Oak Wilt. Trimming Oaks is allowed July-January.  But, when trimming, pruning seal must be applied within 10 minutes to all cuts on all Oak trees. More info here:

History of Lakeway Bus Tours

Usually held in spring, these popular bus tours will be offered on Friday, January 20, 2023.  Choose from 9:15AM, 11:15AM, and 1:15PM.  Register NOW for this FREE event, which is expected to fill up quickly.  More info and the registration link are here:


The next community blood drive at Lakeway Activity Center is on Saturday, ­­­Jan. 21, 8AM-noon.  The event is always well organized, clean and friendly.  You will be done and out the door in under 30 minutes. It is an important cause and helps countless people. Plus—FREE JUICE AND COOKIES! While walk-ins are welcome, those with appointments have priority. You can see upcoming dates and make an appointment to donate by entering your zip code here–

Lakeway is HIRING in 2023

Open positions include Bilingual Administrative Assistant (temporary, part-time), Multimedia Specialist, Assistant City Manager, and Police officer. Go here for info and to apply:

Council Met on Dec. 19.

Six members were present on the dais, with Vance absent. RESULTS:

ITEM 10: Citizens Participation–NONE.

ITEM 12: Financial Report. Two months into the fiscal year, revenue is $242K BELOW projections (due to the county’s late mailing of property tax bills, which delayed funds coming in), and expenditures are $275K BELOW projections.

ITEM 13: Request by TexARTS for $70,000 in Hotel Occupancy Tax funds. UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED.

ITEMS 14-17: Short Term Rental requests for 151 World of Tennis, 113 Edgewater Cove, 209 Golf Crest Lane, and 819 Mariner. All four: UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED, with 819 Mariner restricted to 3 parked vehicles.

ITEM 18: Preliminary Plan approval at 570 Rupen, for a development of 10 single family R-1 lots on 5.59 acres, with $45,000 to be paid to the city in lieu of parkland dedication. UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED.

ITEM 20: Amendments to Tree Ordinance. UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED.

ITEM 22: Executive Session re: Attorney General Ruling OR2022-35833 as to personnel records to be released or withheld per a public information request. Motion to OPPOSE Attorney General Ruling OR2022-35833 was UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED.

Additional Item A-1: Executive Session re: sale, lease or exchange of real property. NO ACTION.


View the Agenda, Meeting Packet, and/or Presentation (scrolling down to City Council documents) here: 

Go here to watch the Council meeting online

NEXT Council Meeting

City Calendar shows the next Council meeting on TUESDAY, Jan. 17, at 6:30PM.

ZAPCO Meets Jan. 4, 9AM at City Hall.

Understanding Council issues starts with attending ZAPCO (Zoning and Planning) meetings.  They meet the first Wednesday of the month at 9AM in City Hall Chambers.  View the Agenda, Meeting Packet, and/or Presentation (scrolling down to ZAPCO documents) here:

Daring Mighty Things


The Orion capsule arrived back on Earth on Dec. 13 in a dramatic splashdown in the Pacific Ocean.  Duly recovered by the USS Portland, it has since been making its way from San Diego back to Florida’s Kennedy Space Center in a more prosaic fashion–via truck. Scheduled to arrive by end of 2022, Kennedy’s technicians will then open the hatch and unload several payloads (including three mannequins, living yeast samples, a Snoopy plush doll, Shaun the Sheep, Lego figurines, and a space version of Amazon’s Alexa–all studded with data-gathering sensors), with analysis of many experiments finally beginning.


There is a problem on the International Space Station.  On Dec. 15, a Soyuz spacecraft arrived, delivering 2 Russian cosmonauts and 1 NASA astronaut for a 4-month mission on ISS, despite the craft developing a severe coolant leak on the way there.  Now, the question is whether the Soyuz is safe for the return trip home, scheduled for March.  Options include Russia sending a rescue Soyuz up to ISS, or SpaceX stepping up to ferry the personnel back to Earth.  In the meantime, ISS is in the difficult situation of having more personnel on board than could be safely evacuated and returned to Earth, should an emergency develop at the orbiting station.  NASA ponders SpaceX astronaut rescue as backup after Soyuz leak: report 12/29/22

With liberty and justice for all … except women.

On Dec. 23, the FDA released guidance clarifying that “morning after pills” (Plan B One-Step) are NOT abortion pills.  Previously, the product was touted with this nonscientific marketing language: “works by preventing a fertilized egg from implanting in the uterus.”  The FDA has mandated this correction: “works before release of an egg from the ovary.”  The product package will also state this: “The pill will not work if you’re already pregnant, and will not affect an existing pregnancy.” Since the product acts before fertilization–not after–it is not an abortion pill. Of course, with abortion pills now under fire by red state legislatures, it is important to properly distinguish contraception products (although women’s right to contraception may well come under scrutiny soon by the radically conservative Supreme Court). The F.D.A. Now Says It Plainly: Morning-After Pills Are Not Abortion Pills 12/23/22

Back to me….  

After several brutal years of pandemic, disappointment and upheaval, all I want from 2023 is a year that just leaves me the hell alone.

But, in honor of New Years, here is my list of 12 pithy resolutions/things to remember.  Some are original, others I gleefully stole.

–Drink more water.

–The best way to make a tough decision: Does it light me up?

–Massage your feet.

–In your closet and your life, subtract whenever you add.

–Stretch everything, from head to toe.

–When there is something bothering you, ask yourself: “Will this STILL be an issue in one week or in one month?”  If the answer is no, let it go.

–Just because you CAN do something doesn’t mean that you have to do it, or that it’s good for you.

–Take a breath.  Breathing is good, and the pause it affords in a crisis will calm you; it will also keep you from saying something regrettable, making you look good instead.

–Keep moving.

–Do it now, instead of later. 

–Try to be nice.

–Spend more time with your cat (or dog or kid or whoever you love spending time with….).

LAST CHANCE—Sign up for FREE yoga online to ease into the New Year with some grace!  Yoga with Adriene hosts its annual 30 DAYS OF FREE ONLINE YOGA this coming January.  Adriene Mishler is based in Austin, so the program has a fun local flair. I have participated for the last 5 years, and it is always rewarding.  Each day in January, you’ll get an email with a link to that day’s video session (15-30 minutes); participate per your own schedule.  Again, it is FREE and a great way to start a new year.  Get more info and sign up here:

As usually happens this time of year, our deer are making themselves scarce.  I don’t have any recent photos, so here is a BEST OF 2022 gallery.


Best DOE: a 3-way tie


Best FAWN–Newborn (single and twins)

Best FAWN–Juvenile: a tie

Best MOM AND BABY: another 3-way tie (I’m really bad at this.)

Just Too Cute to Leave Out

The Coronavirus   

In China, the Covid surge resulting from sudden withdrawal of restrictions hit factories hard, as economists predicted.  In major cities including Beijing, worker shortage levels are increasing daily.  Pharmacies have run out of drug stock; with people isolating at home out of fear of catching Covid, blood banks are depleted.  Mid-December, China’s top health authority estimated that 37 million people are being infected daily, making this outbreak the world’s largest by far.  With low vaccination rates, experts warn that 60% of China’s massive population could soon be infected.  (That amounts to one-tenth of the WORLD’s population.)  Hospitals are overrun in some areas. So are morgues and crematoriums; reportedly, deaths are being intentionally undercounted by officials, in order to downplay the crisis.  Nevertheless, China announced last week that, as of Jan. 8, travelers from overseas can enter the country without quarantine, just needing to show a recent negative Covid test.

Starting Jan, 5, air travelers arriving from China, including Hong Kong and Macau, will be required to present negative Covid-19 tests before entering the United States.  This applies to people of all nationalities, those connecting from China via a third country, and regardless of vaccination status.

In the US, in the last 2 weeks, the official stats show new cases and deaths dropped, with hospitalizations pretty much flat.  However, experts warn that this may well be due to reporting irregularities related to the holidays.  See the chart below for current stats. The national testing positivity rate rose to 15%.

New York, New Jersey, and several southern states are currently having the worst Covid surges.

Dr. Anthony Fauci retired as of Dec. 31, after 54 years as a pioneer in public medicine and caring for America’s health.  There will be a special place in Hell for people smearing him for political reasons.  Excellent article on an amazing healer is here: ‘I had to fulfil my responsibility’: Fauci on his career, Covid and stepping down 12/25/22

Across America, people over age 65 are being admitted to hospitals at a rate 4 times that of younger patients.  Experts say this is largely because only 36% of this vulnerable age group has gotten the new booster designed to fight the current Covid variants.  As a result, those age 65 and older account for 95% of current Covid deaths.

A CDC study shows that the new bivalent booster reduces the risk of hospitalization by 50%.  GET BOOSTED!

Feeling sick?  This chart may help you figure out why.

In Texas, in the last 2 weeks, infections and deaths both rose 9%, while hospitalizations dropped 9%.  See the chart below for current stats. The positivity test rate rose to 18%.   (As noted above, stats tend to be less reliable over the holidays.)

Recent Covid Articles I Recommend

‘I had to fulfil my responsibility’: Fauci on his career, Covid and stepping down 12/25/22

As Covid Deaths Climb, Even Seniors Skip the Latest Booster 12/21/22

China is on the brink of its first major Covid surge. How it copes will affect us all  12/21/22

New Covid Booster Shots Cut Risk of Hospitalization by Half, C.D.C. Reports 12/16/22

Dec. 17, 2022 Holiday events in Lakeway plus Council meetings and other civic matters, details on our smashingly successful second moonshot plus amazing space images, an update on women’s rights, new deer photos AND cat photos, plus Covid news (info on the winter surge, vaccine updates, and recent articles), and more.

What is going on in Lakeway? 

Trail of Lights

My photo from the 2009 Trail of Lights, when someone setting things up had a sense of humor….

Stroll through Lakeway’s holiday light show any night, behind City Hall (located at Lohman’s Crossing and Sailmaster; park at City Hall or the adjacent Activity Center).  Lights will be on through Jan. 2.

TexARTS Holiday Musical

Celebrate the holiday with the swinging cabaret, A Cool Yule 2022: The Final Fa La La. Final performances are Dec. 17 and 18, 7:30PM.  The productionfeatures songs from Elvis, Andy Williams, Frank Sinatra, Sugarland, Michael Buble, Peggy Lee, and more favorites. The location is the Kam and James Morris Theatre (2300 Lohman’s Spur, Suite 160).  Go here for more info and tickets:

Menorah Lighting

Starting Sunday, Dec. 18 and for 8 nights at 5:30PM, local Jewish families will light the menorah in front of City Hall.  The community is welcome to attend. To participate in the lighting, email

Holiday Camps

Lakeway Activity Center offers kid camps in December.  For info and to sign up, go here and look under the “Holiday Camps” tab:

Polar Bar Plunge

Celebrate one year ending and another beginning at the Lakeway Swim Center (3103 Lakeway BLVD) on Dec. 30, 9-10AM.  After taking the big slide into the leisure pool for a chilly dip, warm up with hot chocolate and snacks.  The first 20 participants get a Lakeway towel.  FREE and FUN event!  Go here for info:

A Night with the Austin Symphony Orchestra

CHRISTMAS GIFT ALERT!  Tickets are on sale NOW.

On Saturday, April 1, 2023, members of the Austin Symphony Orchestra and students at Lake Travis High School will present a 3rd annual performance at the Lake Travis Performing Arts Center. Go here for details and tickets:

Art Exhibit at Lake Travis Community Library

Through December, Lake Travis Community Library’s meeting room will display award-winning entries and honorable mentions from the annual Teen Read Week Art Contest.  Participants created original art inspired by personal reading experiences, and Friends of the Library provided cash prizes.

Suicide and Crisis Hotline

This isn’t specific to Lakeway—it is a free national resource that can save lives, and the number recently changed.  Sure, the holidays are fun and full of joy, but they are also stressful and can trigger pain and depression.  If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call or text 988 or chat

Mayor Kilgore’s Facebook Update

The mayor gave a live talk on Dec. 15, just a 9-minute update.  Go here to watch:

Council Met on Dec. 5.

All members were present at this Workshop meeting, with Council Member Kumar attending via Zoom.  RESULTS: 

ITEM 5: Transportation Bond Update.

Jennifer Ritter of Specialized Public Finance gave a presentation on how and when would be best for the city to issue some or all of the $17.5M in transportation bonds that residents recently voted to approve. While NO ACTION WAS TAKEN, the consensus was that a partial bond will likely be offered next May, and Public Works suggested starting with culvert repair, some of the traffic lights, and resurfacing Lakeway Blvd. and Lakeway Drive. 

ITEM 6: FY 2022 Budget Amendment.

Finance Director Aaron Daigle reviewed several instances where estimates (such as for Hotel Occupancy Tax deposits and parkland fees) need to be replaced with actual numbers.  In addition, significant expenses planned for 2022 (some road work and several vehicle purchases) ended up being pushed to 2023. NO ACTION WAS TAKEN. 

ITEM 7: Update on RM 620 overlay zoning district project (staff having completed Task 1 of 5 Tasks).

Senior Planner Charlie Sullivan reviewed staff’s completion of Task 1, summarizing the physical effects of the expansion on 620-facing property owners (as to parking, driveways, set-backs, monument signs, impervious cover, etc.)  He noted 240 impacts, 147 being major ones that would normally be handled with requests to ZAPCO for special use permits or variances.  Importantly, the city’s agreement with TXDOT requires the city to bear any cost to make properties code-compliant after the expansion, so it is in the city’s best interest to work with property owners.  Suggestions included applying a 25’ set-back to all the properties (instead of the 40’ set-back that applies to most commercial land), as well as not revoking grandfathered status due to expansion-caused changes.  It was stated that currently the best guess for TXDOT starting the 620 expansion is in 2025. NO ACTION WAS TAKEN, and staff will incorporate suggestions into the city’s overlay plan. 

ITEM 8: Amendments to Tree Ordinance.

City Forester Richard Leon discussed creating a Tree Protection Ordinance that gathers all of the city’s rules on trees into 1 section.  Classes of trees would be protected by location and species, with a Tree Fund established to take payments for removed trees; the city would use the funds to plant new trees or purchase land in order to preserve existing trees. He wants to get Lakeway designated as a Tree City USA by the National Arbor Association.  Finally, he favors rescinding the current ban on planting Live Oaks, except in certified oak wilt areas.  NO ACTION WAS TAKEN, but a proposed ordinance will be revised per the discussion and likely voted on at the next meeting. 


View the Agenda, Meeting Packet, and/or Presentation (scrolling down to City Council documents) here: 

Go here to watch the Council meeting online:

Council Will Meet on Monday, Dec. 19, 6PM at City Hall.

Consequential Agenda items include: 

ITEM 10: Citizens Participation.

ITEM12: Financial Report.

ITEM 13: Request by TexARTS for $70,000 in Hotel Occupancy Tax funds.

ITEMS 14-17: Short Term Rental requests for 4 properties–151 World of Tennis, 113 Edgewater Cove, 209 Golf Crest Lane, and 819 Mariner.

ITEM 18: Preliminary Plan approval at 570 Rupen, for a development of 10 single family R-1 lots on 5.59 acres, with $45,000 to be paid to the city in lieu of parkland dedication.

ITEM 20: Amendments to Tree Ordinance.

ITEM 22: Executive Session re: Attorney General Ruling OR2022-35833 as to personnel records to be released or withheld per a public information request.

View the Agenda, Meeting Packet, and/or Presentation (scrolling down to City Council documents) here: 

Go here to watch the Council meeting online (live or later):—Meetings-Events

Daring Mighty Things


Wow—The Artemis mission’s amazing images include footage of the moon eclipsing Earth.  Go here for a short video:

The entire Artemis I mission was textbook, and it concluded with Orion’s perfect splashdown in the Pacific on Dec. 11.  Crewed missions to the moon—first to orbit and later to land, explore, and inhabit–are planned starting in 2024. NASA’s Orion capsule blazes home from test flight to moon 12/11/22

See the best images from the mission here:

With liberty and justice for all … except women.

State legislatures across the country are gearing up to exploit the repeal of Roe, with extreme measures on the table as law-making sessions convene in 2023.  Proposed laws range from total abortion bans to attempts at making abortion pills illegal.  Currently, abortion is banned in 13 states.  If Republican-controlled state legislatures get their way, that number will double in the next 6 months.  With medication abortion now accounting for half the pregnancy terminations in the US, red states are determined to restrict telehealth consultations and ban the mailing of pills from other states and countries.  The state of Texas has sued the FDA, demanding that abortion pills be banned on a federal basis. Onslaught of new abortion restrictions looms in reddest of states 12/13/22

On the other hand, the Dobbs decision and the fall of Roe moving the abortion fight from the federal level down to the 50 states has worked out in favor of the pro-choice side in some ways.  In 4 states, abortion issues were on the November ballot; in all 4 cases, voters supported women’s rights and freedom of choice.  Not all states allow ballot initiatives, but look for abortion to come up for popular vote in more states over the next 2 years.  In addition, examining state constitutions closely has turned up existing language that may protect a woman’s right to abortion; courts will be construing language allowing citizens to control the shape of their families and to access the full panoply of health care options.  Also, in some states, the fact that abortion is up for discussion helped Democrats win state seats and sent Republican candidates packing; this, in turn, helps the pro-choice side.  This podcast is illuminating: The Unexpected Ways the left is Winning the Abortion Fight 12/14/22

Back to me….  

December is eventful at my house, starting out with birthdays for all 3 of my cats.  The big days are nicely spaced a week apart, and by the time the catnip has settled from all that hoopla, Christmas is here.  So, I’ve been busy but will definitely get our tree decorated this weekend…. Here are Maxie, Tulip and Peanut celebrating.

Peanut, Maxie and Tulip basking in a sunbeam.

With cold weather coming even to Texas, keep these foods in mind to help our birds withstand the winter.

Yoga with Adriene hosts its annual 30 DAYS OF FREE ONLINE YOGA this coming January.  Adriene is based in Austin, so the program has a fun local flair. I have participated for the last 5 years, and it is always rewarding.  Each day in January, you’ll get an email with a link to that day’s video session (15-30 minutes); participate per your own schedule.  Again, it is FREE and a great way to start a new year.  Get more info and sign up here:

As usual for this time for year, the deer have become elusive. But here are the very few recent photos I was able to get of our herd. 

White-tail deer in Lakeway, TX.

The Coronavirus

The UK is having its usual winter Covid surge, with infection rates soaring, hospitals full, and the most vulnerable dying.  Unlike the last 2 years, no one wants to take precautions of any kind.  Now, people are expected to “keep calm and carry on.”  Instead of even discussing the pandemic, society insists on moving on. 

China’s zero-Covid policy is no more. After 3 years of the strictest Covid-19 restrictions in the world, Chine abruptly caved to debilitating economic losses and embarrassing social pressures, including the worst public protests since 1989’s Tiananmen Square.  In what experts are calling “a messy pivot,” the government announced in early December that nearly all its repressive rules on testing, quarantine and protections were rescinded, based on the current Omicron variants being less deadly.  The problem is—that isn’t true, certainly not for a nation like China with little immunity built up from past infections, due to the country spending the pandemic to date hermetically sealed.  Plus, China has a low level of immunization, and its locally-created vaccine is far less effective than vaccines used in the rest of the world.  Add in a limited medical system, isolated communities with no health care at all, widespread poverty, and a massive elder population–and the result inevitably will be high infection rates, overrun hospitals, and mass casualties.  In addition to humanitarian concerns, there are others.  China operates as the world’s factory; widespread infections could shut down production, causing world-wide ripples.  From an epidemiological perspective, China’s gigantic unvaccinated population is a breeding found for new variants—some of which could cause deadlier disease and be less susceptible to our current vaccinations and treatments.  Already, a Covid surge is sweeping across China.  Beijing, in particular, looks like a city in lockdown, due to ill and afraid people isolating themselves.  

In the US, in the last 2 weeks, new cases and hospitalizations rose sharply.  This is the second recent big jump for these stats, echoing what happened after Thanksgiving.  But, this time, the death rate soared, as well; over 400 Americans are dying of Covid each day.  See the chart below for current stats. The national testing positivity rate rose to 12%.  

The US government is again shipping COMPLETELY FREE Covid-19 test kits to households requesting them. You can call 1-800-232-0233 or go here to request 4 free test kits:

If you have test kits on hand that show an old expiration date, know that in many cases the manufacturers provided the FDA with data to EXTEND these dates, with the kits still providing reliable results.  Go here for a chart showing all the kits, with ACTUAL expiration dates:

Covid-19 hospitalization in the US increased 30% since Thanksgiving.  With flu and RSV cases also soaring, hospital beds are scarce in many states.

Feeling sick?  This chart may help you figure out why.

With Covid’s winter surge, plus a tough flu and RSV season—things are especially dangerous for our elders and our kids.  Masks protect against all 3 diseases, so it makes sense now to wear masks in crowded public areas like grocery stores, public transportation, meetings, etc.  Also—test before attending holiday events and family gatherings, so you don’t pass along anything to loved ones.

In the US, currently, those age 65 and over account for 90% of new Covid deaths.  This is despite 94% of that group being vaccinated.  One problem is that only 34% of that group got boosters; crucially, only 14% of them got the new bivalent booster that protects against Omicron variants.  Because the immune system weakens with age, vaccines in general are not as effective and the benefit doesn’t last as long with the elderly as with younger people.  This makes boosters even more important for seniors.

According to a CDC review of death certificates filed Jan. 2020 through June 2022, long Covid contributed to nearly 4,000 American deaths.

A recent study found that vaccinations saved 3 million lives in the US.  Over 1 million Americans have died from Covid, but without vaccines the total would have been over 4 million. In addition, vaccines slashed the number of hospitalizations and saved over $1 trillion in medical costs.

On Dec. 15, Congress passed a massive military spending bill.  Republican Senators demanded that, despite Pres. Biden’s objection, it overturn the Pentagon’s 2021 mandate that troops receive the coronavirus vaccine.  Along with the many other vaccinations required in the military, that requirement resulted in over 95% of military personnel being protected against Covid-19.

On Dec. 8,the FDA authorized the new bivalent booster shot for kids 6 months and older.  It recommended children receive three shots of a Covid-19 vaccine — two doses of the original formulation and a bivalent dose at least two months following the second shot.

In Texas, in the last 2 weeks, infections jumped 69% and hospitalizations surged 57%.  Deaths more than doubled. See the chart below for current stats. The positivity test rate rose to 16%.

Recent Covid Articles I Recommend

White House brings back free at-home COVID test orders as part of “winter preparedness plan” 12/15/22

Covid vaccines averted 3 million deaths in U.S., according to new study 12/14/22

CDC says long Covid has contributed to thousands of U.S. deaths 12/14/22

Without a plan in place to minimize infection, a moving on strategy leaves vulnerable people behind 12/13/11

As Covid Spreads Fast, Beijing Isn’t in Lockdown. But It Feels Like It.  12/13/22

Do You Have Covid, Flu or R.S.V.? 12/13/22

The Covid Pandemic’s Hidden Casualties: Pregnant Women 12/12/22

‘The situation in the hospitals is grim’: States face brutal virus fallout 12/11/22

Masking could fight the ‘tripledemic’, experts say. Will anyone listen? 12/10/22

FDA greenlights bivalent vaccines for children as young as 6 months old  12/8/22

‘Zero Covid,’ Once Ubiquitous, Vanishes in China’s Messy Pivot 12/8/22

Covid-19 Isn’t a Pandemic of the Unvaccinated Anymore 12/7/22

Dec. 3, 2022  Here is your guide to the HOLIDAYS IN LAKEWAY, as well as updates on 2 Council meetings and other local happenings, plus gorgeous images from Artemis orbiting the moon, new deer photos, Covid updates (stats, news and recent articles), and more.

What is going on in Lakeway? 

Season of Giving

Lakeway Activity Center (105 Cross Creek) makes it easy to give this holiday season.  Through Dec. 15, just drop off these items at LAC:

–new kids’ toys (unwrapped) for LTLOV-Green Santa.

–non-perishable food items for Lake Travis Crisis Ministries.

–pet food, toys, blankets, supplies, etc. for local pet charities.

–new and gently used books for and LAC’s library.

Trail of Lights

Stroll through Lakeway’s holiday light show any night, behind City Hall (located at Lohman’s Crossing and Sailmaster; park at City Hall or the adjacent Activity Center).  Lights will be on through Jan. 2.

Lakeway Sing Along Christmas Show for Green Santa

On Dec. 4, there will be TWO performances at the Lakeway Activity Center of the Sing Along’s Annual Green Santa Performance.  Choose from 2PM and 4PM.  Price of admission is an unwrapped gift for a child 17 or under.

Polar Express + Train Rides

On Dec. 9, 6-8PM, Lakeway Parks and Rec will present “The Polar Express” along with trackless train rides, in the City Hall parking lot (1102 Lohmans Crossing).  Wear holiday PJs and bring lawn chairs and snacks to this FREE event.  Hot chocolate and smores will be provided.

Piano Concert

On Sunday, Dec. 11 at 4PM, Lakeway Arts Committee hosts a FREE piano concert by Kiyoshi Tamagawa at the Activity Center. 

Menorah Lighting

Starting Sunday, Dec. 18 and for 8 nights at 5:30PM, local Jewish families will light the menorah in front of City Hall.  The community is welcome to attend. To participate in the lighting, email

Holiday Camps

Lakeway Activity Center offers kid camps in December.  For info and to sign up, go here and look under the “Holiday Camps” tab:

Polar Bar Plunge

Celebrate one year ending and another beginning at the Lakeway Swim Center (3103 Lakeway BLVD) on Dec. 30, 9-10AM.  After taking the big slide into the leisure pool for a chilly dip, warm up with hot chocolate and snacks.  The first 20 participants get a Lakeway towel.  FREE and FUN event!  Go here for info:

A Night with the Austin Symphony Orchestra


On Saturday, April 1, 2023, members of the Austin Symphony Orchestra and students at Lake Travis High School will present a 3rd annual performance at the Lake Travis Performing Arts Center.

Tickets will be on sale starting Dec. 16.  

Go here for details:

Art Exhibit at Lake Travis Community Library

Through December, Lake Travis Community Library’s meeting room will display award-winning entries and honorable mentions from the annual Teen Read Week Art Contest.  Participants created original art inspired by personal reading experiences, and Friends of the Library provided cash prizes.

Suicide and Crisis Hotline

This isn’t specific to Lakeway—it is a free national resource that can save lives, and the contact number recently changed.  Sure, the holidays are fun and full of joy, but they are also stressful and can trigger pain and depression.  If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call or text 988 or chat

Lake Travis Community Library provides TECH HELP

Drop in from noon to 2PM Monday-Thursday and work with one of the tech coaches.  They can help with questions about your smartphone, tablet computer OR any of the library’s own services like the Libby app.  They also provide help via email or phone, and there is a weekly ZOOM session.  More info is here:

Lakeway is HIRING

Open positions include Assistant City Manager, Code Compliance Manager, Multimedia Specialist, Aquatic Specialist, Plans Examiner, Building Inspector, and Police Officer. Go here for info and to apply:

Contact City of Lakeway

Complaint?  Question?  Trenchant observation?  Let city staff and elected officials know, here:

Stay Informed

City of Lakeway will send you notices, via email or text, so you stay up to date on local events. Go here to sign up:

Council met on Nov. 21.

Topics included building more hangers at the airpark, a 2nd reading of the request that the city vacate and sell a lot in Cardinal Hills, paying Lakeway’s $3MIL share of right-of-way fees to expand 620, several special use permits, hiring a new City Manager, and more.


ITEM 29: Executive Session re: filling City Manager position—Moved to the start of the meeting, Council went into a brief private session and then came back to the dais and announced the selection committee’s choice of JOSEPH MOLIS. Council UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED the choice.  (Mr. Molis has served as Assistant City Manager since late 2020 and as Interim City Manager since September. Go here for his profile:  )

ITEM 11: Nov. 26 was designated as SMALL BUSINESS SATURDAY.

ITEM 12: Financial Report–As of Oct. 31 (one month into fiscal year 2023), REVENUE was $139K above projections, and EXPENDITURES were $12K less than projected.

ITEM 13: Citizens Participation—2 PEOPLE SPOKE (One was rather testy, but there was no argument, shouting, or fisticuffs—progress!)

ITEM 15: Acceptance of the Nov. 8 election’s passage of Proposition A/Lakeway Transportation Bond– UNANIMOUSLY PASSED.

ITEM 16: Payment of $3,222,096.70 to TXDOT, being Lakeway’s previously agreed 10% share of costs associated with acquiring the right of way needed for the upcoming widening of Highway 620– UNANIMOUSLY PASSED.

ITEM17: Special Use Permit for a Short Term Rental at 4 Casa Verde–UNANIMOUSLY PASSED.

ITEM 18: Special Use Permit for a Short Term Rental at 105 Palos Verdes–UNANIMOUSLY PASSED.

ITEM 19: Special Use Permit (term of 99 years) for Haythem Dawlett to build (and sell condo units from) 2 new hangers at the airpark–UNANIMOUSLY PASSED with a limit of 4 planes per hanger and requiring the new hangers to match existing hangers in design and exterior color.

ITEM 20: Special Use Permit (term of 30 years) for a liquor store at 2303 RR 620 South (Vista Ridge Shopping Center, by Randalls) –UNANIMOUSLY PASSED. (How many liquor stores does Lakeway need? I think this will be #4 or #5….)

ITEM 21: Final Plat of Lakeway Highlands Phase 3 Section 7, in Rough Hollow–UNANIMOUSLY PASSED.

ITEM 22: Second Reading (and vote on) a request that the City of Lakeway vacate an undeveloped portion of Sparrow Lane extending north of Dave Drive and abutting Lot 99 of Cardinal Hills Subdivision, Unit 4, then selling the land to the owner of Lot 99 (the land’s value being $55,221 per the lot owner but $96,510 per the city)—request was UNANIMOUSLY DENIED.

ITEM 26: Revising the ordinance as to storm sewers and illicit discharge of materials–UNANIMOUSLY PASSED.

ITEM 27: Changing Council meetings BACK to 6:30PM start time—PASSED 5:1 (Byrnteson against), with the proviso that regular meetings return to the good old 6:30PM start time in JANUARY.

ITEM 28: Additional Citizens Participation, if needed–NONE. 


View the Agenda, Meeting Packet, and/or Presentation (scrolling down to City Council documents) here: 

Go here to watch the Council meeting online:

Council Will Meet Monday, Dec. 5, 6PM, at City Hall.

Consequential Agenda items include: 

ITEM 5: Transportation Bond Update.

ITEM 6: FY 2022 Budget Amendment.

ITEM 7: Update on RM 620 overlay zoning district project (staff having completed Task 1 of 5 Tasks).

ITEM 8: Amendments to Tree Ordinance.

View the Agenda, Meeting Packet, and/or Presentation (scrolling down to City Council documents) here: 

Go here to watch the Council meeting online (live or later):—Meetings-Events

Daring Mighty Things

The Artemis I mission is going well.  Orion left lunar orbit as planned on Dec. 1.  It is scheduled to return to Earth and splashdown in the Pacific Ocean on Dec 11.


Above, with Earth very far away, Artemis’ capsule Orion looms over the moon, getting within 81 miles from the surface before sling-shotting into orbit.


Here, while flying in a distant retrograde lunar orbit last week, Orion views both the moon and Earth.

Back to me….  

Another busy holiday season…. 

Remember to keep pets safe.

Here are recent photos I took of our herd. 

White-tail deer in Lakeway, TX.

The Coronavirus   

Worldwide, vaccination rates vary widely by region.

In China, unprecedented public protests against the government’s stringent Covid policy started at Beijing universities but spread to Shanghai and throughout the massive country.  Protestors are daring to call for democracy and the end of permanent President Xi Jinping’s rule.  Despite the precaution of holding up BLANK signs, oppressive government forces track citizens via their phones and have responded by beating protesters in the streets and arresting them in droves.  Unlike any other country in the world, China has enforced strict restrictions for close to THREE YEARS.  The last straw may have been a fire in an apartment building, killing a dozen people who were trapped inside by Covid blockades.  Beijing schools switched to online teaching as of Nov. 21, with residents of several districts required to limit their movements as the city’s Covid cases climbed.  The south China city of Guangzhou locked down its largest district on Nov. 21; in-person classes and public transit were suspended, with residents required to present a negative test to leave their homes.  As China’s death rate climbs, the government is pressing the elderly to get vaccinated; that cohort is the most vulnerable yet has the lowest vaccination rate.

In Australia, cases doubled during November, and hospitalizations rose 20%.  Authorities predict the surge there will peak by Christmas.

In the US, in the last 2 weeks, new cases and hospitalizations rose sharply.  See the chart below for current stats. The national testing positivity rate rose to 11%.

This increase in cases and hospitalizations is the norm for this time of year, with Thanksgiving travel and gathering, plus winter weather keeping people indoors.  The entire country is affected, with California and New Mexico seeing the strongest surges. 

Incredibly, only 15% of Americans have gotten the new bivalent booster.  This shot was created to fight the current Omicron variants.  The data shows it works—reducing the infection rate and making severe disease/hospitalization/death far less likely.  GET THE NEW BOOSTER.  All the local pharmacies have it, so the process is easy, quick, and free.  GET IT NOW, so you and those you love are protected over the Christmas holiday. 

After over a year, Omicron variants (BQ.1 and BQ.1.1 at present) still dominate the pandemic.  Omicron first made news LAST Thanksgiving, taking over as the new big bad variant, after Delta had held sway since summer of 2021. In the US as of the end of November, our variant soup includes once-dominant BA.5 accounting for just 19% of new cases. Its descendant BQ.1 accounts for 28%, with its offspring, BQ.1.1., causing 29% of new cases. Thirteen other Omicron subvariants make up the rest.

Princess Cruises, Carnival Cruise Lines and Royal Caribbean reinstated mask mandates and other restrictions after recent Covid outbreaks on cruise ships.

The FDA has revoked Covid authorization for the monoclonal antibody known as bebtelovimab (manufactured by Eli Lilly), because it is not effective against the current Omicron variants.  This treatment was previously used to good effect on immune-compromised patients unable to take the oral antiviral Paxlovid.

Twitter users beware.  Per the new and chaotic management: “Effective November 23, 2022, Twitter is no longer enforcing the COVID-19 misleading information policy.”

In Texas, in the last 2 weeks, hospitalizations rose by 49%.  See the chart below for current stats. The positivity test rate rose to 12%.

Recent Covid Articles I Recommend

FDA pulls Covid antibody treatment because it’s not effective against dominant omicron variants 12/1/22

Happy Birthday, Omicron 11/26/22

RSV, covid and flu push hospitals to the brink — and it may get worse 11/20/22

Nov. 19, 2022 Holiday doings and more in Lakeway including multiple Council meetings and other official business, super space news including a new moonshot, women’s rights updates, local deer photos, and Covid news (statistics, trends including new physical symptoms and long-term mental health issues, and recent articles), and more.

What is going on in Lakeway? 

Art Exhibit at Lake Travis Community Library

For all of November and December, Lake Travis Community Library’s meeting room will display award-winning entries and honorable mentions from the annual Teen Read Week Art Contest.  Participants created original art inspired by personal reading experiences. Friends of the Library provided cash prizes.

Lights Out, Texas! Through the end of November, please.

Audubon Texas urges Texans to turn off exterior lights where possible during the fall bird migration, 11PM-6AM, Aug. 15-Nov. 30.

As they say: “Each year during fall and spring migrations, nearly two billion birds travel through Texas in one of the planet’s greatest wildlife spectacles. This fall, one in every three birds migrating through the U.S. will pass through Texas from August 15 through November 30.” Go here for more:


LTLov’s Green Santa gives toys and assistance to Lake Travis children and families at or below the poverty line.  YOU can help by dropping off donations at Lake Travis Community Library by Wed., Nov. 30.  Suggested gifts include sports equipment, dolls, puzzles and games, gift cards, toddler toys, and art supplies.  Cash donations can be made via Venmo or checks payable to LTLov. (See the Sing Along entry below for another opportunity to donate.)

Lights On!

On Friday, Dec. 2, 6-8PM, Lakeway’s Lights On marks the official beginning of the holiday season, with the first lighting of the Trail of Lights behind City Hall (located at Lohman’s Crossing and Sailmaster; park at City Hall or the adjacent Activity Center).  Santa and Mrs. Claus will of course be on hand, supervising the cookie decorating, marshmallow roasting, Reindeer Games, music, and more.  All FREE, but please bring non-perishable food items to benefit Lake Travis Crisis Ministries.  All the fun stuff is detailed here:

Lakeway Sing Along Christmas Show for Green Santa

On Dec. 4, there will be TWO performances at the Lakeway Activity Center of the Sing Along’s Annual Green Santa Performance.  Choose from 2PM and 4PM.  Price of admission is an unwrapped gift for a child 17 or under.

Polar Express + Train Rides

On Dec. 9, 6-8PM, Lakeway Parks and Rec will present “The Polar Express” along with trackless train rides, in the City Hall parking lot (1102 Lohmans Crossing).  Wear holiday PJs and bring lawn chairs and snacks to this FREE event.  Hot chocolate and smores will be provided.

History of Lakeway Bus Tours

Usually held in spring, these popular bus tours will be offered on Friday, January 20, 2023.  Choose from 9:15AM, 11:15AM, and 1:15PM.  Register NOW for this FREE event, which is expected to fill up quickly.  More info and the registration link are here:

Lake Travis Community Library DELIVERS

For those homebound due to mobility or medical issues, staff members deliver books, DVDs, audios and more, on a monthly basis and FREE.  Call (512) 263-2885 to get started.

Veterans Day Video

IF you missed Lakeway’s Nov. 11 Veterans Day ceremony, watch the video here:

Mayor Kilgore’s Facebook Update

The mayor gave a live update on Nov. 17, just 10 minutes long.  Go here to watch:

Transportation Bond PASSES

Approximately 10,196 Lakeway residents voted in the Nov. 8 election.  Lakeway’s Prop A passed with 66.71% of the vote.  Most of the bond funds will go toward culvert improvements, traffic lights, and resurfacing and depth repair for existing streets, but $4 million could be used to build out and add a bridge to Birrell Street (assuming Stratus fulfills its obligation to build Main Street through its tract behind HEB).

Council Met on Nov. 7

All members were present on the dais.  RESULTS:

ITEM 5: Officer pinning ceremony. Chief Koen introduced 2 NEW OFFICERS and 2 NEWLY PROMOTED OFFICERS to the city.  Go here and watch the first few minutes of the proceedings to meet these officers:

ITEM 6: Texas Special Olympics 2023 requests $200,000 from the Hotel Occupancy Tax Fund.  APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY, with the proviso the applicant must correct its submission form to show funds to be used for advertising as state law allows for HOT funds.

ITEM 7: Lady Cavalier’s Holiday Basketball Tournament requests $56,000 from the Hotel Occupancy Tax Fund. POSTPONED until the Nov. 21 meeting, at the request of staff, so the submission form can be revised.

ITEM 8: Annexation of the section of Bee Creek Road from the Highlands Blvd. traffic circle to State Highway 71.  APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY.

ITEM 10: Revising Code of Ethics as to gifts received by city employees, including police officers.  After extensive and often heated discussion, the ordinance change suggested by Ethics Committee was APPROVED, by a vote of 4:3 (Kilgore, Vance and Kumar opposing), but with several material additions, changes and deletions.  As to the most controversial issue on gift reporting and transparency, the city review committee was scrapped, as was employee reporting of gifts received.  Instead, a charity giving more than $3,000 per year must file a report with the city, just listing the number of gifts and the total given (with no identifying or personal information on the recipient). In my view, Lakeway’s exemplary Code of Ethics was gutted by the vote of 4 Council members.

ITEM 11: Revising the penalty ordinance against night flying to comply with recent changes to the Aviation Code defining terms, as well as specifying a maximum fee of $500 per offense. Again, after heated discussion, this PASSED 4:3 (Trecker, Brynteson and Szimanski opposing).

NOTE: This is NOT a happy Council, nor—in my opinion–a well-functioning body.  As they say, one bad apple spoils the whole barrel.  Also, elections matter.


View the Agenda, Meeting Packet and/or Presentation (scrolling down to City Council documents) here: 

Go here to watch the Council meeting online:

Council meets Monday, Nov. 21 at 6:00pm, at City Hall.

Topics include building more hangers at the airpark, a 2nd reading of the request that the city vacate and sell a lot in Cardinal Hills, paying Lakeway’s $3MIL share of right-of-way fees to expand 620, several special use permits, another Exec Session on filling the City Manager job, and more.

Consequential Agenda items include: 

ITEM 11: Proclaiming Nov. 26 as Small Business Saturday.

ITEM 12: Financial Report.

ITEM 13: Citizens Participation (up to 30 minutes, with more time at end of meeting, if needed).  [Behave, people, if only in appreciation of this item being returned to the front of the Agenda, after several ugly episodes got it banished to the end of the night.]

ITEM 15: Canvassing the election returns as to Proposition A/Lakeway Transportation Bond.

ITEM 16: Payment of $3,222,096.70 to TXDOT, being Lakeway’s previously agreed 10% share of costs associated with acquiring the right of way needed for the upcoming widening of Highway 620.

ITEM17: Special Use Permit for a Short Term Rental at 4 Casa Verde.

ITEM 18: Special Use Permit for a Short Term Rental at 105 Palos Verdes.

ITEM 19: Special Use Permit (term of 99 years) for Haythem Dawlett to build and operate 2 new hangers at the airpark.

ITEM 20: Special Use Permit (term of 30 years) for a liquor store at 2303 RR 620 South (Vista Ridge Shopping Center, by Randalls).

ITEM 21: Final Plat of Lakeway Highlands Phase 3 Section 7, in Rough Hollow.

ITEM 22: Second Reading (and vote on) a request that the City of Lakeway vacate an undeveloped portion of Sparrow Lane extending north of Dave Drive and abutting Lot 99 of Cardinal Hills Subdivision, Unit 4, then selling the land to the owner of Lot 99 (the land’s value being $55,221 per the lot owner but $96,510 per the city).

ITEM 26: Revising the ordinance as to storm sewers and illicit discharge of materials.

ITEM 27: Changing Council meetings BACK to 6:30PM start time. (Looking forward to the interesting story that must come with this one.)

ITEM 28: Additional Citizens Participation, if needed.

ITEM 29: Executive Session re: filling City Manager position.

View the Agenda, Meeting Packet, and/or Presentation (scrolling down to City Council documents) here: 

Go here to watch the Council meeting online (live or later):—Meetings-Events

Daring Mighty Things

Success!  Artemis 1 blasted off in the wee hours of Nov. 16.  After 4 delays (2 technical, 2 due to hurricanes) in September and October, this much-anticipated launch was flawless.  Artemis will reach the moon on Nov. 21, orbit it at various altitudes, and then head back home, splashing down in the Pacific Ocean on Dec. 11.  The uncrewed flight is a massive test of current technology, including a dozen mannequins (NASA calls them Moonikins) on board equipped with sensors registering force, temperature, radiation and much more, to help NASA prepare for later flights carrying astronauts to the moon and beyond.  This article details what the mission will include and when:


The above image shows Artemis in space, an hour after launch, with Earth peering up from the lower right.  Part of the space capsule, known as Orion, is shown in its own external camera view, specifically its Orbital Maneuvering System engine, auxiliary engines, and solar array.  This shot was taken when the craft was 57,000 miles from Earth (about 20% of the way to the moon), while traveling at nearly 5,500 mph.

Duff Goldman of charmcitycakes

Before launch, Artemis 1 fed a LOT of people with a sweet tooth.  This image shows a replica made of CAKE in the foreground, with the actual rocket in back.  The cake version was 3’ tall, while the rocket assembly stood well over 300’ high. 

NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI, Kristen McQuinn (Rutgers University)/Alyssa Pagan (STScI) and Zolt Levay (STScI)

Above is the Webb telescope’s new image of Wolf–Lundmark–Melotte, a dwarf galaxy positioned 3 million miles away from Earth.  Aside from being so very pretty, the galaxy—located in the constellation of Cetus–is one of the most remote members of the local galaxy group that contains our galaxy. Being isolated and without interaction with other galaxies, WLM is perfect for the study of how stars evolve in smaller galaxies.

The History Channel

Divers off the coast of Florida filming a History Channel documentary on downed World War II aircraft discovered a huge sheet of wreckage from Challenger, the space shuttle that exploded shortly after launch in 1986, killing all 7 astronauts aboard.  Partly buried in the sandy bottom, the debris measures well over 15’X15’ and is the largest remnant of the tragedy discovered in decades.  Recovery measures are underway.

 With liberty and justice for all … except women.

Five states—California, Michigan, Vermont, Kentucky and Montana—had abortion-related propositions on the Nov. 8 ballot.  In all five states, voters chose to protect a woman’s right to choose.  Voters deliver ringing endorsement of abortion rights on midterm ballot initiatives across the US  11/9/22

On the other hand, the abortion pill that many women have turned to after being denied access to surgical abortion is now under attack by the right.  Anti-abortion organizations sued HHS and the FDA (in a Texas court, of course) on Nov. 18, trying to reverse the FDA’s approval of the abortion medication mifepristone. The drug was approved 22 years ago.  Anti-abortion groups seek to overturn FDA approval of abortion pill 11/18/22

Back to me….  

I’m both shocked and disgusted overall by the election results in Texas.  Other states had both high turnout and sensible voting when the vital issues of abortion rights and election denial were on the ballot.  Yet, Texas had LESS voter turnout—with notably few younger voters–than in the 2018 mid-terms.  AND, by and large, the same tired and corrupt GOP hacks won yet again in Texas—despite our state leaders limiting voting rights AND stripping away the right to abortion here a full year before the Supreme Court did that to the rest of the country.  Also—despite Beto O’Rourke providing the often demanded young and fresh political option.  Maybe Texas is just a lost cause.

Also, I’m still unnerved by those couple hours last week when it looked like the US could well be at war with Russia.  While that missile strike in Poland/NATO territory now seems to have been a tragic accident, so much remains on edge, with bad actors and simple human error always in the mix. 

HAPPY THANKSGIVING!  It is officially time to stress out over the holidays….  Pet owners, remember to keep them safe during this hectic holiday. (The items listed below are dangerous to CATS, as well as to dogs.)

Also, KEEP YOUR PETS AND ANY VISITING PETS SAFE AND INDOORSCoyotes are always in and around Lakeway, but there have been frequent sightings lately.  That is common this time of year, when coyote pups are old enough to be out and about on their own.  Cats and small dogs are easy prey for coyotes.  City of Lakeway’s website has extensive wildlife info, including a coyote page with good info on keeping pets and people safe.

Local social media posts report several bucks being hit by cars in Lakeway recently.  Rut season continues through December, with bucks chasing does, often across our roads.  PLEASE DRIVE CAREFULLY, especially around dawn and dusk.  Install deer whistles (under $10 at auto stores or from Amazon) on your vehicle.  At night, use high beams.  If you see ONE deer, look for MORE deer.  SLOW DOWN.

Here are recent photos I took of our herd. For some reason, my close sightings lately were all does.

Whitetail deer in Lakeway, TX

The Coronavirus   

Worldwide, 12.96 billion shots have been given, with 65% of the planet’s population fully vaccinated. 

This chart shows the vaccination types and rates for regions around the world.

China reacted to concern over its growing economic downturn by relaxing very slightly some of its long-term Covid restrictions.  In an effort to ease international travel, people entering China will quarantine for 8 days instead of 10 days; testing is also reduced and penalties on airlines removed.  Domestically, contact tracing has been limited, which should reduce the mass testing that previously led to millions of people abruptly held under government quarantine. However, “zero Covid” remains China’s official policy.

In the US, in the last 2 weeks, new cases and hospitalizations continued slowly rising, while deaths dropped.  See the chart below for current stats. The national testing positivity rate rose slightly to 8.4%.

As for vaccinations in the US, 68.5% of the entire population is fully vaccinated.

Roughly half the country is seeing flat or dropping case numbers, with the other half showing a rise in cases.  Generally, southwestern states have the highest rates.  Experts expect the usual winter surge to hit in force soon after the traveling and gathering associated with Thanksgiving.  This would be less of an issue if more people had gotten the new booster that protects against the current variants.

Cruise ships are STILL not safe.  On Nov. 13, Carnival’s Majestic Princess docked in Sydney, Australia, with over 800 Covid-positive passengers.

As of mid-November, Omicron subvariants BQ.1 and BQ.1.1 made up 45% of cases in the country, up from about 33 percent one week previously.

While dominant variant BQ.1.1 has not turned out to cause cases any more severe than its predecessors, BQ.1.1 is resistant to monoclonal antibodies (Evusheld and Bebtlelovimab) that worked well against the other Omicron variants. That means we now lack preventive therapy for immunocompromised people, as well as backup therapy when Paxlovid isn’t successful.

Studies show the usual Covid symptoms remain—cough, loss of smell, sore throat, fever, exhaustion.  But, some odd symptoms are being reported, as well.  These include hair loss, body numbness or tingling, purple blisters on the feet, hairy tongue (actually, a fuzzy overgrowth of cells), and more.

While the chaos, uncertainty and stress caused by the pandemic aggravated mental health issues for pretty much everyone, it did so specifically for those infected by Covid-19.  A large 2021 study found that over 50% of Americans with Covid reported symptoms of major depressive disorder after a coronavirus infection.  Symptoms arose up to a year after diagnosis.  Experts point out that Covid’s effects on the brain are myriad and not yet understood; patients can get depression, strokes, anxiety, memory disorders and sensory disorders, while some suffer no neurological or psychiatric conditions.

A large study done last spring by Veterans Affairs found that Paxlovid treatment reduced the incidence of Long Covid by 26%.

Covid funding is up to Congress.  The Biden administration has asked Congress to approve $8 billion in funding to prepare for a domestic Covid-19 winter surge, plus $1 billion to aid the global vaccination effort.  In addition, $4 billion would go toward developing next-generation vaccines and therapeutics through Project Warp Speed.  Without an infusion of funds, it is unlikely the US will produce the two most coveted kinds of next-generation vaccines: nasal sprays that can block more infections, and universal coronavirus shots to defend against a wider array of ever-evolving variants.

U.S. special climate envoy John Kerry tested positive for Covid-19 on Nov. 18 while at the global climate talks in Egypt.  He is fully vaccinated and boosted and experiencing mild symptoms; Mr. Kerry is self-isolating and meeting with others remotely to wrap up negotiations.

In Texas, in the last 2 weeks, new cases jumped by a whopping 57%, while hospitalizations and deaths rose somewhat.  See the chart below for current stats. The positivity test rate rose to 7.1%

Only 62% of all Texas residents are fully vaccinated. 

Recent Covid Articles I Recommend

The End of Vaccines at ‘Warp Speed’ 11/18/22

5 Unusual Covid Symptoms–and what to do about them 11/16/22

As the Pandemic Drags On, Americans Struggle for New Balance 11/14/22

Cruise ship with 800 Covid-positive passengers docks in Sydney 11/13/22

Covid Depression Is Real. Here’s What You Need to Know 11/12/22

Masks Cut Covid Spread in Schools, Study Finds 11/10/22

Covid Patients Coming Off Ventilators Can Take Weeks to Regain Consciousness 11/7/22

Nirmatrelvir and the Risk of Post-Acute Sequelae of COVID-19  11/5/22

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